Wrestling Thread 2/24-3/2 | Feb 28 NXT Arrival 8pm ET On The Network | THE NETWORK IS LIVE

I honestly don't want Punk back if he's going to be thrown into the title match. No reason he deserves it since he basically whined his way there. Let Bryan have the shine *sigh*
Oh god not even 2 posts and spoiled :lol:


I hope if Punk agreed to a new deal, that the one condition he agreed to was to go over Shovel at WMXXX
I don't like that spoiler being released. It's gonna take away a little from the experience. Just swallow some of this news man instead of being a big wig.

Zayn kicking out at 1 to the finish of the match is some gold, man. I loved the way things wrapped up from that point on.
WWE News: Tensai Name Change
- Tensai was announced at the NXT Tapings in is commentator role as Jason Albert.

Imo, the best way Raw ends is like this... Batista is doing his entrance... Lights go out for spotlight, but take like 15 seconds... Spotlight comes on and Punk has Batista in a submission...
Just watched regal vs cesaro on nxt from I think the beginning of the year. Great great match the psychology and selling from both guys was top notch. Regal selling his leg sleeping (insert nt hat smoking smiley)
My goodness at that Scott Hall tweet.

Kind ironic coming from him since he's been on the verge of the death himself several times over the years.
When were the legend killer randy Orton days? I was out of the WWF loop for about a decade.

Best PPV's from the last decade?
Jesus Christ GHIMS :lol:

When were the legend killer randy Orton days? I was out of the WWF loop for about a decade.

Best PPV's from the last decade?

Legend Killer Orton was parts of 05, possibly the end of 04 and 05

WM 25
Extreme Rules 2012 (had Punk/Jericho, Lesnar/Cena & Sheamus/Bryan)
MITB 2011 (had Punk/Cena)
Probably Unforgiven 2008
Backlash 04
WM 20
Backlash 05 (somewhat)

Somebody else help me out here :lol:
Eff it, wasn't going to get the WWE network but y'all seem to be having a great time with it so i'll order.
Best way to bring Punk back right now wont happen because HHH wont wrestle on Raw, but humor me. 

Bryan humiliates/forces HHH to wrestle him in a NO DQ match with the stipulation that he gets into the Title match @ WM. Whether its saying hes hiding behind the suit and he "Cant Go" anymore. It really doesnt matter since the fans will eat up any chance they get to put Bryan in the title match.

Shovel's pulling out all the stops; chairs, sledgehammers, NAO interference (to bring that full circle since they were kind of the initial kickoff to the Punk/HHH feud). Just kind of destroying Bryan like the old HHH, to show him you never disrespect the Authority. 

Then all of sudden Punk just comes out from the crowd, clears out the NAO. HHH chases him from the ring, all while Bryan is setting up in the corner for the running knee. He hits the knee and wins the match putting him in the title match @ WM and setting up Punk/HHH like it was initially intended. 

Have the Outlaws pull HHH form the ring and go back up the ramp and just have a stare down with Punk/Bryan in the ring and HHH/Outlaws at the top of the ramp. Let punk do an off the top Promo about how its time everyone in the back has to take control and stop The Authorities gross abuse of power that they've been using since Summerslam. And if he has to kick HHH's *** @ WM to kick start the movement then thats what he's gonna do. 

End the show with the Crowd going nuts with YES! and CM PUNK chants @ a deafening level. 
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