Wrestling Thread 4/30-5/6 | 5/3 Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted! p84

I'm curious on what the storyline will turn out to be.

Unless it's Cena beats Brock Lesnar, goes away for months, Lesnar goes on an unstoppable rampage, staying undefeated, people clammoring for Cena's return as he's the only one who can stop Brock, and then the return where he puts a stop to Brock once and for all.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Wait, so when Brock lost his first UFC fight did he lose all his drawing power then, too?

The buy rate after Brock's loss to Mir was 625,000 buys, but that was with GSP, who was doing 500,000 on his own at that point in time. Brock's first time in drew 600,000 with no GSP on the card, so his loss didn't kill him, but it clearly hurt him. 

Brock vs. Randy Couture did big (920,000), although not as big as most expected (Dana predicted 1.2 million)  it would but not a disappointment. Once Brock won the title, then he was doing really big numbers.

You have to remember that during that period, UFC titles were super over although Brock as heavyweight champion outdrew anyone they ever had. And Brock vs. Overeem after his loss to Cain was way down from Cain and Carwin numbers. He still did well, but that's because everyone expected it to be down so nobody was surprised.

I am now satisfied completely.
I just realized Brasilianmami and the 1-2-3 year old kid got banned during the ppv.

I'm missing the Cat Gifs already
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Wait, so when Brock lost his first UFC fight did he lose all his drawing power then, too?

The buy rate after Brock's loss to Mir was 625,000 buys, but that was with GSP, who was doing 500,000 on his own at that point in time. Brock's first time in drew 600,000 with no GSP on the card, so his loss didn't kill him, but it clearly hurt him. 

Brock vs. Randy Couture did big (920,000), although not as big as most expected (Dana predicted 1.2 million)  it would but not a disappointment. Once Brock won the title, then he was doing really big numbers.

You have to remember that during that period, UFC titles were super over although Brock as heavyweight champion outdrew anyone they ever had. And Brock vs. Overeem after his loss to Cain was way down from Cain and Carwin numbers. He still did well, but that's because everyone expected it to be down so nobody was surprised.

After Brock v Randy (Brock wins title).  These are domestic #'s.....
UFC 100 (Brock vs Mir II) - 1,600,000 (UFC record, also a stacked card)

UFC 116 (Brock vs Carwin) - 1,280,000

UFC 121 (Brock vs Velasquez) - 1,050,000 (Brock loses title)

UFC 141 (Brock vs Overeem, not a title fight) - 800,000

UFC 141 was Brock's 1st fight in 14 months.  Sure, PPV #'s are slightly down across the board for UFC, but if Brock vs Overeem was for the title, it would have easily broke 1 million buys.

Please respond Sir Lobo.
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