Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires



I wonder when one of the nxt undefeateds will lose and to who. Bo rusev and Adam rose are all still undefeated. I call for rose to be the first and then rusev follows with either a screwy finish or dq. So that leaves Bo remaining undefeated :lol: :pimp:
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And I think shovel was gold when he mocked cena. Dude plays the heel boss so well! Maybe even as good as dare I say....Vincent k!!? I feel they split the McMahon character between steph and shovel. Shovel will take on the physical parts the Vince went through and steph goes through the humiliating part that Vince went through :lol: shovel won't ever get buried like that :lol:
The current plan for SummerSlam (via Meltzer):
  • John Cena v Brock Lesnar
  • Roman Reigns v Randy Orton
  • Stephanie v Brie
  • Jericho v Wyatt
  • Kane v Bryan (if he is able to return which is now unlikely)
  • Rollins v Ambrose
 one can only hope for wardrobe malfunction on steph or brie 
The deck being stacked against Cena is fine, but it should have been a three way of The Authority's guys, Orton and Kane.  Reigns being in there doesn't make sense.  Hell, if they really wanted to stack it against him and make it a 4 way, have Cena vs Orton, Kane, & Rollins.

Rollins wouldnt work either since he has MiTB, he doesn't need to be in any title matches. He would be the plan b in case Cena ends up winning.

They should make Rollins cashing in/Ambrose cockblock as a running gag :lol:
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Rollins wouldnt work either since he has MiTB, he doesn't need to be in any title matches. He would be the plan b in case Cena ends up winning.

They should make Rollins cashing in/Ambrose cockblock as a running gag :lol:

Plan B is actually gonna be BROCK
Glad you dudes enjoyed The Miz segment. They couldn't do that with me in the crowd tho. Y2J is not top 10.
Kane is not credible to me to win any match....and when he does, he elicits a shoulder shrug of doom out of me.
I didn't enjoy that segment at all made him look like the same dork he was the last time we saw him. I like him playing that douche movie star heel but that whole segment was about Y2J
I didn't enjoy that segment at all made him look like the same dork he was the last time we saw him. I like him playing that douche movie star heel but that whole segment was about Y2J

You don't really believe Miz deserves more *spotlight* for a return than Y2J do you?
No. If its his return why not start it off on a good return he looked like a fool. I am done talking about it now.
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