Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

Met Sami in New Orleans he's a super nice guy and hooked me up with a VIP Axxess ticket and offered to pay for my ticket to wrestlecon.
I remember WCW vs the World had some variant Hayabusa on there
Habenero was his name.

You said you didn't like that game right?

Or was it Power Move Pro Wrestling that you hated?

Yea that was him :lol:. And I liked WCW vs The World just for the sheer amount of characters they had, and it was pretty fun on the time. It definitely was Power Move Pro Wrestling that I hated. Such n empty game. I remember paying that full $50 for it too
that briefcase match needed JR on commentary. he would've made the finish much more impactful. no one else is as colorful and visceral as him.
Time for my semi-rant.

Maybe it is just be getting older and understanding the value of the human body. I cringe whenever I see these ladder matches. Maybe over the last year or so, I went back and watched those initial Hardyz/Edge & CHristian Ladder matches and seeing what these dudes put their bodies through for the sake of some claps bothers me.

Why do these dudes have to do all of that to entertain us? They are no stunt devils but they are being asked to be when these ladder matches happen. Seeing Seth Rollins take that back bump and seeing Orton get his head cracked open made me shake my head.

I just wish we didn't need all of these props to put on a wrestling match. It bothers me and everytime someone did a spot, I was legit worried that someone would get hurt. And that Sheamus/Del Rio/Reigns spot with the ladders being tilted made me just ask WHY.

As I said, it just might be me getting older but I am not a fan of these matches anymore man.

I feel you. When I was listenting this morning to almost everyone's favorite podcast, MLW's, "Curt" and Konnan were saying that alot of guys dont know how to slow down or change their workstyle after x amount of concussions, injuries i.e. Danielson, Ziggler, and when he was wrestling, Angle. They would rather go all out then not realize the repercussions of their body not being able to take it anymore. I was criniging at some moves some of the wrestlers take and I actually remember in 2011's MITB where Sheamus powerbombed Sin Cara and it looked Cara was going to be out for awhile. I guess it was a precursor to him being the wuss that he is.

The gimmick matches are good, but would like to see some straight up chain wrestling.

As far as Brock getting the title shot at Summerfest, at least keep him every other week and relevant.

CelticsPride, you see the lineup for PWG's BOLA in August? Pretty impressive. Just find it weird that the last PWG show, Kyle O'Reilly becomes champ and then he was part of a 6 man scramble in ROH a few days later. I know you said their in their own little world, but is there any kind of storylines, etc? Surprised they dont make a faction in ROH with Steen, Cole, and the Bucks.

BOLA is gonna be awesome... Wish I could go to LA and watch... And yeah, pretty much no storyline... That's sorta what I like, it's it's own little wrestling Island...
I'm not sure how Raw's gonna go, but I think it's going to be a good one..
Possible Lesnar appearance tonight, or would they hold that until after Battleground?
Looking forward to seeing Rollins/Ambrose, Bray's next program, possible Orton/Reigns, etc..
 @ the Ziggla and Ravishing Rowan signs

Bray was in the Battlegrounds promo last night, guessing he gets to be the one to beat the hell outta Cena at the PPV only to tap out to whatever Cena calls his submission
Has Rusev washed Mark Henry yet? If not, I think that's who his next (major?) feud will be with. Henry comes back, gets a countout win, then the feud ends with Henry taking an Accolade
Let me put you guys on to the BEST wrestling we have over here in the UK, the promotion is called Progress, and because the audio is slightly off they've uploaded the latest show online, in full, for free. I was there, it was money, if you just wanna watch one match make it Prince Devitt vs. Zack Sabre Jr...
Here's a great storyline. Everytime Rollins tries to cash in worldstarrrr is there to disrupt him.

And I truly feel ambrose has the "it" factor. He kind of reminds me of a austinesque. I think looking at the potential stars (reigns, bray, cesaro) dean will be the megastar. Dude has organically been a fan favorite. When he came back to hit Rollins with the chair. That crowd reaction and me murkin. I see ambrose got that "it" factor.

There's a reason they let dude cut his promo first. If he had that promo with the other wrestlers he woulda stole all their thunder. His promo game is on lock
The main thing I'm looking forward tonight is watching Dean on the mic. He's quickly becoming my favorite next to Ziggler and D-Bry.
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