Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

Nikki Bella about to get pregnant tonight too
Yo.....why did every single person in BOTH MITB matches try to pull the titles down directly EXCEPT CENA :rofl: :rofl:?
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Cmon guys :lol:

It's not that bad, Cena has been out of the title picture for a long time, you really didn't expect him to go a full year without a run did you? I think it's the best decision. Him and Lesnar will be good if they build it right, and he drops it to him at SS. They can also go back to a DBry/Cena feud. It might suck.. but it was the best decision going forward.
Cmon guys :lol:

It's not that bad, Cena has been out of the title picture for a long time, you really didn't expect him to go a full year without a run did you? I think it's the best decision. Him and Lesnar will be good if they build it right, and he drops it to him at SS. They can also go back to a DBry/Cena feud. It might suck.. but it was the best decision going forward.

I'm not mad at Cena winning, it's just that he literally did nothing the entire match, hulked up and washed Orton and Kane and launched for the titles :lol:
I'm excited for the Cena/Lesnar rematch, it's the only match they could have really booked anyway with Bryan injured.
DBry/Cena rematch at Summerfest seems to be the direction they're going in.

Hopefully DBry gets healthy.
Really not even pissed about Cena...dudes been out of the picture for a decent minute, and to be honest Orton with the belts was some of the most painful shoes/ppvs. Good to see a likeable only semi annoying guy with the belts until D bry gets back.
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