Wrestling Thread 2/24-3/2 | Feb 28 NXT Arrival 8pm ET On The Network | THE NETWORK IS LIVE

With the network, it's impossible to get anything done...

I've been trying to get my laundry "done" for the last 4 hours.

On a side note, they are completely butching these ECW themes. 
Though I can't see it right now, hopefully Christina Von Eerie (Toxxin in TNA) gets a shot in the WWE sometime

Her facing her husband in a CZW match. If she does make it to the WWE, I hope she's not beaten and battered by then if she's doing matches like this




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You sir are @#$%*#& awesome for that :smokin

Just signed up for the network at work....not a lot getting done :lol: . And when I get home on the 360 my life will be consumed for GOOD.

Not sure if you've been following, but the network the Xbox 360 has been having problems. I don't think anyone has been able to stream.
Question...about to cop me && my lil bro's tix for the last Raw before Mania...what's the better buy: lower level suite or camera side seats?? (Sec. 112 for the Verizon Center/DC folks)
the ref during the michaels and jannetty match in the 93 royal rumbe is wearing the black/red 7s :smokin
Anyone running the network through PS3 care to showe how to locate the HHH beyond the ring? Search feature and the beyond the ring section are failing me
Ahhh, I see. Was watching that Stone Cold one and figured they were all up there.

Thanks for the quick heads up and saving me any frustration
I just started watching again...and maybe someone can answer this. What's with the booking? Are they just not listening to fans or is it a deferred gratification thing? The product is better than what I saw a couple years ago but there's definitely room for improvement since the roster looks much better. Best thing they got going (on purpose) is the Shield and Wyatt stables.
This Batista match is terrible. How is he gonna go over Randy Orton's boring style? Crowd is gonna be restless if Bryan isn't in there--especially if he's buried by the shovel.
Question. I see ECW Hardcore TV episodes on the schedule for the next few days, once the show airs, will they be placed in the ECW Hardcord TV pool? Because right now I only see 4 episodes listed in the pool
There's being booed because you're a good heel. And there's being booed because you're worthless on the mic and in the ring. That was like one of those random matches on WWE 2K14 that you didn't really feel like playing after starting. Terrible.
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