WrestleMania Fallout 4/6 - NT WrestleMania Prediction Contest Results Posted! p1

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

just got home from Mania.

hired a burly black man in a nissan extera to drive me and my friends there and back for a hundred bucks.

sloshed like a mofo. may be scoring with some mediocore vagina tomorrow. that or the marlins/yanks game.

.....what happened with NTWTMania?
So does drinking making wrestling better?
someone write a synopsis of NTWTMania
Originally Posted by Lubu1

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

just got home from Mania.

hired a burly black man in a nissan extera to drive me and my friends there and back for a hundred bucks.

sloshed like a mofo. may be scoring with some mediocore vagina tomorrow. that or the marlins/yanks game.

.....what happened with NTWTMania?
So does drinking making wrestling better?

 I got massively marky and it was absolutely wonderful
Originally Posted by Red Is On NT

I loved the spot between Punk and Jericho, when Punk attempted the frankensteiner and Jericho countered with the Walls of Jericho.

That spot was recycled from Souled Out '98.

Still +%#!*+! incredible and one of my favorite ever.
Can one of you experts explain in detail what's wrong with The Rock's sharpshooter? I don't even watch WWE much, but I can clearly tell it is done wrong. 
That was truly an amazing experience. Everything lived up to what I thought it would be(minus my dude Douche Bryan getting sidelined
). Pretty sure I'm heading up north in a year.

The legs are never "wrapped" right, and it causes the enitre hold to lose any sense of realism.
He cant "crank back" and when he does it looks like a leg lock.
When done correctly you dont have as wide a base as the rock carries, and you have to widen the base to move the opponent to the center of the ring.

For all the crap about Rocky's SS, that STF was the most garbage submission I have ever seen. Rocky even burried his face cause he couldnt pull that acting job off.
Just got back from Wrestlemania. Besides having to pay $40 dollars to park
i enjoyed myself.

The crowd was very into Taker/HHH and Rock/Cena, not so much for CM Punk?Jericho. I thought all three matches were good.

I thought overall the PPV was good. I thought Cena would win for sure, but Im happy Rocky won.
Originally Posted by WILLINC

Just got back from Wrestlemania. Besides having to pay $40 dollars to park
i enjoyed myself.

The crowd was very into Taker/HHH and Rock/Cena, not so much for CM Punk?Jericho. I thought all three matches were good.
Yeah they did us dirty with the parking.

As for the Punk/Jericho match I think people were just tired after the Taker/HHH match. My voice was damn near gone after that
Yuku with the disappearing act again.

I was very satisfied with this WM, not even Khali's presence or D.Bry's burial could have messed it up.

I'm also glad neither Lesnar or Batista showed up during the matches people thought they were goof to show up at.
Them showing up would have taken away from those moments.

How many people predicted The Rock to win cause I know I was one.
I did horrible on my predictions but I did have the rock winning...

Odd to see wwe tweet a pic of sheamus with a new shirt that says hes the new champion at wrestlemania.... Guess they are trying to copy off the super bowl/nba/mlb/nhl but having shirts made up for the team/person who wins a championship...

Great pay per view all around.
Listening to the podcast 4w provided, and I'm really thinking a HHH, Rock match at Mania next year could go over extremely well.

I'm just thinking since they have never been matched up one on one, and we know its bankable....
Rock, Michaels would be the dream match if I had to legit pick one though.

If I'm Vince I'm trying to get
Rock VS Michaels
Austin VS Punk
If Batista and Brock get a build then them in a street fight
Orton vs Bryan
Sheamus VS Jericho
Make the match to get everyone on the card better and keep it moving.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Listening to the podcast 4w provided, and I'm really thinking a HHH, Rock match at Mania next year could go over extremely well.

I'm just thinking since they have never been matched up one on one, and we know its bankable....

They need to throw in Tripe H, Undertaker, the Rock, and Stonecold in an Elimination Chamber match.
Originally Posted by sickickz23

^ if you're not including SS 98...but that was a long time

It was a gimmick match , and I'm talking about Mania
I think certain people would be like thats all 2000 really was, and it got oversaturated.
But I picked that one since its the one that everyone would agree to.

The way Shawn is acting about life, the only person he would have a match with is HHH, and I still think Shawn owes Dwayne a Mania match.

Shawn talked greezy about Dwayne's grandmother back in the 90's and Dwayne refused to have a match with Shawn. They some what recent were able to squash the beef. We never got to see a legitimate potiental amazing match, and if Shawn is still physically able to go its easy money for VKM imo.

AM I the only one who thinks WWE has too many people who deserve legitimate WM time.
SMH @ The Rock always treating the Sharpshooter like the WWE version of the Liontamer 
They did my boy D-Bry dirty, on some Diesel vs Backlund 95 sh*t

Orton/Kane was decent, but very pointless

Big Show winning ANY belt in 2012? Not right at all.

Sidenote, why does he keep rocking that beanie? Nobody will buy it, only people rocking it are the kids he gives it to 

Taker/Trips was dope, Taker stealing the WM spotlight 4 years in a row 

Punk/Jericho was cool too, dope reversals, Chris was on his WCW sh*t

DID NOT expect Rocky to win. Kinda felt bad for Cena, oh well.

All in all, wayyy better than last year's. Really enjoyed it other than the D-Bry fiasco, Diva's match, & Brodus Clay's minstrel show 
Originally Posted by bjm5295

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by bjm5295

cena is the oddball. hogan and austin both beat rock at least once.


pretty sure the rock is 2 - 0 vs hogan

you are absolutely right. i could have sworn hogan won the second one at no way out.
at myself.

The Rock is my favorite wrestler of all time. It's sad knowing he couldn't get it done against The Great Goldberg.
It's 2:30am ET. I'm just getting back to my hotel which was about 20 minutes away. Miami's transportation system is awful. 
 Had to take an airport shuttle from the stadium to the airport then catch another shuttle back to the hotel. Spent about $75 on travel to and from Wrestlemania today. F'ing ridiculous. And Sun Life is terrible. Thank god they're taking the show back to a proper stadium next year at Metlife. No wonder the Dolphins still suck. The stadium is out in west bubble**** away from all the glitz and glamour that they show in the WM promos. If it wasn't for Taker/HHH and Rock/Cena I'd be highly disappointed with today's events.
-Taker/HHH III is now one of my favorite matches of all time. Those 3 showed us why they are where they are with that match. I can't wait to watch it again.

-Punk/Y2J was good but it should've gone on before Taker's match. Instant nostalgia when they hit that Frankensteiner to Walls of Jericho spot.

-Mind blown at the Rock/Cena finish. Made no sense to do what they did considering nothing will change with Cena's character.

-They really got to do something about the order of the matches. PPV's back in the day used to always build towards the Championship/specialty matches. Now it's so dumb. Put the best match in the middle. The non title most hyped match at the end while the titles change hands at the beginning of the show. Makes no sense at all. The divas are incredibly nice to look at and I respect what the WWE does with their wide range of talent but there's no need for weak matches on a Wrestlemania card. Everything between Taker/HHH and Rock/Cena seemed tame because of the energy that those 5 superstars put into their matches and got out of the audience.

-Super NT Summit for WM29 @ Metlife. My body is ready.
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