Wrestling Thread 4/30-5/6 | 5/3 Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted! p84

 @ the memes. 
Tonight should be a good night. 
On the fence about buying Extreme Rules, dont think I feel like dropping the dough after being burned by some sub par, acolohol fuled WWE PPV purchases in 2012
It's probably been posted already but has anyone checked Netflix lately. They had a ton of older wwe videos on there I was watchin the other day. Brought things back for me lol
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

On the fence about buying Extreme Rules, dont think I feel like dropping the dough after being burned by some sub par, acolohol fuled WWE PPV purchases in 2012

TennHouse would approve.


Tonight is WWE Extreme Rules, the first post-WrestleMania PPV, featuring many rematches, but also one huge addition to the card.  April 2nd, the night after WrestleMania XXVIII on Raw, John Cena called The Rock out to the ring.  Instead, he was greeted by the returning Brock Lesnar.  Lesnar didn't say a word but instead laid out Cena with a massive F5.  Brock returning to WWE has certainly changed the feel of the company, and we will see his first match tonight tonight.

As I said, the other three main matches on the card are WrestleMania rematches with "extreme" stipulations added.  Let's get to the card.


Santino Marella (c) v The Miz - United States Championship Match

This match is taking airing during the preshow on Youtube at 7:30pm et.  I have no idea what The Miz has done to earn a title shot.  Other than getting the win at Mania for Team Johnny, he's been jobbed out or not even on tv for month.  I guess that's why this meaningless match is on Youtube.  Santino has been nothing as a champion, but I think he gets the win to keep the crowd happy to start the show.

Prediction: Santino Marella - Retains United States Championship


Nikki Bella (c) vs Beth Phoenix - Divas Championship Match

Nikki won the title on Raw after Beth "injured" her ankle (a worked injury).  This ended Beth's 200 day title reign.  To my knowledge, the Bellas are leaving WWE when their contract is set to expire tomorrow.  The purpose of Nikki winning the title was to get the title onto Kharma without Beth having to lose it to her.  I think Nikki retains tonight after Twin Magic.  The two will brag about the win tomorrow, only to have Kharma return, destroy them both, and win the title.  This would also play into the storyline of when Kharma left as the Bellas were making fun of her, and Kharma promised revenge on them.

Prediction: Nikki Bella - Retains Divas Championship


Randy Orton v Kane - Falls Count Anywhere Match

Just when you thought Cena and Kane had the worst feud of the year wrapped up, Orton and Kane comes along.  The Kane character is so incredibly bad.  Kane beat Orton clean at WrestleMania which was a surprise.  On Smackdown a few weeks back, Kane attacked Cowboy Bob Orton and then laid out Randy with a steel pipe with Kane using the line "I love family reunions."  This week on Raw, Orton got a hold of Kane's dad, Paul Bearer (resurrected for about the 27th time) and threw him into a meat freezer.  Kane said he didn't care.  Two hours later, Kane took the shivering Paul Bearer out of the freezer, only to push him back in.  With falls count anywhere, I expect Orton to win with him pinning Kane inside a meat freezer.

Prediction: Randy Orton


Cody Rhodes v The Big Show (c) - Extreme Rules Roulette Intercontinental Championship Match

Hopefully this doesn't end up being a bra and panties match.  For some reason, I have a feeling this will end up being a lumberjack match, just because you are limited in what you can do with Big Show.  Of course, we could get the dreaded CHAIRS MATCH!!!  Anyway, Cody Rhodes has been made to look like a complete geek since Mania.  He's been laid out multiple times by Show.  He's lost CLEAN in 90 SECONDS to The Great Khali.  Of course by WWE's booking philosophy, it probably means Rhodes is winning the title tonight.  The title on Show means nothing.  WWE obviously doesn't care about the Intercontinental (or US) Title, so just put it back on Rhodes to further establish it as a jobber title.

Prediction: Cody Rhodes - New Intercontinental Champion


Sheamus (c) v Daniel Bryan - 2 out of 3 Falls World Heavyweight Championship Match

So after getting 18 seconds at WrestleMania, you have to think that these two will have the longest match of the night here at Extreme Rules.  It will be very interesting to see how they book this one.  WWE has done their best to avoid the massive boos that Sheamus, selectively booking in him smarter cities.  They've gone as far as to say that the "Yes" chant is a Sheamus chant this past week on Smackdown.  However, there will be no way to avoid it tonight as a Chicago PPV crowd is about as smart as they get.  The crowd will be strongly in Daniel Bryan's corner, and I expect strong YES chants throughout the entire show.  I really don't like Sheamus.  I think he's boring in the ring, and he does absolutely nothing to connect with the crowd other than yelling "BROGUE!!!".  His promos suck.  He using a comical exaggerated accent.  He doesn't draw any sympathy as a baby face since he plays a bully type character.  I really don't like him.  There's no need to talk about Daniel Bryan.  He's the best worker by far in WWE.  His promos are awesome.  He has a ton of charisma, and is just a natural heel.  However, Alberto Del Rio has already been established as the next challenger for the World Title, and I don't see them doing a Bryan v Del Rio program.

There are a few questions about this match.  The first is what role will AJ play?  Daneil Bryan has dumped her, but she is still in love with him.  Her obsession with her has caused her to snap and become a psychotic character.  Just like Bryan, I think AJ is 100x better as a heel.  However, will she come out tonight and turn on Bryan costing him the match?  I can definitely see WWE doing this, but I hope not because I think Bryan and AJ are a great pair.  The other question is how will Sheamus work in what will probably be the longest match of his career.  That is one I don't know the answer to.  As much as I want Bryan to win, I would really be surprised if he does.  I'm picking Sheamus which will not go over well with the live crowd.

Prediction: Sheamus - Retains World Heavyweight Championship


CM Punk (c) v Chris Jericho - Chicago Street Fight for the WWE Championship

This program has been building since Chris Jericho's return at the start of this year.  I expect this to be the conclusion.  Punk beat Jericho clean at WrestleMania to retain the title.  Since then, Jericho has focused on Punk's "Straight Edge" lifestyle, saying it's a farce and he will force him to drink, just like Punk's father.  Jericho smashed a bottle of Jack Daniels over Punk's head.  Jericho's laid Punk out and doused him with beer.  Jericho had hidden footage of Punk entering a pub in England, though Punk said he was just visiting a friend.  And then this past Monday on Raw, Jericho sent Punk a liquor gift basket.  Punk refused the basket, but did keep one bottle of Jack Daniels.  I expected Punk to save the bottle to attack Jericho with tonight.  However, Jericho caught Punk backstage apparently drinking the whiskey.  Jericho demanded to Laurinaitis that Punk be stripped of the title for drinking on the job.  Then came a segment that dragged on forever.  "Police" issued Punk a sobriety test in the ring which Punk failed.  Teddy Long was ready to take the title from Punk when Punk said he wanted one more chance.  He revealed he was goofing around, recited the alphabet backward, moonwalked a straight line, and then attacked Jericho.  This was the first that Punk got his hands on Jericho after the weeks of torment.

Extreme Rules is in Chicago which means it is going to be a crazy hot crowd for Punk.  We all remember Money in the Bank.  Normally WWE has hometown guys lose, but it was such a great moment with Punk last time, I think he'll win again tonight.  Plus, Jericho will be taking time off this summer for a tour with Fozzy.  So unless they have Jericho win the title tonight and lose it back within the next month or two, it really doesn't make sense to give him the belt.  Plus, I don't see much life left in this feud and I think it should end tonight.  They could always have Jericho lose the title to Cena or Lesnar, but I think the best business move is to have Punk retain tonight.

Prediction: CM Punk - Retains WWE Championship


Brock Lesnar v John Cena - Extreme Rules Match

I really interested in this match for a variety of reasons.  First, it's Brock's first wrestling match in eight years.  Second, just as with WrestleMania, WWE has been doing their best to portray Cena as a babyface (this time a babyface in peril), but you know the Chicago crowd is going to absolutely hate him.  Lastly, how do you book this match?

In the build, Lesnar made his return a month ago laying out Cena with F5 (and punting his stupid green hat).  The next week, Brock said he was back because Cena was everything that was wrong with WWE.  He said he was back to restore realness to WWE.  Cena came out and the two had an awesome pull apart brawl with Lesnar legit punching Cena in the mouth causing him to bleed.  The next week, WWE aired an awesome "UFC Countdown Special" type interview with Lesnar.  Lesnar said he isn't back for the fans.  He's not a superstar.  He's an asskicker here to destroy Cena.  He said that Cena fears him.  Cena has piss running down his leg and %$!+ in his pants.  He said that if he never left WWE, Cena would be the guy carrying his bags.  It was an awesome segment.  It came across as genuinely real.  You believed everything Brock said.  The show closed that night with Cena losing to Lord Tensai in an Extreme Rules match after David Otunga got involved.  Finally, this past Monday on Raw, Lesnar issued a series of contract demands to John Laurinaitis which Big Johnny reluctantly agreed to.  It was a good segment that again felt real, but it did drag on a little too long.  Finally Cena came down to the ring for the contract signing.  He had a steel chain ready to attack Brock if necessary.  Brock kissed his fists ready to fight.  Cena signed the contract reluctantly.  Brock flipped the table as Cena looked scared.  Brock laughed at him and left.

It's really interesting how they have portrayed Cena.  Is he on a losing streak that will continue tonight?  Or is he the babyface in peril that will get his revenge and big win tonight?  If it was anyone other than Lesnar, I would say it was a 100% lock that Cena was getting the win tonight.  However, with it being Lesnar, if you have him lose to Cena in his first match back, it's Goldberg or Big Show all over again, and that huge contract they gave him is a complete waste.  Lesnar has to go over tonight to keep him strong as a legit wrecking machine monster in WWE.  Cena could really use some time off.  His character is stale and he's pretty beat up.  Ideally, I would have Brock destroy Cena in under five minutes.  And when I say destroy, I don't mean hitting a few slams, and F5, and getting the pin in a quick match.  I mean stomping the hell out of Cena.  Putting him through a table.  Hitting him with a chair.  Hitting multiple F5's.  Leaving Cena completely dead in the ring after the match.  And then most importantly, Cena can't show up on Raw tomorrow night or next week.  He needs to be out of action for some period of time to sell this.  They can then build for a potential rematch at Summerslam or Survivor Series.

Of course, I find it very tough to imagine WWE booking Cena like this.  More realistically, the two have a 15-20 minute match with Brock going over in the end.  I just think the thought of Brock doing a lot of selling in this match is a really bad idea.

The absolute worst case scenario would be Cena getting the win.  Even if it is Cena stealing a win with a roll up and Brock beating him up after the match.  That does not good for anyone.

One interesting possibility, and I really doubt this would happen, is a possible double turn.  It was set up this past Monday on Raw with Lesnar bullying John Laurinaitis to meet his contract demands.  You have Laurinaitis come out during the match, ends up aligning with Cena, and the two screw Lesnar.  Fans already want to cheer for Lesnar, so now it actually works turning him babyface, and we get the long awaited Cena heel turn that we never thought we would see.  Like I said, I can't see this happening, but based on Monday's booking, it would make sense.

Prediction: Brock Lesnar in a short squash match ending with an injury angle for John Cena

I will be missing this PPV tonight as I'm going to see The Weeknd in Philly.  All reviews I've read of the concert are that it's a short show, so there is a good possibility that I'll be home in time for the 11pm replay.  Assuming I can stay away, I'll watch the show then.  I'm going to do everything possible to avoid spoilers.

  • You may only enter once.
  • Once your entry is submitted, it cannot be changed.
  • Deadline to submit entries is Sunday night at 8pm et.
  • The Santino/Miz Preshow Youtube match does not count towards any of the questions.
  • This is a B Show PPV with 500 total possible points.
  • Complete standings are available through the link in my sig.
  • Good luck!
Originally Posted by gambit215

Completed Survey............Will be #1 by the end of Extreme Rules.........

Hey question to anyone that knows that answer, can Wellness Violations be used for storyline purposes? Meaning can they say someone like Mysterio failed only as a work?
Is it possible? Sure.  But being a publicly traded company that has received multiple black eyes due to wrestler deaths and other health problems, it would be a terrible decision and in awful taste if they did.
Originally Posted by hymen man

Hey this might be a dumb question but...for the survey... are we counting the Sheamus/Bryan 2 out of 3 falls separate or one full match?
lots on TV tomorrow but I won't be around for any of it.. got something to go to with fam  

One match
Originally Posted by YardFather

The Extreme Reunion show was said to be a complete trainwreck.

A few updates I got
The show started 30 minutes late.  We don't have other details other than the building was sold out with about 2,400 fans, making it probably the biggest indie show of the year in North America.

Justin Credible was kicked out from backstage after reportedly passing out.

It's 11 p.m. at this writing, fans are chanting "End the show."  They have about an hour's worth of scheduled matches left.

Jerry Lynn vs. Devon Storm is stealing the show right now and turned the mood around, with "Thank You Jerry, Thank you Crowbar" chants.

Women in the crowd having been flashing their boobs.

Shane Douglas got in the ring and the natives wre chanting "refund" at him.  Not exactly what you'd expect from a nostalgia crowd.

They are now ending the show with Douglas vs. Too Cold Scorpio, so apparently pulled some things from the show due to being late.

Douglas won when Tod Gordon helped him.  Fans were throwing things at the ring at the end of the show. 

--Place was PACKED.  I'd say at least 3/4 of the people there were standing.  Made it impossible to see what was happening when they fought outside the ring (which they did in every match).

--It was definitely a bit of an older crowd compared to old ECW shows back in the day.  It basically looked like everyone from the old days had grown up; not a lot of kids or teens there.  I was actually quite surprised how many guys had attractive girls there with them.  Not something I saw a lot of back in the day at ECW shows.  Hey good for them!

--The show did start late.  They aired a video package in tribute for all the wrestlers who have died in the last decade and then a taped promo by Douglas but the sound wasn't working.  Nice touch but not a good omen.

--The show started with a tag team match with 4 guys whose name I couldn't hear.  Crowd hated it.

--They then did a "match" with 2 more indy guys.  One of them was this little tiny Asian guy who took the mic before the match and started talking to the audience in a high-pitched voice that made him sound like William Hung.  Then this guy comes from the crowd and told both of the wrestlers in the ring to scram.  Nobody had any idea who this guy was.  He then called out Shane Douglas, who didn't show up.  Funny thing was that Shane was literally standing right behind us in the crowd.  

--Then the "ECW" part of the show started with the FBI vs BWO.  Richards, Marmaluke, and Guido were probably the only 3 guys on the entire show in good shape.  Match was total comedy.  Highlight was Guido and Meanie doing a thumb wrestling war on the mat with the ref giving a 2 count when Meanie had Guido's thumb down.  The same unknown dude from the last segment distracted Richards for the finish.  It was never explained who this guy was.

--CW Anderson and Al Snow were next.  Anderson looks like he's about 60 now.  Snow was grossly overweight.  He was winded just from doing his entrance.  Match was a disaster.  Anderson put an armbar on Snow no less than 5 times.  There were several chants of "Armmmmmmmmmbar" as a homage to the old Chris Jericho "Man of 1004 Holds" promo.  Snow beat up Head after the match and then went running back begging for forgiveness, which was actually pretty entertaining.

--The segment with The Gangstas vs Angel was also pretty bizarre.  Angel came out asking for someone to be his partner (did Devito no show?) but nobody came.  Gangstas then came out (Mustafa looking absolutely huge and not in a good way) and beat him up for 3 minutes before the indy guys from the 1st match came in, beat them up for like a minute, and then left.  One of them looked to have gotten into a legit fight with a fan on the way out that was broken up by security, but it was hard to tell.  Complete waste of time.

--Somewhere in here they did a planned spot where the ring announcer was making some general announcements, the lights went out, and they brought out a stripper to try and recreate the Kimona Wannalaya strip tease from that time they lost power at the ECW Arena.  The stripper basically just writhed around on the mat like a sizzling piece of bacon in a skillet.  It was a little weird.

--Raven vs Pitbull 1 was next.  Raven (also looking very heavy) had the "New Flock" with him which included a La Parka wannabe, "Jersey Shore", and "Cripple H" (who may actually have been unable to walk).  He ran down the crowd and the late Pitbull 2.  The Flock then beat up Pitbull.  Sandman's music hit.  Crowd loved it, although the entrance went on for literally the entire "Enter Sandman" song (which is a good 5 minutes).  Meanwhile, the Flock was still beating up Pitbull in the ring the entire time.  Raven just stood on the apron the whole time and eventually ran away without ever doing anything.  Sandman canned the crippled guy, which was kind of cringe-worthy even by ECW standards.  This is right around the time the crowd started to turn.

--Crowd loved Jerry Lynn.  He came out to a chorus of "Save the show, Jerry" chants.  Him and Crowbar put on a solid, old-school ECW style match.  Spot of the night was Jerry Lynn doing a hurricanrana from the top rope onto a guardrail that was wedged between the ring and the crowd.  Not the greatest match by any means, but it might as well have been Benoit vs Guerrero or Lynn vs RVD compared to the rest of the show.  Lynn got a standing ovation on the way out.

--Of all the guys who looked like the gained weight, nobody looked like they gained more than Shane Douglas.  He could barely move (I was stunned when I read he apparently won on a sunset flip, which sounds impossible based on the few moves of his I did see).  My friends and I decided to leave in the middle of match to get a head start on parking (we weren't the only ones; people were leaving in droves).  Chants of "Go back to Target," "refund," and "eat a salad" were very audible during the parts I was there.

--Rob Feinstein was there. Is that even news?  I hadn't heard his name since "the incident".

--Crowd was red hot all night, but like I said they turned somewhere between the New Jack and Raven matches.  The nostalgia could only take it so far.  The actual show was awful sans the Lynn/Crowbar match.  They announced a return date in June. which got booed mercilessly.

It's not like we went for any other reason then the nostalgia, but to me this was more like a wake than a rebirth.  One last chance for us to say our goodbyes to ECW,  I'll give them credit for trying, but there's no way this thing is going to last with all of these guys completely out of shape.  I think we've seen enough of these poor reunions now to know the dream is really over.  To steal a phrase from the Undertaker, I think ECW needs to just rest in peace forever now.

--Some updates from last night's Extreme Reunion show.  Sabu checked out of the hospital today and told everyone he was fine.  Justin Credible was sent home after he was found out on the floor, but he left the building and later returned and asked to be put back on the show.  He wasn't.  He did go into the crowd so people could see he was there. 
* Vince was asked about concern over WrestleMania 29 and the chance that it will be held in 40 degree with a possibility of now. Vince mentioned fans going to MLB and NFL events outdoors, dressing appropriately and said the same will happen at WrestleMania. He added that if it snows, it will be a lot of fun.

Interesting if it happens. I thought of Bane fighting Batman on those steps just now.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Something for 4w to enjoy:

Looks like a man with huge fake %!**.  Legit disgusting.

You're going to see a male r&b singer alone and have gotten laid as much as rusty. No room to speak.
I just did the survey; I've been slacking on my WWE with the NHL playoffs but I will watch tonight assuming I can find a stream which I usually can
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Something for 4w to enjoy:

Looks like a man with huge fake %!**.  Legit disgusting.

You're going to see a male r&b singer alone and have gotten laid as much as rusty. No room to speak.

 @ no one respecting 4W anymore. 

"fell from top 10 to not mentioned at all."
Won't be able to catch extreme rules tonight.
Got to work 10pm - 9am at the animal clinic tonight.

Currently looking for some freeware computer recording software
  (I'm not paying since comcast @+*%+@ me over during RR, EC AND WM. Tried to buy those PPV's and ended up having to stream anyway
Anyone know of any freeware recording software (strictly for legal recreational public use) recommendations are appreciated.

Completely un-wrestling related but all this Kaitlyn love has me in a giving mood.
Ran across these and knew NTWT's very own good guy Deek would appreciate.

Spoiler [+]

I bet Deek like this right now.
Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by RKO2004

* Vince was asked about concern over WrestleMania 29 and the chance that it will be held in 40 degree with a possibility of now. Vince mentioned fans going to MLB and NFL events outdoors, dressing appropriately and said the same will happen at WrestleMania. He added that if it snows, it will be a lot of fun.

Interesting if it happens. I thought of Bane fighting Batman on those steps just now.

Lol man if it were to snow at WM 29 and the show is not up to par NYC will flood the ring with snowballs and trash...
Originally Posted by masondid

Originally Posted by RKO2004

* Vince was asked about concern over WrestleMania 29 and the chance that it will be held in 40 degree with a possibility of now. Vince mentioned fans going to MLB and NFL events outdoors, dressing appropriately and said the same will happen at WrestleMania. He added that if it snows, it will be a lot of fun.

Interesting if it happens. I thought of Bane fighting Batman on those steps just now.

Lol man if it were to snow at WM 29 and the show is not up to par NYC will flood the ring with snowballs and trash...
It could get very ugly 

How would the wrestlers adapt their attire would be the most interesting part. No way Triple H comes out pouring water on himself if its south of 50 degrees.
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