Wrestling Thread 2/24-3/2 | Feb 28 NXT Arrival 8pm ET On The Network | THE NETWORK IS LIVE

What is the actual link to sign up? Because I can't get to it for some reason.
Will the network feature any of Chynas tapes


I don't know. If they don't, just look at this picture and focus on ALF's nose and you'll get the idea.
Can't wait to hear Coles fact's tonight. Most site traffic ever in the history of sports entertainment.
There needs to be a drinking game for how many times Cole mentions the WWE Network.
Not having first run Raw is a huge deal to me... Not having cable, this was the single biggest thing that excited me... I'm very disappointed by this... Raw on Hulu is a joke...
Not having first run Raw is a huge deal to me... Not having cable, this was the single biggest thing that excited me... I'm very disappointed by this... Raw on Hulu is a joke...

Wait..they're not going to show RAW on there tonight?
if anyone would prefer not paying monthly, you can gift this to yourself. It's a one time cost of $120 for the year.
I did this, but I have not received my activation email yet.

Calling the help line has been no help.

Can anyone help me out here?
Flair confirmed for tonight.

Jake the snake announces he has cancer. Hope he pulls through.
The bright side of this lag and errors are that they have a month and a week or so to fix it in time for Mania, imagine them launching it on the day of WM :x

I'll be purchasing this when I get off of work and watch all the Mania's from beginning leading up to XXX
WWE Network is on Apple TV!! YES! And you can pay through Itunes.
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