Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

He is reading my letter OMG
Lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Sandow
Sandow been delivering laughs with this gimmick
Summer from the neck down
Total Divas ruined her for me, but I'd still smash
Alicia Fire bout to wash her
Hate to see my baby get washed, but she's gotta stop messing with Cena
After further review, this Monday Night War seems like it's pretty good..Definitely more content than the old DVD..I don't know if it's going to be a drawn out series/special or just 1 or 2 episodes but it looks promising..If they can keep the WCW bashing to a minimum and tell it more like it really was then it'll be a good watch..
I mean they've already won the war. I don't see why they need to bash the wcw product and boast vkms ego furthermore.
The real reason why trips chose Rollins over Dean Ambrose was because he said the only titty master that is going to be in my squad will be me
I thought the Monday Night Wars VHS/DVD from years ago was good.  I didn't mind the WCW bashing :pimp: .

4w? :nerd:

I mean they've already won the war. I don't see why they need to bash the wcw product and boast vkms ego furthermore.

I know right?..I mean Vince is 136 years old and still feels the need to blast WCW, WCCW, ECW, JCP, NWA, MID-SOUTH, FCW and any other promotion that's ever existed..

I thought it was really funny when someone said something to the extent of "We had better younger talent than they did", and it shows HBK vs. King Kong Bundy followed by Bret vs. Lawler.. :rofl: :smh: :stoneface: ..
HCTP is better than all 3 of those. SVR 2006 is very underrated though. That game would've been near flawless had the roster been better at the time.
That Ambrose/Orton match last night was pretty good. Wouldn't be mad at those 2 feuding after Rollins/Jeans are done.
Big E saving Kofi. They need to go all in on the Preacher E gimmick and have him baptizing all the African American wrestlers and just bring back the Nation of Domination.
Big E = Mark Henry
Kofi = D'Lo
Truth = Faarooq
Titus = Godfather
Xavier = Clarence Thomas

Book It!!
And Dolph as Owen
Monday Night Wars was just a preview for the new subscribers this week. Will be debuted in August. Left off the vault purposely
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