WrestleMania Fallout 4/6 - NT WrestleMania Prediction Contest Results Posted! p1

I'm watching the replay right now.Now that I know the outcomes I can enjoy the actual in ring performances more.Kane vs Orton was actually pretty good. First time around I didn't even pay attention to it because I was so angry about the first match.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

now lets focus on NTMania II

link did not work for me, what were the results

Unfortunately the link isn't working for me as well, I'd like to know the results as well. I do know one thing though, friend. It's that we all put on a great show for the audience to remember!
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

now lets focus on NTMania II

link did not work for me, what were the results

Unfortunately the link isn't working for me as well, I'd like to know the results as well. I do know one thing though, friend. It's that we all put on a great show for the audience to remember!

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by bjm5295

Originally Posted by ggarvinXX3




what do they have in common?

cena is the oddball. hogan and austin both beat rock at least once.


pretty sure the rock is 2 - 0 vs hogan

you are absolutely right. i could have sworn hogan won the second one at no way out.
at myself.
I don't see how anyone can say that Jericho and Punk didn't put on the best match of the night.
^ they put on a great match. But HHH/UT was amazing. The story telling/facial expressions/close calls.. it had everything.
Originally Posted by PLVN

I don't see how anyone can say that Jericho and Punk didn't put on the best match of the night.

3rd best match of the night

1. hhh/taker
2. cena/rock

can the rock execute a sharpshooter for once!?
I wasn't impressed with the Cena/Rock match.

Watching them grapple for 40% of the time doesn't do anything for me.
Taker/Hunter Hell in a Cell was epiccccccccccccccccccc in person.

And ya'll already knew my son Dwayne was going to put on a show at the crib...  
Originally Posted by Dade B0Y

Hell in a Cell was epiccccccccccccccccccc in person.

And ya'll already knew my son Dwayne was going to put on a show at the crib...

took any pics?
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by sole searchin

Was there any real doubt in anyone's head that The Rock would actually lose. He wouldn't come back to wrestle, cut promos, only to lose in the biggest event of the year. His ego (and other wrestlers who dont wrestle much) wouldn't allow it.

I was completely surprised Rock won. I thought the whole purpose was to make Cena look good and put him over as this current generation's main guy. LOL I was very wrong.

I know, WWE leaving us very confused. 
This Wrestlemania was pretty good in my opinion, especially since The Rock unexpectedly won. Like someone mentioned before, I felt like a little kid for a few seconds one the ref counted 3. Thumbs up from me.
Rock/Cena was my favorite match. HHH/Undertaker was great also. Punk/Jericho would have been epic if they let Jericho win...I dont know why WWE wont let him be great.
Originally Posted by bonafide125

Rock/Cena was my favorite match. HHH/Undertaker was great also. Punk/Jericho would have been epic if they let Jericho win...I dont know why WWE wont let him be great.

huh? dude is a 6 time world champion
Originally Posted by Rocky437

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by sole searchin

Was there any real doubt in anyone's head that The Rock would actually lose. He wouldn't come back to wrestle, cut promos, only to lose in the biggest event of the year. His ego (and other wrestlers who dont wrestle much) wouldn't allow it.

I was completely surprised Rock won. I thought the whole purpose was to make Cena look good and put him over as this current generation's main guy. LOL I was very wrong.

I know, WWE leaving us very confused. 

u know VKM and his curveballs...loves to outsmart the internet sites and fans' predictions..i kinda knew in the back of my mind that Brock won't appear in Miami....too typical after the news breaks out...that's not Vince's style...if Brock would've appeared then no news would've leaked out prior to...
just got home from Mania.

hired a burly black man in a nissan extera to drive me and my friends there and back for a hundred bucks.

sloshed like a mofo. may be scoring with some mediocore vagina tomorrow. that or the marlins/yanks game.

.....what happened with NTWTMania?
Watched Wrestlemania with the friends and loved the event.

I felt that Daniel Bryan got screwed heavily by only losing to a Brogue Kick.
I completely forgot that Sheamus even won the Royal Rumble to earn that match. Certainly didn't carry over and make me feel like I wanted Sheamus to win or anything. WWE dropped the ball on that one. Some damn April Fool's Prank.

I loved the spot between Punk and Jericho, when Punk attempted the frankensteiner and Jericho countered with the Walls of Jericho.
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

just got home from Mania.

hired a burly black man in a nissan extera to drive me and my friends there and back for a hundred bucks.

sloshed like a mofo. may be scoring with some mediocore vagina tomorrow. that or the marlins/yanks game.

.....what happened with NTWTMania?

You lost, duh.
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