Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

Meng>Chuck Norris
Man, Chuck Norris is so overrated.  Gilberg would put hands on dude
They letting Renee do commentary on superstars. Should have put her on smack down since king doesn't do sd.
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Forgot what day it was, missed NXT, watching Backlash 2000. Forgot how the Verizon Center was the MCI Center. 

Also, did they announce when WWE was coming back to DC at the last Raw?
I don't watch much of TNA anymore, but EC3 and Spud are easily some of the best things going there :lol:
EC3 just won I heard he hasn't lost yet and it's interesting to see that Rhyno has his back. I thought that was pretty cool.
Renee is already better than king, JBL and cole. Give that lady a seat on Monday and have Cody's girl do the backstage interviews

Renee and Regal are gold together. But really, anything is better than this current Cole/JBL/King pairing. King has been declining for years, but JBL's falloff has been fast and furious. Still don't know what happened. I'd take Riley and Saxton at this point.
Renee and Regal are gold together. But really, anything is better than this current Cole/JBL/King pairing. King has been declining for years, but JBL's falloff has been fast and furious. Still don't know what happened. I'd take Riley and Saxton at this point.

They should have gave josh Matthews kings spot long time ago, he underrated on commentary. No wonder he took his talents to espn and Renee will also if they don't at least let her do smack down.
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