Wrestling Thread 5/19-6/1 | WWE Payback PPV - Shield v Evolution | Will Daniel Bryan Forfeit His Tit

 @ Steph staggering after the slap

them nipples tho 

she probably got off by that slap 
Re-matches for Barrett/RVD & Sheamus/Cesaro for Raw tomorrow.

Batista is scheduled to make his final appearance tomorrow before taking time off.
Batista deserves some props. He's taken pinfalls like crazy during this run

His character when he came back came off as a Rock-esque, I'm coming back to get the title just because I can and eff everyone else.

But in reality, dude really understands he business and his place within the company. He has no problem putting young talent over, especially D-Bry at WM
Brie vs. Steph is probably the biggest money match they have for Summerslam at this point :lol:

The thought of Steph getting backing into one of her old wrestling outfits though :evil:
PPV wasn't too bad. Only match I didn't really like was the Divas match(no 4w)

US Title match was great until the ending.

Kinda saw that ending coming as the LMS match progressed. Still, one of the better ones in a while.

IC Title match was solid.

So is Cody a heel now, or is this the start of his heel turn?

The way Fox ran to the back :lol:

Dat slap.

That kick by Rusev man. :x

Main event was really fun. Great moments throughout.

So, Mojo Rawley is a modern-day Hacksaw?

Mojo being a modern day Hacksaw is like Miz being a modern day Misawa
Just read the results for the PPV.

What is the point of a (potential) Kofi/Kane feud? :lol:
Forgot I also watched some of Total Divas earlier. When they were showing the recap of the Divas battle royal at WM, it was hilarious how they edited it to make it look like the crowd was cheering Eva Marie when she pushed Tamina down and blow a kiss at her. I clearly remember silent indifference when that happened :lol:
  @ Eva Marie getting trolled at Fan Axxess.

"You can't wrestle!"

"Why do they have you wrestling?"
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I was on tv during evolution vs shield wearing the blue jersey patting roman reigns on the back, I was suppose to sitting in section 10 Row 11, but they upgraded my seat section 7 row 7 seat 1
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