Wrestling Thread 2022 | Mods Please Lock This Thread

Welp Mandy was in her MAGA attire so the result isn't surprising.
Blair Davenport/Bea Priestley

Used to be with Ocean Spray iirc
From here on out she will be Blair Vachon..

Giving Mandy the W is almost as embarrassing as letting Alexis/Liv win anything..She's clearly giving HBK some Sunny Days..Only explanation for here winning..

Solid match, Bate has been a believable small guy for awhile. Always like watching his matches.

Hopefully he gets more and more time in the US. Dude is a bull.

Steiner is a big player, someone mentioned Steiner beating Roman and passing it off. I don’t see that… but maybe he can get a W against Brock at some point. Dude had the goods except for his stupid name.
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