Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

Naw my dude, sounding like an old head who's seen too many generations of wrestling. 

I actually like the idea of him losing Bork..I also liked when Rock won the belt..I just remember everyone was fuming over the Rock having the belt, so I'd assume it'll be the same when a guy who's on TV even less than Dwayne gets the gold..

Lmfao perfect
Perfectly fine with Cena winning this...Crowd went nuts for Bray for a sec there, but it's simply too early to put the strap on him, Reigns or Cesaro. WWE would just end up messing it up. Several different ways they can go with things now...Definitely going to be Cena/Lesnar at SS though.
That MITB case match was very good. Not just cause all the chaos, but they really made it seem like anybody could win (minus RVD and Swagger :lol:). I couldn't believe I actually thought we might get Korporate Kofi Kingston. Ziggler made me believe he had a chance as well. I picked Seth to win, but Ambrose, Kofi, and Dolph all looked to be a threat.
Ppv had it's ups and downs. More so poor a poor finish to the otherwise entertaining MITB match. Wasn't shocked at Cena winning. Glad Layla beat wack Summer Rae. Usos vs Wyatt's match was legit and Sandow is making the most out of a bad situation. The elbows are coming!!! :smile: Naomi has improved so much from when she first started. Her and Paige had a solid match.
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