Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

Corey Graves has retired due to his concussions.

Damn. :smh:

Wooooow :smh: Didn't even know he'd been in the biz since 2000. I knew he was 30, but thought he was one of those dudes who just got in late

Sucks... If he wants to stay in the business, hopefully he's given the chance either backstage, or as a mouthpiece... Never seen a promo though, so I don't know if he could pull that off...

Sucks... If he wants to stay in the business, hopefully he's given the chance either backstage, or as a mouthpiece... Never seen a promo though, so I don't know if he could pull that off...

He's def not bad, but not great at promos either. Kinda like Rollins.
I'd like to see a triple threat match with Swagger, Ryback and Big E, just to see who makes it out alive. Or them in a handicap match vs Khali and Curtis Axel
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Looking forward to RAW.

And surmising the former champ appearance when the music hits....

"I came to play..."


but really hoping for

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I'd like to see a triple threat match with Swagger, Ryback and Big E, just to see who makes it out alive. Or them in a handicap match vs Khali and Curtis Axel

Or better yet have swagger/Ryback/big e vs the miz. Only way to win is to injure your opponent!!
Swagger/Big E/Ryback vs. Punk would be better

Then have Rusev put Punk in the Accolade for 10 mins straight after the match.

Then have them run a train on AJ as Punk watches.

Then have Lana kick Punk in the meat for like 5 minutes.

Then have DCAllAmerican come out and cut a 30 minute promo on how we don't listen to enough podcasts.
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Swagger/Big E/Ryback vs. Punk would be better

Then have Rusev put Punk in the Accolade for 10 mins straight after the match.

Then have them run a train on AJ as Punk watches.

Then have Lana kick Punk in the meat for like 5 minutes.

Then have DCAllAmerican come out and cut a 30 minute promo on how we don't listen to enough podcasts.

:x DC 30min promo :x Genesis of McGillicutty
sucks to hear about Graves. Liked dudes work in ring.

We have a full month and another ppv between now and summerslam. Don't bring Brock today, it'll be pointless for a two month build up.

Cena seriously has beaten Wyatt every month since mania and now won the championship. WHO'S BOOKING THIS CRAP???!!

I would say Super Cena needs to get injured, but let's be real he heals early anyways. It's basically like he never even left :smh:
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