Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

Ok I am watching this CM Punk WrestleMania Moment/Rewind. Whatever it is called. They are showing his Money in The Bank matches.

This stuff is HARD to watch. I sometimes wish someone gets injured badly so they can put an end to these stunt type matches.

Shelton Benjaim, sooper at-letic
Man I just watched Starrcade 89. No reason Muta should have lost all 3 matches. My man could have gotten ONE victory.

That was a solid card man

Having Luger get more points than Muta is flat out asinine..And they shoulda had Sting and Muta tie in the points to continue the feud even longer..
Jim Ross spoke about how Muta was used.

Reading recently about the Great Muta, it reminded me of the time when I was on the WCW Booking Asylum, Er, Committee and I suggested that the handsome, young and talented Kenji Muta might make a great protagonist at some point in his WCW run. The look on the faces of many of my peers reminded me of what it must have been like when it was suggested to Caucasian wrestling territory owners that African American wrestlers be put into positions of prominence in the territory. I was passionately reminded that American wrestling fans would NEVER support a Japanese protagonist thanks to December 7, 1941 and the attack on Pearl Harbor. Forget that moment occurred almost half a century before as the idea wasn't embraced and never fully materialized. I just know that Muta was a star and without the face paint back in the late 80's the ladies in the CNN Center in Atlanta loved the guy.

If anyone wants to join me

Currently Watching: Smackdown EPISODE 86 Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin look to run roughshod over the WWE. Jeff Hardy battles Triple H. Kane, Undertaker, and more in action. TV-PG network. http://wwe.com/video/v32650685
Everyone messes with Roman Reigns. For now. Just like everybody used to mess with KD but eventually folks will get tired of him.
Everyone messes with Roman Reigns. For now. Just like everybody used to mess with KD but eventually folks will get tired of him.

It sounds like people are getting tired of him already :lol: as seen as those reports came out mentioning Reigns will get a rocket push, it was inevitable
I was a big fan of Konnan when he had the mask working around Los Angeles. It was a mistake to take it off him. But that was so long ago.

Because of Meltzer & Williams, I got to talk to him a lot. After his terrible match in the Mexico City Bull Ring with Cien Caras in front of 50,000, I ripped him in a WON letter. Carlos reads the Observer & wrote a letter defending himself.

Later in TJ after a AAA card, he was hanging around with Dave & he kept asking who this Steve Yohe was. I pointed him to Williams.

Konnan was a very smart guy & always good to us. Good friends with Dave. Wrote his own HOF Bio in the WON. But he is the only wrestler in the world who went off steriods while going to WCW. He killed his look and he didn't work as well without the juice. He never hide the fact he was on juice and talked to Dave about it all the time. I think he went off them before going to America (well left AAA & TJ).

He always said that his work was Ok...but he couldn't carry someone who stunk. I guess that meant he had to be carried. (Most of the guys in AAA at that time were great workers) He always played himself down and lact of confidence hurt him after leaving AAA. I liked his mat work and told him, but he didn't think fans liked that style. He could have been Ok, but....WCW. It wasn't important.

I told him that he would get killed in WCW, but he & all the Lucha stars wanted the money. It seems all that WCW wanted was cheap drugs brought over the border from TJ. At one point WCW had the best talent in the history of wrestling & they destroyed it.

Carlos was very wrestling smart. A good thinker & a leader of all the major Lucha stars of that time, including Misterio. The other wrestlers believed in him and followed him. But his booking in TJ was destroyed by watching WCW. He left classic lucha and turned to garbage WCW/NWO style and it was terrible. Drugs didn't help. All those great Lucha guy were destroyed by WCW. Ended a great period in lucha history, but they got paid.

Konnan also had health problems.

I don't make friends with many wrestlers, but I always like Konnan and would enjoy seeing him again some day. He was a lot of fun.--Steve Yohe

[ 05-05-2014, 10:36 PM: Message edited by: Steve Yohe ]
^That Miz heel turn was more telegraphed than a Kobe pump fake :lol:

Six Woman Handicap Match: Nikki Bella vs. Naomi, Natalya, Eva Marie, Summer Rae, Rose Mendes, and ???

Apparently, this is a six on one handicap match. Suddenly, visions of Uncensored 95 haunt me. Nikki Bella puts on her sad face while waiting for her opponents. Only five people came out because Cameron decided not to come out according to the announcers. Nikki and Rosa start things off. Rosa elbows Nikki in the face before hitting a corner splash. Summer Rae is tagged in and helps Rosa suplex Nikki. Summer grabs her in a front-face lock and tags in Eva. Eva hits a clothesline. 1..2..kickout. Summer tags back in as the two girls throw her into the corner. Summer continues her assault with a foot choke. Rosa pounds on Nikki as the referee is distracted. Summer keeps taunting Nikki who smacks her hard. Summer screams, but is caught with a clothesline and trip. Network froze again. Nikki lifts Summer but Rosa Mendes breaks it up. Summer is caught in an O'Connor Roll.Eva tags herself in hitting a surprisingly effective DDT(she didn't mess it up). 1..2..3. Eva Marie gets the victory for her team.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Naomi, Natalya, Summer Rae, Eva Marie, and Rosa Mendes @ 5:00 via pin

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