Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

idk y but the picture of Emma dancing around in her cell popped in 
 . can someone make that happen with technology for reps
The Brood was one of the dopest factions out of the attitude era. Yall remember when the Hardy's joined Gangrel?

Or maybe it's just my memories being blurred from my childhood. Just like Jeff Hardy winning the title from HHH smh
The Brood was one of the dopest factions out of the attitude era. Yall remember when the Hardy's joined Gangrel?

Or maybe it's just my memories being blurred from my childhood. Just like Jeff Hardy winning the title from HHH smh

I remember there was a Raw when Gangrel implied that he had sex with Terri Runnels, and you could hear a pen drop in the crowd, then the Hardys and Edge & Christian stomped him out like that bald dude in Dont Be A Menace :lol:
The Brood was one of the dopest factions out of the attitude era. Yall remember when the Hardy's joined Gangrel?

Or maybe it's just my memories being blurred from my childhood. Just like Jeff Hardy winning the title from HHH smh

Valid Recollection. I forgot how agile fat Hardy use to be back in his more youthful days.

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How Natalya hasn't one the strap is legit stupid imho

still no lesnar post breaking one of the most iconic streak in sport entertainment

why is the miz still around

how does the WWE have all this talent yet
1 US title scene is wack
2 tag division is wack
3 IC title scene is wack
4 Pikachu is champ again again

I remember when multiple GOOD story line revolved around the different belts and everybody wasn't trying to be WORLD WIDE ENTERTAINMENT WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION.

kane needs to retire because nobody takes him seriously

they cant put the strap on mizark .....like seriously
I figured they would let her cook with the belt so they could sell more hart foundation merchandise. then when sales dip the take the title just like the brought back AJ to bring back punk and his gang of wrestling smarks
I used to dislike nikki but those nice boobs changed my mind. Plus she seems kinda nasty in a good way.
Still not a fan of what they did to Paige. Not because she lost the belt, but because she lost the belt on a roll up to someone who left the company and hadn't earned it. If they were going to have her drop the strap, she could have done so in a more convincing fashion to Naomi the night before. Hell, Alicia Fox has more of a claim to holding the strap than AJ does now. As DC said, you can't hold her lack of skills against her when she hasn't been given the opportunity to improve at that level. NXT is one thing, but RAW is like going from AA to the majors; it's a new ballgame.
I'm with you, Rell. The roll up makes it seem fluky and cheap. I rather Paige had passed out in the Black Widow and the ref rung the bell than her being rolled up. AJ doesn't deserve the belt right away either, but this was probably gonna come full circle anyway since Paige took the belt from AJ.
they wanted that cheap pop. taking the belt off paige that way/randomly was a mistake. aj is much better chasing after the title. but who knows maybe paige steps it up here.
Think that was the point tbh. Paige won the belt off AJ in similar fashion, so AJ gave her a taste of her own medicine.

Either way, heel Paige will be cool. :pimp: Bring back her Anti-Diva gimmick and let her cook. She seems way more comfortable in that role.
Smack Down Spoilers..

MeanGene do not read this..

* Seth Rollins kicks off SmackDown but gets attacked by Dean Ambrose. Randy Orton comes out and makes the save until Roman Reigns evens the odds. It looks like we've got a tag match later.

* Big E defeated Cesaro by count out.

* Sheamus defeated Alberto Del Rio to retain the United States Title.

* Chris Jericho comes out and cuts a promo, taunting Bray Wyatt. Jericho gets a big pop. The Miz interrupts him and ends up taking a Codebreaker. Jericho leaves to another pop.

* AJ Lee comes out to a massive pop from the Jersey crowd. She cuts a promo and defeats Eva Marie by submission. Fans chanted "you can't wrestle" at Eva. There were also CM Punk chants. Paige was on commentary and came into the ring to congratulate AJ before awkwardly leaving.

Thanks for the spoiler case.

Fam, if possible can anyone show me a link to spoilers here on out? My 15 month old son picked up the running knee kick from watching wrestling. Of course he doesn't do it perfect, but it's my cue to stop watching it for awhile. Plus my baby girl is due sometime this week. No time for TV. Thanks in advance.
Think that was the point tbh. Paige won the belt off AJ in similar fashion, so AJ gave her a taste of her own medicine.

Either way, heel Paige will be cool. :pimp: Bring back her Anti-Diva gimmick and let her cook. She seems way more comfortable in that role.

But it wasn't a rollup. It was a botched finisher :x .
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