Wrestling Thread 2022 | Mods Please Lock This Thread

Dude would have the worst luck of all time if he had to miss this show on top of a global pandemic hitting when he was going on his Rumble-win to Mania victory.
EYE just want A&W to be what they should be. They have the blueprint. They got a massive influx of talent simply off Vince’s incompetence. Those things make me hold them to a bit of a higher standard.

But they do A LOT of goofy stuff. Some great stuff. But A LOT of goofy.

COULD be great, but IT isn’t.
I will continue to beat the AEW War drum on the path to justice. Those who oppose me will be forced to BendTheKnee. Who here will WWF?

Walk With FellowChuckerMikey?


Especially now.

AEW can beat their drums all they want, WWE has digital beats and digital is where its at.
IT WOOD be hilarious if this were the same person
Would you say this is the biggest battle in Wrestling history?
EYE wood say now is the real "war". Root beer won Round 1 when they buried NXT. Now that Paul has the can't miss layup IT is Round 2. With Tony Yayo geeked outta his mind recently it's even easier for Levesque.
EYE don't see the need to be bringing back all these future endeavored stars. WWE is full of misused talent that can just be re-packaged and freed from the "restraints" that were previously put on them ie. the whole RAM US title division
IT WOOD be hilarious if this were the same person

Its not, Im funny and my takes are educated with 0 bias.

Plus if i was running 2 accounts, i would get perma-banned.

If i do anything wrong even in the slightest im gone for good from the site.

Thats why i was gone all those months, i was in post purgatory, i could only post if the mod approved it.

But i worked to get back and im back.

Back like Jordan, but not wearing the 4-5.

wearing the 2-3.

But I would prefer to get that Kobe number.

1 over Jordan.
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And none of them won, Im a WINNER.

Always have been, always will be.

Im the Bret Hart of winning in NTWT.

Best post there is.
Best post there was.
Best post there ever will be.

Each time I post, DC feels like im putting my shades on him in the front of the crowd.

Thats special, thats me.

No need for 3.
I’m my own person.

I’m not someone with a new account.

I legitimately like AEW and watch every show. Most of my takes are fairly mundane but people only react when I disagree with someone else.

I also like to troll the anti AEW people because a lot of the criticism is so random.

There’s nothing else to it.
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