Wrestling Thread 2022 | Mods Please Lock This Thread

It was cool seeing Austin do his thing, but mans was moving at half-speed during that "match".
Would be significantly more inclined to attend 2 4 hour shows than 1 7 hour show or whatever the New York mania was. That was hell. Started drinking at like 11AM and the triple threat didn’t end til 1AM or so. Then the mess getting out. WOAT Mania venue.
Man, this is probably as pleased as I've been overall with a Mania in years. Just a good fun show that kept building to that main event. The whole Cody thing was awesome. Couldn't be any more happy for Kevin Steen right now.

This X 100.

Taz had to be a **** the other day about the Owens/Austin program.
Feel bad for my guy Boogz :frown: to be the opening match and your knee gives out. I don’t know if he had issues with that in the past but I understand going for that moment.

I’m good on anything Ronda going forward and I’m done also with caring about Charlotte. This build and the match was just meh on steroids for me.

Becky/Bianca match deliver more than the build.

Cody. I’ll wait and see really where this goes. I’m not a believer in that he will used as WWE Champ or Universal anytime soon.

Austin gave us more than I thought and I’m happy as hell for KO :rofl:he got to close Mania with his idol. Send that man home for the summer he won 2022 easily.
Also, where at 2-2 for men and women who have won the Rumble and then loses the Mania match correct? Imo there has been no significant pay off with either winner losing at Mania and the matches after? :rofl:What is the point of the Rumble win just to sell/gain attention for the Mania match! Meh
It was cool seeing Austin do his thing, but mans was moving at half-speed during that "match".
He seemed to be picking up speed when he started downing beers as the match went on. The early parts of that match were tough to watch lol.

Splitting the manias in two nights was a great idea. Gives everything more time to breathe and not extremely exhausting watching the shows.
Lucha Logan still smiling while getting skull crusher finaled was :lol:

He’s meant to be in WWE with his whole shtick. Makes too much money to be tied down to wrestling though.
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