Wrestling Thread 4/30-5/6 | 5/3 Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted! p84

As I said during the Birthday thing for John, Him and Punk are the New HBK/HHH.

I could see John getting permission from vince about what he did sunday without wrestlers knowing but agents and others knowing as well. I do not think the guys in the back are going to be as Accepting of Brock coming back as they are the Rock. I think they saw the business end with the Rock. I think they see Brock coming back for a year to walk away again just to destroy talent.

Amazing how reading that and seeing how last night, Cena was all "I survived a fight with a former UFC fighter" and yet it was suppose to be Brock gloating last night.
Vince sets the record straight....

Big Backstage Update on Brock Lesnar: Temper Tantrum, Heat w/ WWE Officials, More...

Posted by: Caylon Knox on May 01 2012
Source: F4WOnline.com

After last night's edition of WWE Monday Night Raw where Brock Lesnar assaulted WWE COO Triple H, Lesnar has been written out of WWE storylines for the time being and it's uncertain when exactly he'll be back. Ringside commentators Michael Cole and Jerry "The King" Lawler heavily suggested that Lesnar would/should be fired for his actions.

At this time, Brock Lesnar's future with WWE is very uncertain and has been described as being a "sticky situation." He didn't make any friends backstage at the Extreme Rules pay-per-view either, despite having a well-received match with John Cena.

Lesnar apparently went nuts backstage and threw a temper tantrum because he was upset about the whole match. Allegedly, the original plan was for Lesnar to physically destroy Cena and have Cena get carried out of the arena on a stretcher, making Lesnar look like a dominant force. But because Cena picked up the victory and was able to stand up and give a speech after the match, Lesnar feels that WWE made Lesnar look weak.

Lesnar also accused Cena of trying to blow out Lesnar's knee when Cena pulled down the top ring rope at some point during the match where both Cena and Lesnar fell outside to the floor.
There are some people backstage in WWE who suspected that Lesnar's temper tantrum backstage was all part of an act to make WWE officials bend over backwards for him and give him whatever he wants. He allegedly tore up the backstage area in a fit of rage that some people thought was all part of a performace to try to intimidate WWE officials into meeting his demands.

As of right now, a match between Brock Lesnar and Triple H is being planned for the 2012 SummerSlam pay-per-view, but it was also previously reported that Lesnar would be engaging in a feud against Randy Orton. These plans have seemingly been called off, at least for right now.

And as for Lesnar's longterm future with WWE, he might or might not participate at the 2013 Royal Rumble PPV, but he is definitely still expected to participate at WrestleMania 29 in 2013. After that though, there is a good chance that Lesnar will probably be finished with WWE.
Well, the rope thing could just be seen as payback for being busted open.........

The WWE knew what they were getting into and on Lords of Pain Venom, they list the same thing pretty much just naming a assistant to Funkman and they make it out that Cena was only being blamed for the rope pull, Everything else he was blaming the WWE for "Testing Him" to see how his temper would be.   

Should be interesting.
So to everyone who told me to relax after Extreme Rules and wait to see what they did on Raw, I'm just wondering what your opinion on things is now. This isn't a snide question. I legitimately would like to know what your thoughts are now that things have settled, and we now have a better idea of where WWE is going.
They certainly played it up that Lesnar was the victor at Extreme Rules.  So why not just give him the win?
I'm still trying to wrap my head around Cena's speech after the match...

Like seriously...

What was the *+%$@+! point?

And as far as Brock blowing up....

He should have. They pulled a shady *****like move by letting Cena do what he did and taking heat off of his character for seemingly no point other than to get the Chicago crowd to cheer Cena.

4w, you were 100% correct in your assessment of the show. However, you did come off as an +%%+$*!.

Not trying to go all "Typical Disney sports movie coach speech" on y'all, but...

Realistically, this is probably the most close-knit group of NT'ers... Point. Blank. Period. The same people posting or lurking these threads every week, have been doing so for years. There is no need for all of that dumb %+*$ that has been going on recently. None.


Was watching RAW with the Mrs. and she was thoroughly impressed with the way "the old guy with the sketchy voice" handled Cena. Was nice to see Johnny hit the ropes.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

They should release Brock.
What a diva.

That's reasonable to say, but WWE also knew exactly what they were getting when they signed Brock, so I put just as much of the fault on them, if not more.

Is still say they are better off with him than without.

Even with the big check, limited dates, and diva attitude... He still has no real tangible power within the locker room. If that makes sense.

If they book him properly, the payoff is well worth the headache IMO.
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert


Is still say they are better off with him than without.

Even with the big check, limited dates, and diva attitude... He still has no real tangible power within the locker room. If that makes sense.

If they book him properly, the payoff is well worth the headache IMO.

Oh, don't get me started again.
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert


Is still say they are better off with him than without.

Even with the big check, limited dates, and diva attitude... He still has no real tangible power within the locker room. If that makes sense.

If they book him properly, the payoff is well worth the headache IMO.
Aside from matches with Undertaker,  Bryan and Dos Caras Jr. I'm not really interested. Although the roster is really flat.

What is up with Daniel Bryan losing his WHC match and being #1 contender now
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert


Is still say they are better off with him than without.

Even with the big check, limited dates, and diva attitude... He still has no real tangible power within the locker room. If that makes sense.

If they book him properly, the payoff is well worth the headache IMO.
Aside from matches with Undertaker,  Bryan and Dos Caras Jr. I'm not really interested. Although the roster is really flat.

What is up with Daniel Bryan losing his WHC match and being #1 contender now
He beat an announcer in 2 minutes.  Why shouldn't he be the #1 contender?
At the Lesnar blowup. Based on the reports posted though, he really had every right to do that. You don't make an already unpredictable
unstable guy look weak like that. Just lets you know that the match was brutal and intense for that reason, they really don't like each other
Update on Chris Jericho Leaving WWE In A Few Months

Posted by: Caylon Knox on May 01 2012
Source: PWInsider.com

It's been reported ever since Chris Jericho returned to WWE back in January that he would probably take another break from WWE some time over the summer. He recently stated at the Revolver Golden God Awards that he would be touring with his band Fozzy over the summer and could possibly miss WWE's 2012 SummerSlam pay-per-view.

In yet another update on the situation, the band Fozzy announced today on the Rockstar Uproar Tour that Jericho will be leaving WWE by the month of August to tour with Fozzy between the dates of August 15th and September 30th.

If this is the only time that Jericho has to tour with Fozzy, then he very well could be back by the 2012 Survivor Series PPV, if not well before then.
I thought Cena was taking time off but waht is the point of this, thye should have had Ace take on punk on Raw that time this PPV seems pointless unless its leading to come sort of corporation set up.
Yoshi Tatsu was defeated by Lord Tensai several weeks ago but continues to rant about him. He says his name is in bad taste and still vows to defeat him.

He wrote the following:

As of today, I am planning to post several tweets regarding my thoughts and feelings toward Lord Tensai. First of all, I have a strong reason why I must defeat Lord Tensai. As in my Japanese lesson, "tensai" means natural disaster.

As everyone knows, Japan experienced a major earthquake and tsunami on March 11th of last year. More than 15,000 people lost their lives, over 5,000 people are still missing, and more than 5,000 people were injured. In addition, over 130,000 people lost their homes. Sadly, the recovery has been very slow. Many people are still living in temporary housing, without jobs. Moreover,the Japanese people haven't been able to recover from the grief of losing family members,including children who lost their parents.

Out of respect, I strongly urge Lord Tensai to change his name. As Japanese superstar of WWE, I cannot tolerate him using this name during Japanese appearance. Even though he is tremendously big and very strong, I will defeat him someday. Japan was defeated by natural disasters – "TENSAI". And I, Yoshi Tatsu is the one who defeats that "TENSAI". When I beat him, I will make him change his name. This is #YoshiRevolution Episode 1.

It's my bday today
so I've been out of town celebrating and missed extreme rules and raw...from what I'm hearing its fair to say there both worth catching up on?
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

So to everyone who told me to relax after Extreme Rules and wait to see what they did on Raw, I'm just wondering what your opinion on things is now. This isn't a snide question. I legitimately would like to know what your thoughts are now that things have settled, and we now have a better idea of where WWE is going.
They certainly played it up that Lesnar was the victor at Extreme Rules.  So why not just give him the win?

I don't think things are settled. We only have one RAW under our belts post ER. Once again it's about building their product, John Cena. Vince, in my opinion, doesn't care about Brock. What's going on right now? I don't know. It's weird.

Could Brock have drawn money? Absolutely. He's broken 1mil buys before. Does that matter to Vince? It doesn't sound like it. He would rather invest in his talent, even if it's VIA shenanigans.

Regardless, Brock's actions were Diva like. I don't blame him, though. Who's being worked? That's the question.

You know what Dave alluded to on the 'boards'

Part of this is a Pillman work on the boys. Notice I said part of it.

Outside of the Brock situation here's what we have going on in the WWE.

Daniel Bryan is the #1 contender to CM Punk's WWE title after abolishing Randy Orton's time turning all the focus on him (Why am I not hearing any complaining about Bryan being a SD SuperStar competing for the WWE title? Jk.. kinda)
Cody Rhodes won back his title, even though he 'trolled' his win.
The Bellas are gone. Kelly Kelly hasn't had an important role on TV in months. Layla has returned & is Divas champion. (I believe this is the most depth I've seen in the Divas division in a while)
Sheamus vs Bryan last night was possibly the best technical showing in recent years.
The boos for John Cena have almost completely diminished. After last night's post-match combined with tonight, I heard almost none.
Michael Cole is now really good at his job. Even selling why Big Johnny was attacking Cena.
Jericho put over CM Punk, and +#!+!+ right off out of the picture possibly? With all due respect; I think that's good.

On the flip side..

John really didn't sell his injuries.
No one really cares about the WHC now.
I don't understand how anyone can be happy about Laryngitis being in the main event.
Regardless of the Bryan match, I'm worried about Punk. He seems to be deflated or something.
I would love for Tensai to get over but it's clear his gimmick blows.
Brock is awesome but now what?

Bottom line, for me, is there are a lot of interesting things going on in the WWE.
For the handful of Bella fanatics
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