Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

Very cool of Double A to face this Kenneth Mujo guy in the early 90's



we talking about in the wrestling world or media? I guess I look at it different.

I'm talking about in the wrestling world..Rock was by far the bigger star..Sold more merch, headlined more shows, and was a bigger ratings getter than Shawn..In the ring I'll give it to HBK that he knew more moves, but I'm gonna say Rock could tell just as good, if not better, stories than Michaels..
Smack Down Spoilers..

MeanGene do not read this..

* Seth Rollins kicks off SmackDown but gets attacked by Dean Ambrose. Randy Orton comes out and makes the save until Roman Reigns evens the odds. It looks like we've got a tag match later.

* Big E defeated Cesaro by count out.

* Sheamus defeated Alberto Del Rio to retain the United States Title.

* Chris Jericho comes out and cuts a promo, taunting Bray Wyatt. Jericho gets a big pop. The Miz interrupts him and ends up taking a Codebreaker. Jericho leaves to another pop.

* AJ Lee comes out to a massive pop from the Jersey crowd. She cuts a promo and defeats Eva Marie by submission. Fans chanted "you can't wrestle" at Eva. There were also CM Punk chants. Paige was on commentary and came into the ring to congratulate AJ before awkwardly leaving.
That guy that Double A wrestled is dressed like Khali so I'm guessing he's almost as talented.

I might check him out after I watch these Big Show matches.
Top 10 in order

1. Great Mutae
2. Chris Jericho
3. Brian Pillman
4. Scott Steiner
5. Austin Aries
6. Brock Lesnar
7. Sting
8. HHH
9. Keiji Muttoe
10. Davey Richards
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The Gangrel interview podcast had me youtubing all sorts of old Brood stuff. It's funny to hear that Vince has always been his own booking enemy. The Brood were over and then he turned them heel only to turn them back face. :lol:

Interesting Tidbit: Gangrel helped to train Rusev. Rusev was a cab driver in his past life.

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Typical WWE booking...

Rusev would've been perfect for challenging Sheamus on SD. Can't think of a better way to give him incredible heat than to win the US Title on July 4th...

Made too much sense, I guess.
If we're doing personal top 10s

Chris Jericho
CM Punk
Daniel Bryan
Jeff Hardy
Kurt Angle
Brock Lesnar
Booker T
William Regal
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