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Why EndGame over Infinity War? I thought Infinity War was the purest representation ever of comic panel to screen.

All of the above are bangers tho I’ve never seen Loki.

I recommend Loki, good series. YOu need it too since there is so much multi versal stuff going on too. it ties everything together.

I loved Infinity War, but everyone coming back to Assemble in EndGame was one of the greatest in theatre moments ive experienced lol
I recommend Loki, good series. YOu need it too since there is so much multi versal stuff going on too. it ties everything together.

I loved Infinity War, but everyone coming back to Assemble in EndGame was one of the greatest in theatre moments ive experienced lol
Loki can’t be anything but good I just struggle caring about the character even in the slightest.

Hoping they can keep the momentum going insane that they’ve gotten this far without using some of the their biggest comic characters. If some of these recent casing rumors are true seems like they can’t miss.

Praying DC takes notes this time around.
I knew there was mentions of him starting a promotion a little while back. Haven’t heard about IT in a while though.

Don’t know if I could imagine a world where Bray would pick THAT over WWE though :lol:
I find it a stretch as well, but I’ve always heard good thing ls avout FPJ and I could see him giving Rotunda a ton of creative freedom..
Nice touch by Liv


She said in the post-press conference she had never even watched SS ‘92

Drew doing Karaoke after taking that L was like doing a jersey swap with the team who just beat you in the playoffs
She said in the post-press conference she had never even watched SS ‘92

Drew doing Karaoke after taking that L was like doing a jersey swap with the team who just beat you in the playoffs

Wouldn't shock me if she didn't watch it but it was clear inspiration from Sherri.

Pics most likely.
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FellowchuckerMikey FellowchuckerMikey

What are your thoughts on the “news” about Melaika Black?
It’s hard to know what to make of it with the all the conflicting reports. As a fan, I just hope he’s ok mentally and physically moving forward.

I still think AEW is the best place for him but whatever he thinks is best for him I hope that’s where he ends up.

I’ll watch him whether it’s AEW WWE or elsewhere.

That being said if I’m Tony Khan I couldn’t just grant him a release. I’d give him all the time he needs tho.
The PPV was fire outside of Liv/Shayna?

Shay Miss and GOON THER was a banger?

Dominick Batista Bomb’d his daddy?

I enjoyed the build to that match, I hated the disrespect they showed the best missle dropkick of all time and at the time top seller in the game Brie Bella by having her lose to Steph. The Nikki turn was so stupid.
So nobody else thought the opening match was clunky, went a little too long and seemed like the timing was off the whole way? Just me?
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