Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

Kurt Angle is really overrated in my opinion... The first couple of years of his career (when he was still learning), he was the Olympic wrestler gimmick who always wrestled as a brawler. Whenever he did have a "technical" match like his match vs. Benoit at WMX7, it would always be the other wrestler holding his hand throughout the whole thing. Not really surprising that his most famous match during the early part of his career was probably his KOTR 01 match against Shane McMahon.

He didn't really start "getting it" in my eyes until 03-04, but by then he was already dealing with a bad neck and within two years he was off to TNA where, besides having a handful of good matches, he's pretty much wasted the second half of his career.

He's still probably a top 20-30 guy for me though...really versatile and capable of having a good match with almost anyone, but not top-10
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HBK has one very big flaw as an in-ring worker and it's that damn kip up of his. When the kip up happens, all storytelling and psychology that has occurred in the match so far goes out the window and gets blown up.

There's no better example of this than his Summerslam 02 match against HHH. It's his first match back after four years off due to back injury and HHH targets his back the ENTIRE match, giving him back breakers on chairs and everything. but then this happens

Kip up and he's hopping around like nothing ever happened and goes on to win the match :x
HBK has one very big flaw as an in-ring worker and it's that damn kip up of his. When the kip up happens, all storytelling and psychology that has occurred in the match so far goes out the window and gets blown up.

There's no better example of this than his Summerslam 02 match against HHH. It's his first match back after four years off due to back injury and HHH targets his back the ENTIRE match, giving him back breakers on chairs and everything. but then this happens

Kip up and he's hopping around like nothing ever happened and goes on to win the match :x

I view it was an adrenaline rush type thing... He's got this sudden burst of energy and can't feel pain as much...
I like it. Makes it seem like he digs his deepest to get that final wind, that last jolt of adrenaline. I get the psychology aspect but that kip up gets you hype and gives the viewer some adrenaline because just when you thought HBK was broken in half, here's his final push to win the match.
HBK has one very big flaw as an in-ring worker and it's that damn kip up of his. When the kip up happens, all storytelling and psychology that has occurred in the match so far goes out the window and gets blown up.

There's no better example of this than his Summerslam 02 match against HHH. It's his first match back after four years off due to back injury and HHH targets his back the ENTIRE match, giving him back breakers on chairs and everything. but then this happens

Kip up and he's hopping around like nothing ever happened and goes on to win the match :x

Do you feel the same when The Rock does his kip up?..
Jericho was corny on the mic. Man Booker T is way better overall then Y2J. Its so many people I would put ahead of him.

You still sour about last night? :lol:

Soooooooo mad :lol:

not feeling DangerousG's assessment on Kurt Angle, mildly rustled

Pretty hard to put together an in-ring top, trying both not to leave anybody off while still being historically accurate. Here's my list based on who resonated with me growing up. Sucks I had to leave off Hennig, Bret Hart, and Eddie Guerrero.

- Malenko
- Savage
- Owen Hart
- Rey Mysterio
- Ric Flair
- Chris Benoit
- Arn Anderson
- Rey Mysterio Curt Hennig
- Kurt Angle

You could add Bret if you'd take off 1 of your Ronalds..

Ahhhh ****, in that case, I'll add Curt Hennig :lol:
With HBK I view the psychology as... He's such a showman and show off, that he gets off on doing a kip up, even though he's beat up and injured... And the getting off to it brings adrenaline...

I've thought that out in the past...
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With HBK I view the psychology as... He's such a showman and show off, that he gets off on doing a kip up, even though he's beat up and injured... And the getting off to it brings adrenaline...

I've thought that out in the past...

I mean I get why he does it and I know it gets people hyped, but if I'm analyzing him from a purely in-ring perspective then I have to take some points off. Hell he'll still probably make my top 10 anyways though :lol:
What are you guys thoughts on hugh morris? Watching him get washed by goldberg in goldbergs first match. I always liked him a big man that can move.
What are you guys thoughts on hugh morris? Watching him get washed by goldberg in goldbergs first match. I always liked him a big man that can move.

I sort of look at him as an underutilized guy who could've been way more than what he was. His most success I'm guessing what in that Misfits in Action stable, yet that was also his worst gimmick. General Hugh G. Rection. #Russo. I remember he had a Velocity match with Shannon Moore, and he hit a Doctor Bomb that made me think Moore's limbs blew off into the crowd.
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The kip up is awesome though. Tried it as a kid and couldn't do it. Probably can't even do it now.
^ :pimp: Los Gringos Locos vs El Hijo del Santo & Octagon - fav match of all time!!!!!!!!!!!
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Sure why not..why even bring him up though. No ones talking about Rock as an all time great worker.

DBry does it too to an extent, but HBK was always the most blatant with the no selling.

Rock might not be an all time great worker, but he's top 5 biggest stars of all time (and bigger than HBK) so I was just wondering your thoughts..But if it's going to make you all pissy then **** it..
Nah I agree Rock is definitely a bigger star.

HBK is the superior wrestler though.
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