Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

Cesaros run with Heyman has been a bust so far...if anything he's lost a lost of momentum since winnning the Andre battle royal.

As much as we love him, he aint ready.

And people complain about how the WHC became irrelevant. It's because dudes who weren't ready got the titles. 
It's crazy that Cena still has like 10 years left in him at least and he's only 2 title reigns away from having more than Flair
Picked Barrett to be replaced

Picked the MITB case to open the show

Picked two title changes

Picked Summer to beat Layla

Picked Orton to win the WWE title

X_______________X :rofl:
I can't wait to hear all the *****ing when Lesnar wins the belt.."Why they putting it on a part time guy?".."He don't deserve it".."Why don't they give it to a new guy who's actually been here everyday instead of this guy"..I hope y'all remember tonight when you're complaining about Bork Lazer's title victory..

I'm starting to sound like DC..
I can't wait to hear all the *****ing when Lesnar wins the belt.."Why they putting it on a part time guy?".."He don't deserve it".."Why don't they give it to a new guy who's actually been here everyday instead of this guy"..I hope y'all remember tonight when you're complaining about Bork Lazer's title victory..
I'm starting to sound like DC..
Naw my dude, sounding like an old head who's seen too many generations of wrestling. 
I can't wait to hear all the *****ing when Lesnar wins the belt.."Why they putting it on a part time guy?".."He don't deserve it".."Why don't they give it to a new guy who's actually been here everyday instead of this guy"..I hope y'all remember tonight when you're complaining about Bork Lazer's title victory..

I'm starting to sound like DC..

Lots of possibilities if they go this route.. When Cena drops the title to Lesnar, Lesnar could drop the title to either Cesaro, Bryan, or Reigns
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