Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

top 10

Bryan Danielson
Chris Benoit
dean malenko
Ultimo Dragon
Dynamite Kid
El Hijo del Santo
Perro Aguayo, Jr
Eddie Guerrero
We're talking North American wrestlers only... get that puro nonsense out of there

El Dandy is the best Mexican wrestler ever though
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Pretty hard to put together an in-ring top, trying both not to leave anybody off while still being historically accurate. Here's my list based on who resonated with me growing up. Sucks I had to leave off Hennig, Bret Hart, and Eddie Guerrero.

- Malenko
- Savage
- Owen Hart
- Rey Mysterio
- Ric Flair
- Chris Benoit
- Arn Anderson
- Rey Mysterio
- Kurt Angle

You could add Bret if you'd take off 1 of your Ronalds..

I'm sure you already know about it, but this is one of my favorite youtube channels. There are hours upon hours of classic stuff.

Beware...it's a huge time sink


Thank you!..I've never seen this before..I'm not a big youtube guy so I'll definitely be checking this out..

Is Rob Van Dam a future hall of famer?

Absolutely..His ECW work alone would put him in any wrestling HOF..Add into his WWE career and he's a 1st ballot inductee..

top 10

Bryan Danielson
Chris Benoit
dean malenko
Ultimo Dragon
Dynamite Kid
El Hijo del Santo
Perro Aguayo, Jr
Eddie Guerrero

If we're adding International wrestlers to our lists then my original list of guys I think are better than Y2J will grow by at least 7 or 8..
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I bet @MeanGene is loving this "Lets bash Jericho" thread.
Real talk I said it way before what happen last night that Y2J is overrated. Dudes was saying he was better then The Rock
Jericho was corny on the mic. Man Booker T is way better overall then Y2J. Its so many people I would put ahead of him.
King Booker>>>>>> Anything Y2J has done. Look man I never liked him :\

I won't go that far, but I have always been high on Booker T..Plus I haven't been too big on anything Jericho has done since he got that stupid Terry Taylor haircut..And before you marks get your panties in a wad, I'm not saying that he hasn't done 1 single thing good since the haircut..
i am gonna have a few more pictures and stuff that i found last night (cleaning out my basement). found some of my pops tights i might throw them on and take a few pics just to be that guy.
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