Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

I remember seeing mick's wife in an interview and she was gorgeous. Good thing the daughter got her looks.
Inhale like it's the last pocket of air in a sinking submarine.

This man speaks the truth..

I remember seeing mick's wife in an interview and she was gorgeous. Good thing the daughter got her looks.

Yeah Colette is fine as hell..She's aged really well..

Mick's poor sons have his looks and are shaped just like him..
Perry Saturn
During his YouShoot Interview, Perry Saturn was asked about his time in WCW and the toughness of the guys backstage. He was given the followng list of the guys with the strongest reputations of being tough and asked who would win a fight between them all.

The Barbarian
Scott Norton
Jim Duggan
Fit Finlay
Scott Steiner
Rick Steiner

He responded “Tonga. Nobody else would stand a chance. Not even a question. He could kill everyone without blinking and there is nothing anyone could do about it”

Ted DiBiase
The Million Dollar Man said that one time they were in a rough part of St. Louis for a show. Everyone had been drinking and a large fight broke out, which resulted in the police showing up. Meng had a few drinks, but saw the fight break out so he started trying to break it up. In the process, police thought he was part of the fight and maced him then handcuffed him. He said that Meng was cuffed behind his back, looked at the police, and snapped the handcuffs.

Bobby Heenan
In a shoot interview, Heenan talked extensively about Meng and referred to him as the toughest man (not just wrestler) he’s ever met in his life. The craziest story he shared was in regards to a bar fight where he claimed Meng “took his two fingers on his right hand, his index finger and trigger finger, and he reached into the guy’s mouth and he broke off the guy’s bottom teeth.” Heenan said that if he hadn’t been there and seen it himself, he wouldn’t believe it. After all the other stories that have been confirmed, it doesn’t seem that unbelievable at all. Heenan was also close friends with Andre the Giant and claimed that the only two men in the word that Andre feared were Meng and Harley Race.

Rick Steiner
The Steiner Brothers were known for being tough guys, so when a man is feared by two of the hardest guys in the sport, you know they’ve seen some crazy things. In an interview, Steiner talked about the time Meng fought off eight police officers. “They shot him with mace and he closed his eyes and sucked it in. He just opened his mouth and took a deep breath. I mean some of the stuff he did was like, ‘What the hell?’ Scotty and I always thought we were tough guys but that was before we met Meng.”

Arn Anderson
In his biography, “Arn Anderson: 4 Ever” Anderson claims that there are three types of men in the world. There are tough men, there are wrestler-tough men, and then there’s Meng. He was in a completely different category than anyone else on the planet. Anderson recalls one instance where a large cowboy was arguing with Meng and he pushed the cowboy through two different sets of doors using only one hand.

Brutus Beefcake
One of the most famous Meng stories happened during his time as Haku in the WWF. Brutus Beefcake had gone to management and complained that Meng slapped him too hard during their match. When Meng found out he walked straight to Beefcake’s locker room and grabbed him out of the shower. He started choking him and lifted him two feet in the air while everyone else looked on because they were too scared to step in and break it up. Eventually Hulk Hogan came in and talked Meng down.

Eric Bischoff
There are so many stories about Meng fighting with other wrestlers, but that doesn’t mean management wasn’t just as scared of him. Former head of WCW, Eric Bischoff has said numerous times that Meng was never fired from WCW because no one was brave enough to do it. On one particular day, Bischoff and Greg Gagne walked into the locker room and interrupted a conversation between Meng and Chris Candido, Chris Jericho, and Tammy Sytch. Meng immediately looked at the pair of execs and said, “Hey! Apologize to my friends. I’m talking to them.” According to Candido, the entire room went silent and everyone just froze. It was then that he realized the stories about Meng weren’t just legends. Bischoff and Gagne apologized to them and waited for the conversation to finish before speaking with Meng.

Jesse Barr
On a trip to Puerto Rico, Meng was walking with fellow wrestler Jesse Barr when Barr decided to kick dirt onto a man who was digging ditches. Meng was upset by it and told Barr he shouldn’t have done it. Barr decided to get in Meng’s face and argue with him, which turned out to be a bad idea. Meng grabbed him and popped his eyeball out of socket. Some wrestlers claimed he completely tore it out, but Meng said that wasn’t true. Barr ended up getting fired for the incident.

Kevin Sullivan
During Kevin Sullivan’s numerous shoot interviews, he’s spoken extensively on his time working with Meng. He claims that on one occasion when Sullivan was a booker in WCW, he asked Meng to do something that wasn’t major, but it wasn’t completely the right thing to do. He said that Meng got a little upset and it was most scared he’s ever been in his entire life, despite Meng not being that angry.

Sullivan also used Meng to his advantage. Sullivan had to inform a few guys that they would be losing an upcoming match. They wrestlers became upset and told Sullivan they refused to do the job. Sullivan told them that, instead of arguing, he would just go get Meng and have him take care of the situation. They guys immediately agreed to lose their matches if he promised not to go get Meng.

Jake Roberts
Jake “The Snake” may have said it best during one of his shoot interviews: “If I had a gun and was sitting inside a tank with one shell left and Meng is 300 yards away, he’s mine, right? Well the first thing I’m going to do is jump out of the tank and shoot myself because I don’t want to wound that son of a ***** and have him pissed off at me.”

So she would choke on your balls and meat then tap out?

I always like reading those Meng stories again. The one about him snatching an eyeball had me legit fearing dude. Reading that him and Fit Finlay got into an argument and basically the whole back area / lockerroom ran out of there to flee for safety had me laughing.

You guys think he intimidated vince too when he worked there?

So she would choke on your balls and meat then tap out?

I always like reading those Meng stories again. The one about him snatching an eyeball had me legit fearing dude. Reading that him and Fit Finlay got into an argument and basically the whole back area / lockerroom ran out of there to flee for safety had me laughing.

You guys think he intimidated vince too when he worked there?

Reverse camel clutch?... Thanks for the idea... I'll make this girl call me sheiky baby later...
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For my 6,000th..

Something to look at..

And something to laugh at..

Met Foley's daughter at Axxess this year. She was dating that dork Frank the Clown and was with him the whole time.
Man ever since Ramadan started al I've been watching lately is the network

Just earlier I was trying to break routine and was watching mad men and it felt different watching people not cut promos or duplex eachother
So she would choke on your balls and meat then tap out?

I always like reading those Meng stories again. The one about him snatching an eyeball had me legit fearing dude. Reading that him and Fit Finlay got into an argument and basically the whole back area / lockerroom ran out of there to flee for safety had me laughing.

You guys think he intimidated vince too when he worked there?

Id go Rusev on her. Even when she's tapping I will show her no mercy
Perry Saturn
During his YouShoot Interview, Perry Saturn was asked about his time in WCW and the toughness of the guys backstage. He was given the followng list of the guys with the strongest reputations of being tough and asked who would win a fight between them all.

The Barbarian
Scott Norton
Jim Duggan
Fit Finlay
Scott Steiner
Rick Steiner

He responded “Tonga. Nobody else would stand a chance. Not even a question. He could kill everyone without blinking and there is nothing anyone could do about it”

Ted DiBiase
The Million Dollar Man said that one time they were in a rough part of St. Louis for a show. Everyone had been drinking and a large fight broke out, which resulted in the police showing up. Meng had a few drinks, but saw the fight break out so he started trying to break it up. In the process, police thought he was part of the fight and maced him then handcuffed him. He said that Meng was cuffed behind his back, looked at the police, and snapped the handcuffs.

Bobby Heenan
In a shoot interview, Heenan talked extensively about Meng and referred to him as the toughest man (not just wrestler) he’s ever met in his life. The craziest story he shared was in regards to a bar fight where he claimed Meng “took his two fingers on his right hand, his index finger and trigger finger, and he reached into the guy’s mouth and he broke off the guy’s bottom teeth.” Heenan said that if he hadn’t been there and seen it himself, he wouldn’t believe it. After all the other stories that have been confirmed, it doesn’t seem that unbelievable at all. Heenan was also close friends with Andre the Giant and claimed that the only two men in the word that Andre feared were Meng and Harley Race.

Rick Steiner
The Steiner Brothers were known for being tough guys, so when a man is feared by two of the hardest guys in the sport, you know they’ve seen some crazy things. In an interview, Steiner talked about the time Meng fought off eight police officers. “They shot him with mace and he closed his eyes and sucked it in. He just opened his mouth and took a deep breath. I mean some of the stuff he did was like, ‘What the hell?’ Scotty and I always thought we were tough guys but that was before we met Meng.”

Arn Anderson
In his biography, “Arn Anderson: 4 Ever” Anderson claims that there are three types of men in the world. There are tough men, there are wrestler-tough men, and then there’s Meng. He was in a completely different category than anyone else on the planet. Anderson recalls one instance where a large cowboy was arguing with Meng and he pushed the cowboy through two different sets of doors using only one hand.

Brutus Beefcake
One of the most famous Meng stories happened during his time as Haku in the WWF. Brutus Beefcake had gone to management and complained that Meng slapped him too hard during their match. When Meng found out he walked straight to Beefcake’s locker room and grabbed him out of the shower. He started choking him and lifted him two feet in the air while everyone else looked on because they were too scared to step in and break it up. Eventually Hulk Hogan came in and talked Meng down.

Eric Bischoff
There are so many stories about Meng fighting with other wrestlers, but that doesn’t mean management wasn’t just as scared of him. Former head of WCW, Eric Bischoff has said numerous times that Meng was never fired from WCW because no one was brave enough to do it. On one particular day, Bischoff and Greg Gagne walked into the locker room and interrupted a conversation between Meng and Chris Candido, Chris Jericho, and Tammy Sytch. Meng immediately looked at the pair of execs and said, “Hey! Apologize to my friends. I’m talking to them.” According to Candido, the entire room went silent and everyone just froze. It was then that he realized the stories about Meng weren’t just legends. Bischoff and Gagne apologized to them and waited for the conversation to finish before speaking with Meng.

Jesse Barr
On a trip to Puerto Rico, Meng was walking with fellow wrestler Jesse Barr when Barr decided to kick dirt onto a man who was digging ditches. Meng was upset by it and told Barr he shouldn’t have done it. Barr decided to get in Meng’s face and argue with him, which turned out to be a bad idea. Meng grabbed him and popped his eyeball out of socket. Some wrestlers claimed he completely tore it out, but Meng said that wasn’t true. Barr ended up getting fired for the incident.

Kevin Sullivan
During Kevin Sullivan’s numerous shoot interviews, he’s spoken extensively on his time working with Meng. He claims that on one occasion when Sullivan was a booker in WCW, he asked Meng to do something that wasn’t major, but it wasn’t completely the right thing to do. He said that Meng got a little upset and it was most scared he’s ever been in his entire life, despite Meng not being that angry.

Sullivan also used Meng to his advantage. Sullivan had to inform a few guys that they would be losing an upcoming match. They wrestlers became upset and told Sullivan they refused to do the job. Sullivan told them that, instead of arguing, he would just go get Meng and have him take care of the situation. They guys immediately agreed to lose their matches if he promised not to go get Meng.

Jake Roberts
Jake “The Snake” may have said it best during one of his shoot interviews: “If I had a gun and was sitting inside a tank with one shell left and Meng is 300 yards away, he’s mine, right? Well the first thing I’m going to do is jump out of the tank and shoot myself because I don’t want to wound that son of a ***** and have him pissed off at me.”
Meng>Chuck Norris
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