Wrestling Thread 2022 | Mods Please Lock This Thread

I still don't understand how starting him in NXT would have been anything ANYONE would have rejected.
This is one of the moves that is being way overused y too many people. I think there are wven 2 women's wrestlers doing the 3 amigos now. IF IT were protected like IT should then having someone out of the blue like Dom do IT wouldn't be a problem. Wouldn't even be that bad at an attempt since there's no one but Eddie to compare IT to
Superstars make their own matches
makes no sense. so any american superstar can just challenge for the all atlantic title?

why did they go out of their way to put all non americans in the tournament for that title then?

make it make sense!
Gigi's Gigolos™ :emoji_speaking_head: :emoji_speaking_head: :emoji_speaking_head: :emoji_speaking_head:

Literally almost crashed earlier seeing this.
thats some big *** pizzas. darbys little *** really busted open the girl yall be thirsting for lol

She has one of the ugliest grills I've ever seen. Her big fish eyes take up like half her face. Only thing she got is ***. Rest of the body wack too. Is the *** even real?
SHe should quit now and do fetish vids. Looks the type.
Never understood this… You have all this talent and you waste tv time putting a stupid match like that
EYE appreciate a good jobber squash match every now and then. Keep the classic wrestling tradition of bringing in local jobbers in their hometown.
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