Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

Are they going to bring up The Ascension or have Usos go up against Goldstardust next?
I think Bray is ready to hold the belt

could finally build up a nice heel

dont see it happening tho
i think they should call them gold-star lol.and that assisted ddt/neckbreaker (cant remember exactly) they did was on point.should be there finisher and they can call it "dust to dust". LOL 
Bray's character shouldn't care about titles. I honestly don't think winning the belt would mean anything to/for him.
thats true,but thats another reason why it would be dope if he won,he wouldnt care about it.it would make him look more crazy.he could have harper and rowan wearing them for him or some **** lol.or destroyed them so they could just make one belt or something lol idk coulda been holding the belts hostage and then have dbry win it back from the crazy dude.be the hero type,all while the authority would have orton or seth try to take down the mad man bray.potential greatest heel of all time gimmick.

i feel like im ranting forgive me,its my day off and im :pimp: ,mind full of ideas lol 

He could have someone holding the belt up and talk about how the "sheep" all look up to it or something and it means nothing to him.

He could just have Orton hold the belts
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That smug bastard got to graze the titty meat >:

Was it soft? :wow:

Steph has a terrible snarl of a smile btw :lol:
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The Bray/Cena suplex on the ladder spot was my favorite part of the title match.

Ambrose/Rollins is being booked to perfection.  Why can't they build other feuds like this?  Reigns needs a personality now.  Right now he's like a Samoan Hardcore Holly.

Loved the opening tag match.

The traditional MITB match may have been the best one in years.  RVD and Kofi Kingston are such valuable members of the roster with their ability to elevate these types of matches big time.

Yawn to everything else.  I get why they went with Cena out of that group of guys (mainly because they've done a mediocre job developing anyone else beyond him and Bryan as top faces since Punk left), but there's just nothing that interests me about his character.  Even when I loathed Shovel and the way he would monopolize the strap, at least he was worth listening to and offered something different in the ring occasionally.  Cena truly is this generation's Hogan...sadly they need a Warrior (RIP).

3 dudes that NT always talks about but I have NO clue as to what makes them important.

Someone fill me in. What do these people do? Especially the Sami dude.

3 dudes that NT always talks about but I have NO clue as to what makes them important.

Someone fill me in. What do these people do? Especially the Sami dude.

BenBaller dated Meagan Good before she became famous, makes jewelry, and gets ejected from Laker and/or Knicks games while sitting courtside, henz0 gets ethered on records by @CASH MONEY 1999, and Sami likes the Lakers, Yeezys, partially rustles my jimmies in regards to Layla, and reps NTWT sitting ringside at most of the big PPVs. #PopIt4Sami #SamiSystem >>> #NobeSystem
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