Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

Renee and Regal are gold together. But really, anything is better than this current Cole/JBL/King pairing. King has been declining for years, but JBL's falloff has been fast and furious. Still don't know what happened. I'd take Riley and Saxton at this point.

Vince and Kevin Dunn are in his ear now :smh:
Here's another "NTWT's 10 Questions"..

1. Wrestler that, in your opinion, best represents the 80s, 90s, 00s?

2. What's your favorite specialty match at a ppv?

3. What 2 technical wrestlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Can be from any ere and both are in their prime)..

4. What 2 brawlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Any era and in their prime)

5. What 2 tag teams would you like to see in a dream bout?..(You know the drill)..

6. What 2 high flyers would you like to see in dream bout?..(Duh!)..

7. Who is your favorite IC champion?..

8. What is your favorite feud from WWF/E, WCW, & ECW?..

9. Who's your favorite valet?

10. What's your favorite title design that's not a World Heavyweight Singles Belt?..(Such as 80's era IC or 90's era WCW Tag Belts)
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Here's another "NTWT's 10 Questions"..

1. Wrestler that, in your opinion, best represents the 80s, 90s, 00s?

80's - Hogan
90's - scsa or raven for different reasons
00's - edge

2. What's your favorite specialty match at a ppv?

Royal Rumble

3. What 2 technical wrestlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Can be from any ere and both are in their prime)..

Bret vs D Bry

4. What 2 brawlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Any era and in their prime)

Andre vs Show

5. What 2 tag teams would you like to see in a dream bout?..(You know the drill)..

Bulldogs vs Wolves

6. What 2 high flyers would you like to see in dream bout?..(Duh!)..

Pac vs Rey

7. Who is your favorite IC champion?..


8. What is your favorite feud from WWF/E, WCW, & ECW?..

Razor vs Shawn
Eddie vs rey
Tommy vs raven

9. Who's your favorite valet?

Rated r lita

10. What's your favorite title that's not a World Heavyweight Singles Belt?

Here's another "NTWT's 10 Questions"..

1. Wrestler that, in your opinion, best represents the 80s, 90s, 00s?

2. What's your favorite specialty match at a ppv?

3. What 2 technical wrestlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Can be from any ere and both are in their prime)..
Angle and Hart

4. What 2 brawlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Any era and in their prime)
Austin and Race

5. What 2 tag teams would you like to see in a dream bout?..(You know the drill)..
Dudleyz and LOD

6. What 2 high flyers would you like to see in dream bout?..(Duh!)..
Liger and RVD

7. Who is your favorite IC champion?..

8. What is your favorite feud from WWF/E, WCW, & ECW?..
WWF/E-Austin and Rock
WCW-Sting and Flair
ECW-Dreamer and Raven

9. Who's your favorite valet?

10. What's your favorite title that's not a World Heavyweight Singles Belt?
WCW 90s-01 US Belt
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I should've been more specific with question 10..I meant Your Favorite Title Belt Design that's not a WHC..Such as the 80s IC or 90s WCW TV belt..
Here's another "NTWT's 10 Questions"..

1. Wrestler that, in your opinion, best represents the 80s, 90s, 00s?
80s-Ric Flair

2. What's your favorite specialty match at a ppv?
War Games match

3. What 2 technical wrestlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Can be from any ere and both are in their prime)..
Shane Douglas vs. Ric Flair

4. What 2 brawlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Any era and in their prime)
Stone Cold vs. Bruiser Brody

5. What 2 tag teams would you like to see in a dream bout?..(You know the drill)..
Steiner Brothers vs. Hart Foundation

6. What 2 high flyers would you like to see in dream bout?..(Duh!)..
Ronald vs. Jushin "Thunder" Liger

7. Who is your favorite IC champion?..
Tie between Mr. Perfect & Razor

8. What is your favorite feud from WWF/E, WCW, & ECW?..
WWF/E-Rock vs. Austin
WCW-Sting vs. Flair
ECW-Taz vs Sabu

9. Who's your favorite valet?
Sable or Francine

10. What's your favorite title design that's not a World Heavyweight Singles Belt?..(Such as 80's era IC or 90's era WCW Tag Belts)
NWA TV Title Belt
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Here's another "NTWT's 10 Questions"..

1. Wrestler that, in your opinion, best represents the 80s, 90s, 00s?
80s- Hogan 90s-Austin 2000s- HHH

2. What's your favorite specialty match at a ppv?

3. What 2 technical wrestlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Can be from any ere and both are in their prime)..
Angle circa 2005 vs Nigel McGuinness circa 2008

4. What 2 brawlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Any era and in their prime)
Austin circa 1998 vs CM Punk circa 2011

5. What 2 tag teams would you like to see in a dream bout?..(You know the drill)..
Rated RKO vs The Dudley Boyz

6. What 2 high flyers would you like to see in dream bout?..(Duh!)..
I don't like high flyers at all.

7. Who is your favorite IC champion?..
Shelton Benjamin

8. What is your favorite feud from WWF/E, WCW, & ECW?..
Austin/Rock     Sting/Flair     Taz/Shane Douglas
9. Who's your favorite valet?                                                                                                                                                                                                                I didn't grow up in the era where valets were common.
. Wrestler that, in your opinion, best represents the 80s, 90s, 00s?

Macho man , HBK , HHH

2. What's your favorite specialty match at a ppv?

Royal Rumble

3. What 2 technical wrestlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Can be from any ere and both are in their prime)..

D bryan vs Chris Benoit

4. What 2 brawlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Any era and in their prime)

Necro Butcher vs Cactus Jack

5. What 2 tag teams would you like to see in a dream bout?..(You know the drill)..

Young bucks vs Hardys

6. What 2 high flyers would you like to see in dream bout?..(Duh!)..

Ron mysterio vs Ricochet

7. Who is your favorite IC champion?..
Razor Ramon

8. What is your favorite feud from WWF/E, WCW, & ECW?..
Austin vs Rock , Sting vs Hogan , Taz vs Sabu

9. Who's your favorite valet?

10. What's your favorite title design that's not a World Heavyweight Singles Belt?..(Such as 80's era IC or 90's era WCW Tag Belts)
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@3dgarfly23  Necro Buthcer vs Cactus Jack would be so 
 in a 
Here's another "NTWT's 10 Questions"..

1. Wrestler that, in your opinion, best represents the 80s, 90s, 00s?

80s- Hogan
90s- SCSA
00S- Cena

2. What's your favorite specialty match at a ppv?


3. What 2 technical wrestlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Can be from any ere and both are in their prime)..

Benoit v Bryan

4. What 2 brawlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Any era and in their prime)

Cesaro vs Taker

5. What 2 tag teams would you like to see in a dream bout?..(You know the drill)..

Road Warriors v Worlds Greatest Yeah m Tag Team

6. What 2 high flyers would you like to see in dream bout?..(Duh!)..

Ricchocet v ECW era Mystery King

7. Who is your favorite IC champion?..


8. What is your favorite feud from WWF/E, WCW, & ECW?..

SCSA/Rock, Hogan/Sting, Awesome/Tanaka

9. Who's your favorite valet?

T&A Trish

10. What's your favorite title design that's not a World Heavyweight Singles Belt?..(Such as 80's era IC or 90's era WCW Tag Belts)

Black IC belt
Here's another "NTWT's 10 Questions"..

1. Wrestler that, in your opinion, best represents the 80s, 90s, 00s?
80s Hogan 90s Austin 00s missed a lot of the 2000s but Cena I guess.

2. What's your favorite specialty match at a ppv?

3. What 2 technical wrestlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Can be from any ere and both are in their prime)..
Bryan vs Bret Hart

4. What 2 brawlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Any era and in their prime)
Brock vs Vader

5. What 2 tag teams would you like to see in a dream bout?..(You know the drill)..
RVD and Sabu vs hall and Nash

6. What 2 high flyers would you like to see in dream bout?..(Duh!)..
Super Crazy vs. Taka michinoku

7. Who is your favorite IC champion?..

8. What is your favorite feud from WWF/E, WCW, & ECW?..
Wwf Austin vs McMahon
Wcw Jericho vs Make no
Ecw RVD vs Jerry Lynn

9. Who's your favorite valet?
Stephanie McMahon

10. What's your favorite title design that's not a World Heavyweight Singles Belt?..(Such as 80's era IC or 90's era WCW Tag Belts)
Ftw title
Man beansie, I was going to put the FTW title as my favorite, but I didn't want anyone b***ching cause it wasn't an official title..Was also really torn about the Smoking Skull over the FTW..
Man beansie, I was going to put the FTW title as my favorite, but I didn't want anyone b***ching cause it wasn't an official title..Was also really torn about the Smoking Skull over the FTW..
man that FTW title was the **** in ECW. Tazz was so good in that feud with Shane Douglas. Then going to WWF and knocking off Angle. I swore he was the next big thing.
Also don't worry about people *****ing. Wrestling fans ***** and moan no matter what you say.
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man that FTW title was the **** in ECW. Tazz was so good in that feud with Shane Douglas. Then going to WWF and knocking off Angle. I swore he was the next big thing.
Also don't worry about people *****ing. Wrestling fans ***** and moan no matter what you say.

Well since I didn't specify on the question that those belts were an option, just didn't want to hear the whining if I didn't let people know they could pick an unofficial belt..

Yeah, Taz was the absolute truth..Had the perfect gimmick, was booked by Heyman better than anyone in ECW, and had the best/most believable promos..He would've been a superstar in the E if Vince wouldn't have booked him to be weak and he could have avoided the injury bug..A feud between Taz and Stone Cold would've had the potential to be a feud of the decade if the two of them wouldn't have got those bad injuries..I almost put that down for my brawler feud, but I couldn't pass up SCSA vs Brody..
Well since I didn't specify on the question that those belts were an option, just didn't want to hear the whining if I didn't let people know they could pick an unofficial belt..

Yeah, Taz was the absolute truth..Had the perfect gimmick, was booked by Heyman better than anyone in ECW, and had the best/most believable promos..He would've been a superstar in the E if Vince wouldn't have booked him to be weak and he could have avoided the injury bug..A feud between Taz and Stone Cold would've had the potential to be a feud of the decade if the two of them wouldn't have got those bad injuries..I almost put that down for my brawler feud, but I couldn't pass up SCSA vs Brody..
OK makes sense. I'm guessing from your ecw recollections we are probably around the same age. Early 30s?
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1. Wrestler that, in your opinion, best represents the 80s, 90s, 00s?

80s - Savage
90s - Taker
00s - Rocky

2. What's your favorite specialty match at a ppv?


3. What 2 technical wrestlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Can be from any ere and both are in their prime)..

Malenko v D-Bryan

4. What 2 brawlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Any era and in their prime)

Austin vs Goldberg

5. What 2 tag teams would you like to see in a dream bout?..(You know the drill)..

APA vs Road Warriors

6. What 2 high flyers would you like to see in dream bout?..(Duh!)..

AJ Styles v Rollins

7. Who is your favorite IC champion?..


8. What is your favorite feud from WWF/E, WCW, & ECW?..

WWF/E - Bret vs Austin
WCW - Jericho vs Malenko: Hold 1: Armdrag...Hold #2: Armbar....#4: Armbar....#8: Armbar... Hold #712: Armbar :rofl:

9. Who's your favorite valet?

Stacey Keibler

10. What's your favorite title design that's not a World Heavyweight Singles Belt?..(Such as 80's era IC or 90's era WCW Tag Belts)

WCW's United States Championship
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