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So apparently Thunder Rosa has a back injury and not an acl injury. She had previously told Konnan it was her acl and tried to act that she told him it was her back :lol:
I didn’t know calling the match correctly was basement dweeb ****. 🤷🏾‍♂️

Good point.

If that's what you wanna call kissing up to the EVPs then sure.

OK, this is coming from an UNBIASED POV. I would definitely consider myself an AEW fan. I'd be in Chicago right now if my friend hadn't backed out of the trip. I can't stand Excalibur. BTK, not sure where you're getting the sucking up thing, but I do kinda agree with the basement dweeb stuff haha. He goes out of his way to call moves by the most technical name possible, instead of the name that has been used since damn near the beginning of time. A few weeks ago, somebody went to lock up in a Test of Strength and he called it a damn "Greco Roman Knuckle Lock." Same with Suicide Dives. It's just totally unnecessary. We get it. You know lots about wrestling.

My biggest gripe with him EASILY, is his insistence on explaining away every little screw-up that 99% of people would've never noticed if he hadn't tried to explain it away. A couple of weeks back, Danielson did a suicide dive and apparently his toes clipped the ropes. I would've never noticed if Excalibur hadn't screamed "Oh! He caught his feet on the ropes and that caused him to not get all of that tope suicida!" Sht happens dude. Just let it breathe. Unless it's totally OD, just let the botches rock and move on. IMO, trying to explain it away makes it worse.
OK, this is coming from an UNBIASED POV. I would definitely consider myself an AEW fan. I'd be in Chicago right now if my friend hadn't backed out of the trip. I can't stand Excalibur. BTK, not sure where you're getting the sucking up thing, but I do kinda agree with the basement dweeb stuff haha. He goes out of his way to call moves by the most technical name possible, instead of the name that has been used since damn near the beginning of time. A few weeks ago, somebody went to lock up in a Test of Strength and he called it a damn "Greco Roman Knuckle Lock." Same with Suicide Dives. It's just totally unnecessary. We get it. You know lots about wrestling.

My biggest gripe with him EASILY, is his insistence on explaining away every little screw-up that 99% of people would've never noticed if he hadn't tried to explain it away. A couple of weeks back, Danielson did a suicide dive and apparently his toes clipped the ropes. I would've never noticed if Excalibur hadn't screamed "Oh! He caught his feet on the ropes and that caused him to not get all of that tope suicida!" Sht happens dude. Just let it breathe. Unless it's totally OD, just let the botches rock and move on. IMO, trying to explain it away makes it worse.
“He didn’t get all of it!” is one of the worst explanations for botches
Good, extended Rampage will speed up the decline. The show does so terrible, yeah another hour will help.

The funny thing is, AEW does "real wrestling" yet its viewership continues to tumble.

Its makes me smile to see their fans delusionaly try to spin anything and everything positively of this sad wannabe WWE property.
jshortt jshortt which matches are you looking forward to tonight? Both shows.

Unfortunately, I gotta hold off on NXT til tomorrow. Breakker/Bate is at the top of that list though. Should be an interesting mix of styles. Tag match and Ricochet/Melo have my interest as well.

Couple of us are going to a theater again to watch All Out. I almost always enjoy anything the Lucha Bros are in, so the casino ladder match is the one I really want to see, with Starks/Hobbs a close second. I'd be more interested in the Trios match if Kenny was 100%. Women's title match could go either way lol. Curious to see what crazy spot Darby busts out too.
Solid point.

At what point do things get you mad where you change up your entrance or typical style.

That goes back to WWE being so sanitized and scripted that things like that get overlooked. "Just do THE entrance!!!!"
Booking trainwreck. Even has the damn commentator calling IT dumb :lol::smh:

As I've always said, I can't WAIT until he no longer works there so we can know *** he truly felt.

This is A REASON why AEW fans don't like Jim Ross anymore, he is too critical of nonsense.
That goes back to WWE being so sanitized and scripted that things like that get overlooked. "Just do THE entrance!!!!"

As I've always said, I can't WAIT until he no longer works there so we can know *** he truly felt.

This is A REASON why AEW fans don't like Jim Ross anymore, he is too critical of nonsense.

We would have to wait a long time to see what JR would say.

Khan has people sign NDAs.

When Cornette was about to sign with AEW he signed an NDA and still can't talk about it. That was in 2019.
What does Excalibur bring? Basement dweeb knowledge? "Tiger Driver 98"

Schiovane does nothing. Interviews people in the ring and gets shoved to the side.

Aside from this? Not sure. But "they" acted as though this didn't happen and are quick to call any/everything else "MAGA."

We would have to wait a long time to see what JR would say.

Khan has people sign NDAs.

When Cornette was about to sign with AEW he signed an NDA and still can't talk about it. That was in 2019.

I thought Cornette was bitter against AEW because he has always wanted a job there and TK shut that down. That's what the AEW-ites told me. 🤔
If all this Velveteen Dream stuff is true :smh:

Would make for an episode on Dark Side Of The Ring.
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Aside from this? Not sure. But "they" acted as though this didn't happen and are quick to call any/everything else "MAGA."

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