Wrestling Thread 5/19-6/1 | WWE Payback PPV - Shield v Evolution | Will Daniel Bryan Forfeit His Tit

Just a couple things from last night:

Not many times you can say it, but HHH booked last nights match perfectly. I don't think I would be mad if he won over Reigns at Summerslam leading to a major win elsewhere for the big guy.

Bray and John a pretty solid match to end the feud. Could we see a 3 on 3 steel cage match with the Usos and the family tonight??? possibly, but I think we are done here.

The Kane thing from last night, although it makes no sense, he was scheduled to appear. I am sure the WWE did not want to deal with someone or a group conspiring a way to get money back for Kane not making an appearance. ( Not that someone should but there are always those people.......)

And you all heard my take on the Bella, Bryan, Steph segment.... just a Heyman repeat with Brock and HHH
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The finish of last night's ppv was supposed to have all 3 members of evolution laying on the mat with the shield standing over them. Camera man screwed up because only HHH was shown.
There was a plan in place for Lesnar to face D Bry at summer slam, beat D Bry and have Cesaro cash in right after and beat Brock. That is now off the table.

Not sure how I feel about this

The finish of last night's ppv was supposed to have all 3 members of evolution laying on the mat with the shield standing over them. Camera man screwed up because only HHH was shown.

I actually thought it turned out better because of that "screw up" :lol:. But where were Orton and Batista? Batista Anthony already headed to the back :lol: ?
Steph needs to wear stuff like this more often. Usually it looks like she has skinny legs with an embarrassing pancake.




Dude either just got a load of hair to the face, or is bracing himself for it :lol:




Not from Payback, but this pic always makes me chuckle
Thought Payback was pretty solid last night. Sheamus/Cesaro match was perfect. Exactly what should've happened. Cesaro will be going on to bigger and better things very soon...BNB retained. I hope Rusev actually does get pushed and thrown into a decent storyline. That Big E spear/dive to the outside was wild. Cena/Wyatt had some really nice spots. Shield/Evolution was entertaining as well. Props to Evolution for putting them over.

Best of all though....
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The roll-up finish made Cesaro look like a geek. Sheamus no sold the hell out of the Big Swing, at least feign a little dizziness

Cody Rhodes needs to stop doing that moonsault before he kills someone. Oh look another tag team breaking up. It's a shame the tag team champions couldn't actually get a spot on the card but Rybaxel can

Apollo E failed America. :lol: "We Want Ziggler" :smh:

Back to Back African American burial segments. Where's Clarence Thomas to make sense of this all.

Bo Dallas correctly predicted the Blackhawks outcome, I'm slowly becoming a BO-liever. It's time for Kane to buried alive and never seen from again

Remember when the majority including unnamed thread starters said the Bad News gimmick would fail and get Barrett nowhere that first Raw they had him sharing bad news from the random podium?? Well look at Barrett now! These things take time!

Brie Bellas is going to star in any WWE films in the future. That I quit delivery was turrrrble. Can't wait to see Steph hit her with a pedigree.

They might as well crearte the WWE John Cena Legacy Championship at this point, I swear every match since his battles with The Rock had the tagline "John Cena's legacy is on the line"

Wasn't a fan of how Paige vs. Foxx was just a set up for another Alicia meltdown. Paige is the champion here and should be getting the shine

*Main Event Time*
Bastista was out there dressed like a gay Mega Man
The kid who tried to sell the Seth Rollins dive in the crowd had me dying :lol: :rofl:
Shield with the clean sweep. Whoever decided to put off the Shield breakup deserves a raise.
Big hit to the roster if true. Roman Reigns was saying during the post show that he thought he tore his triceps. A few ppl who were at the ppv last night saw Reigns in a lot of pain leaving the building.

Could be just him selling the beating he took.

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I don't know why, but I'm actually looking forward to Raw tonight..Which probably means I'll be severely let down and hate myself for even watching..See y'all in 4 hours..
I hope Bray doesn't go back to beating meaningless jobbers like he was Post kane last year. :smh:


Though I feel better about Bray than Rusev (will still give Rusev a couple months), I wouldn't be surprised if either of them end up like Umaga, getting 1-2 main event type shots, settling into US/IC territory. Only thing about that is, Umaga was having standout matches with CM Punk, John Morrison, and Jeff Hardy at the time. What very popular midcard faces would Bray and/or Rusev be facing?
Though I feel better about Bray than Rusev (will still give Rusev a couple months), I wouldn't be surprised if either of them end up like Umaga, getting 1-2 main event type shots, settling into US/IC territory. Only thing about that is, Umaga was having standout matches with CM Punk, John Morrison, and Jeff Hardy at the time. What very popular midcard faces would Bray and/or Rusev be facing?

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