Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

Sharpshooter>Scorpion Death Lock.

Loved how Bret cradled the entire leg. Sting's was grabbed at the ankle and was basically halfway between Brets and Rocks. Although I did love how quick and smooth Sting's setup was on the death lock.

The scorpion death drop was ill too 

in b4 case has a field day with this post
Aw, it warmed my heart to see the INSTANT FLOOD of hate for the K-dawg. Thanks guys! To paraphrase George Carlin, Konnan wrestled like old people ****: slow and sloppy. His moves stunk, his catchphrases reeked, and oh GOD he was just worthless. It's hard to say whether him or Vampiro was consistently voted Least Valuable Luchadore during the weekly We Watch ****** WCW meetings, but at least Vamp kinda looked cool and could occasionally move fast. Konnan sometimes looked downright unhealthy to himself in the ring, getting so blown up that he seemed to be having a heart attack. Even Konnan's GEAR sucked; how the hell do you wrestle in saggy underwear, revealing more of your buttcrack than goddamn Lita did? Yet he was living proof that proper booking can get ANYONE over, because people were popping like maniacs whenever his Wolfpack music hit.

I did hang out with him once, after a TNA show. (Not like one-on-one, but me being the odd man out in a roomful of stars.) Weird dude, actually kinda intimidating. Acted and spoke at times like a gangster; not New Jack, I mean more like ******' Michael Corleone. And he just KEPT hitting gay jokes on poor Juventud, who was curled up on the couch like a silent ******-elf and hardly said a word the whole time. Konnan did at least have one moment of funny self-deprecation, when he mentioned talking to that jacked-up hispanic dude Apollo: he'd said something about being inspired by Konnan's picture on posters when he was growing up in Puerto Rico. "And here I am now, asking the guy for bodybuilding tips!" (Much later, I wondered if this was code for "...asking the guy for a juice hookup".
:lol: He cooks Juvie anytime he gets a chance to
Konnan lost me when he started asking the crowd to toss his salad and peel his potatoes :x
Bum *** Sid Vicious tweeted out 7.14.14 too. I'm devastated. :stoneface:
Sid is the ruler of the world b.
Sharpshooter>Scorpion Death Lock.

Loved how Bret cradled the entire leg. Sting's was grabbed at the ankle and was basically halfway between Brets and Rocks. Although I did love how quick and smooth Sting's setup was on the death lock.

The scorpion death drop was ill too 

in b4 case has a field day with this post

I have zero issues with this and agree..Bret's was definitely better looking and came across as more painful to the knee..I like how Sting applied the move faster and with less effort than Bret..Sting's looked like it kinda hurt the knee, but then he'd snap down and it looked like it hurt the back more than the legs..Bret's just look like it hurt the entire lower half of the body..So if the Sharpshooter is a 10/10, I'll say the Scorpion Deathlock was a 8.5-9/10..You think that's fair af1?
I have zero issues with this and agree..Bret's was definitely better looking and came across as more painful to the knee..I like how Sting applied the move faster and with less effort than Bret..Sting's looked like it kinda hurt the knee, but then he'd snap down and it looked like it hurt the back more than the legs..Bret's just look like it hurt the entire lower half of the body..So if the Sharpshooter is a 10/10, I'll say the Scorpion Deathlock was a 8.5-9/10..You think that's fair af1?

Definitely fair my man. If Bret never existed, death lock would be a 10/10 because we would never know it could be applied better.

How about that death drop though. So damn smooth when he brought it out of nowhere. Had that little bit of snap to it.

That stinger splash too, probably one of my favorite moves of all time. Just an all around entertaining move
Geez a stupid date tweeted and everyone goes crazy. I'd be excited if this happened 10 years ago. I don't see anyone begging for the great muso to finally make a wwe appearance. :rolleyes
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Definitely fair my man. If Bret never existed, death lock would be a 10/10 because we would never know it could be applied better.

How about that death drop though. So damn smooth when he brought it out of nowhere. Had that little bit of snap to it.

That stinger splash too, probably one of my favorite moves of all time. Just an all around entertaining move

I loved both moves..I really liked the Death Drop when he did it during his Surfer Sting days..He'd hit it on the run and it just looked unique..I know it's nothing special these days, but back 25 yrs ago it was pretty awesome..And the Stinger Splash is one of my favorite set up moves..You just knew the end was near when he'd get his 2nd wind and then a hit a couple of those..
Sting doing the Scorpion Death Drop was cool. Everybody else doing it was the opposite :lol: Shawn Staziak, the Meat Grinder
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