Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

I would mop the floor after I'm done with likely Kelly word to Ksteezy
Watching my first live show at the garden Saturday :pimp:

Anything I should know? Any major differences from watching on tv?
What up fellow wrestling enthusiasts? It always seems on the NTWT that our questions we ask are always lists of favorites...so I decided to ask the opposite...
1)Who is your least favorite/most hated wrestler currently?
2)Who is the wrestler you despise most all time and for what reason?
Sheamus, he's so boring.
3)Who is your least favorite WWF Champion?
4)Who is your least favorite WCW Champion?
(besides David Arquette)
5)Who is your least favorite WWE Champion?
6)Which MITB winner was the wrong choice for the briefcase/title? (Any match from any year)
7)Who is/was your least liked authority figure/General manager ?
Vickie Guererro 
8)Which women's wrestler/diva/valet was the one that didn't "make it move" for you?
Jillian Hall
9)Who is the worst commentator that you've heard in the business?
Mike Adamle
10)What was the worst faction in wrestling?
(any company/any era) Spirit Squad
1) Who is your least favorite/most hated wrestler currently? - Kane. At least Sheamus is a good worker, but the fact Kane is being forced down my throat as a credible threat in 2014 is :rolleyes

2)Who is the wrestler you despise most all time and for what reason? - Cena. A good wrestler but no where near the best of all time nor deserving of all the title reigns he's had.

3)Who is your least favorite WWF Champion? - Big Show or Kane. Useless title reigns.

4)Who is your least favorite WCW Champion? - Hogan (mostly for backstage politicking) or Russo.
(besides David Arquette)

5)Who is your least favorite WWE Champion? - the Miz. Just terrible.

6)Which MITB winner was the wrong choice for the briefcase/title? (Any match from any year) - the Miz

7)Who is/was your least liked authority figure/General manager? - Bischoff.

8)Which women's wrestler/diva/valet was the one that didn't "make it move" for you? - Kharma...I can't really think of anyone else off the top of my head

9)Who is the worst commentator that you've heard in the business? Any one of Joey Styles (this has honestly nothing to do with his commentary but rather his political views), Tony Schiavone (lost all respect for him after the Gorilla Monsoon debacle), or Tazz (just a cornball).

10)What was the worst faction in wrestling? - the Corre
(any company/any era)
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Watching my first live show at the garden Saturday :pimp:

Anything I should know? Any major differences from watching on tv?

Every live event I went to was at the Garden or Nassau Coliseum (NY does it right :pimp: )

Back in the day at least, there isn't a titantron. A lot more superstar/fan interaction too. Don't expect a title change.
This is on par with HBK completely missing the Sweet Chin Music on Big Show and still pinning him :lol:
What up fellow wrestling enthusiasts? It always seems on the NTWT that our questions we ask are always lists of favorites...so I decided to ask the opposite...
1)Who is your least favorite/most hated wrestler currently?

Bo Dallas

2)Who is the wrestler you despise most all time and for what reason?

Buff Bagwell..I think the thing that I hated the most was the fact he was given as much shine as he got and never had 1 good match..His promos sucked..His ring work sucked..His gimmick sucked..And yet the dude continued to get title matches, and title runs..That's the guy, other than insignificant guys like Doink The Clown or Fandango, that bugs me the most..

3)Who is your least favorite WWF Champion?

Kane..Although I respect his longevity and his ring work for a big man, I just never really thought his character should be a World Champion..

4)Who is your least favorite WCW Champion?
(besides David Arquette)

Jeff Jarrett..He had no business being a World Champion..**Honorable mentions go to Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash for making a mockery out of such a prestigious title**

5)Who is your least favorite WWE Champion?

Randy Orton..Such an *** hole..He gets everything handed to him and doesn't appreciate it..Plus I just don't think he's champion material..

6)Which MITB winner was the wrong choice for the briefcase/title? (Any match from any year)

Not extremely familiar with the entire MITB history, but I hated Cena getting to win it cause it should be used to push an up and comer..

7)Who is/was your least liked authority figure/General manager ?


8)Which women's wrestler/diva/valet was the one that didn't "make it move" for you?

Pretty much most of the mid to late 2000s chicks..Kelly Kelly, Maryse, Christy Hemme, and any other the other bland looking women Vince gave jobs to based on their casting couch abilities..

9)Who is the worst commentator that you've heard in the business?

Steve McMichael

10)What was the worst faction in wrestling?
(any company/any era)

Toss up between The Oddities or the Latino World Order
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