Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

Apparently paige was being tested last night. As vince knew aj would draw cm punk chants and they wanted to see how paige would react during her promo. Apparently she didn't react the way they wanted. The cm punk chants don't bother vince as much as it did before and he's ok with aj comin back regardless of punk chants

So was the call made before or during the promo for AJ to win the strap?

With most title changes are the participants aware before the match begins, or do they go with the flow and Vince calls it in to the ref during the match??
WWE Diva Emma Reportedly Arrested For Theft Yesterday

Posted By: Ben Kerin on Jul 01, 2014

WWE Diva Emma, real name Tenille Dashwood, was reportedly arrested and charged for theft on June 30th in Hartford, CT, the site of last night's WWE Raw broadcast.

She was charge of sixth-degree larceny from a Walmart store.

Lacancy in CT is the theft of an item of $250 or below.

all u had to do was ask
Paige , Naomi Aj. 3 way for summer slam [emoji]128525[/emoji][emoji]128525[/emoji][emoji]128525[/emoji]
Have a feeling the WWE front office may have soured big time on Paige after last night's disaster of a promo.  Can't blame them.  She's not ready to be on the main roster.  She had 100x more confidence in front of the small crowds at NXT.  She looks completely lost and scared in front of 1000's of people.
So does that mean AJ gonna get another ink?

Probably. Stupid mark.
MIz said he was gonna one day main event WM again.  LULZ.

Dude said he's not gonna leave the company until he does....god he is smart! It's a double edged sword...do we suffer and sacrifice a wm main event or do we have to suffer and watch him every week :smh:
thought raw was decent, but had an issue with the main event of the next pay-per-view being announced with zero explanation.

so there is a random 4 way for the title at the PPV.

but why?
Especially with Reigns being inserted when we were told The Authority hated Reigns and were mad that Vickie let him get in the title match at MITB.  Now they just give him another shot for no reason.
I don't think there was any flaw in the Fatal 4 Way booking. The Authority wants a World Champion/face of the company that will be under their thumb. They presented John Chena the opportunity to be said guy and he rudely declined. So his punishment is a stacked deck to climb over. And even if he does overcome or Reigns done, the idea is that the winner will be so "worn out" from the Fatal 4 Way that Seth Rollins will come and cash in to become their Corporate Champion. Well at least that's how I interpret it all.

Seth's Money in the Bank case is the ace in the hole that they didn't have before the Money in the Bank PPV
The deck being stacked against Cena is fine, but it should have been a three way of The Authority's guys, Orton and Kane.  Reigns being in there doesn't make sense.  Hell, if they really wanted to stack it against him and make it a 4 way, have Cena vs Orton, Kane, & Rollins.
Apparently paige was being tested last night. As vince knew aj would draw cm punk chants and they wanted to see how paige would react during her promo. Apparently she didn't react the way they wanted. The cm punk chants don't bother vince as much as it did before and he's ok with aj comin back regardless of punk chants
So was the call made before or during the promo for AJ to win the strap?

With most title changes are the participants aware before the match begins, or do they go with the flow and Vince calls it in to the ref during the match??
Everything is planned.  Participants know at least a few hours in advance (unless there are re-writes during the show).  But they never go into the ring not knowing who is going to win the match.  Paige kissed the title goodbye before the match started.  She knew.
No wonder Emma didn't make it to santinos not so PG party last night :rolleyes
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The current plan for SummerSlam (via Meltzer):
  • John Cena v Brock Lesnar
  • Roman Reigns v Randy Orton
  • Stephanie v Brie
  • Jericho v Wyatt
  • Kane v Bryan (if he is able to return which is now unlikely)
  • Rollins v Ambrose
I hope jeans and Seth have a ladder match for the case at summer slam. That would be epic. That superplex off the ladder was insane by both men. :pimp: I know that can steal the show ala hbk/Ramon ladder match at summer slam. And I hope they don't have an actual match until then
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Last years Bryan/Cena was a great build for SS. Just don't know how they're going to put the title on Brock and him work such limited dates, of course it could work cause the Champ doesn't have to be at every live event, but for PPVs.. Idk how many he's scheduled for going forward.
I hope jeans and Seth have a ladder match for the case at summer slam. That would be epic. That superpower off the ladder was insane by both men. :pimp: I know that can steal the show ala hbk/Ramon ladder match at summer slam. And I hope they don't have an actual match until then

They're probably going to have the best match as it is. E did it right by keeping these guys together even after the Shield breakup - they'll both push each other to do better. Seth needs to get a bit more comfortable on the mic though, he just doesn't sound convincing when cutting a promo, his in-ring is the best in the biz (for me at least) at the moment.

Oh and Bo rules.
Dbry and Brock was being strongly discussed until dbrys injury got pushed back. :smh: that match would've been epic. I wish instead of cena it would be Brock and dbry or Cesaro. Maybe even roman. But cena? We've seen that already. I'm only all for it if it means Brock wins the titles. Don't forget he's scheduled for night of champions too cause they tryna stack that card due to network subscription renewals coming up
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