Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

Layla's 37 today. Still the baddest on this roster, she knows no expiration date :smokin
I definitely feel you @venom lyrix and @shaft . You both bring up very valid points. I just have that old school mentality of making guys work and hone their craft.

I feel like too many guys nowadays are given the ball too soon and crash and burn. Maybe since I like all 4 guys we discussed, I don't want to see that happen to them. The WWE needs to find that happy medium of developing guys but cashing in on the momentum
Which ones dont you like AF? Was home in the 2 1 5 this past weekend, but didnt hit Montgomeryville Mall.
DC gonna shovel me for this but I tried the one with Konnan and hated it. Cheap Heat is basically a review of Raw every week and the WWE product which is the only thing I follow. A lot of other podcasts discuss things from the past. The main premise of Cheap Heat is to discuss Raw.

You didn't miss anything with the mall man. Too many teeny boppers there.
I definitely feel you @venom lyrix
and @shaft
. You both bring up very valid points. I just have that old school mentality of making guys work and hone their craft.

I feel like too many guys nowadays are given the ball too soon and crash and burn. Maybe since I like all 4 guys we discussed, I don't want to see that happen to them. The WWE needs to find that happy medium of developing guys but cashing in on the momentum

I guess I feel like WWE shouldn't be developing guys from scratch....all of these guys have been wrestling for years before signing to the big leagues. They've all been around at least a cycle/season....if they are hot, ride it.

I guess I'm over the whole be champ for 18 months thing....

Are you popular? Become champ. Keep your heat, keep the belt. If you fall off, you lose the belt.

But I do NOT agree with non-title loses for champs. Win or go home.
DC gonna shovel me for this but I tried the one with Konnan and hated it. Cheap Heat is basically a review of Raw every week and the WWE product which is the only thing I follow. A lot of other podcasts discuss things from the past. The main premise of Cheap Heat is to discuss Raw.

That's exactly why I listen to CHEAP HEAT. It's just a review of RAW with minimal outside crap.
DC gonna shovel me for this but I tried the one with Konnan and hated it. Cheap Heat is basically a review of Raw every week and the WWE product which is the only thing I follow. A lot of other podcasts discuss things from the past. The main premise of Cheap Heat is to discuss Raw.

You didn't miss anything with the mall man. Too many teeny boppers there.

Downloading the MLW podcast from this past Monday. Havent really gottend down with the LAW podcast but Austin's is pretty good besides MLW. Got the MLW VIP but not a big fan of Alice who's on with Jim Cornette. Havent listened to cheap heat in a minute, so many podcasts to listen to yet so little time.

Did hit Friendly's and my cheesesteak spots when I was home though. You in Happy Valley all summer as well?
Downloading the MLW podcast from this past Monday. Havent really gottend down with the LAW podcast but Austin's is pretty good besides MLW. Got the MLW VIP but not a big fan of Alice who's on with Jim Cornette. Havent listened to cheap heat in a minute, so many podcasts to listen to yet so little time.

Did hit Friendly's and my cheesesteak spots when I was home though. You in Happy Valley all summer as well?
Naw man, DMV  for the summer on an internship. Columbia to be exact. This place too rich for my blood, literally. @B Sox knows about that Howard County Tax smh
I'm on my 2nd episode of Cheap Heat and I'm liking it so far..The guy that's not Rosenberg is kinda annoying..He has that "I'm so smart and I love listening to myself talk" kind of attitude about him..

SCSA, to me, has the best podcast out there..Followed by JR, although he tends to get a little preachy about how things should be done (i.e., the whole heels/rules to break thing)..Jericho's is good to listen to cause I like rock 'n roll and he's a big music guy..

I don't know the name of it but the podcast with Konnan in it is the worst piece of **** I've had the misfortune of listening to..And it sounds so bad..Konnan sounds like he's calling in from a phone booth in a subway station and speaking through a megaphone into the receiver..Plus he thinks he's way smarter than what he really is..
Glad I'm not alone in thinking Konnan stinks on podcasts. I listen to LAW before anything, and a handful of Jericho's. Need to catch some of Austin's. The Rosenberg ones are always good just cause you know how much of a legit fan he is
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Reigns has Rock potential. No need to rush it. He can barely speak on the mic. Let him develop more and practice. It's all about patience.

BNB just got the IC title not too long ago. Let him have a lengthy run with it before he sniffs the main event picture.

Cesaro just started getting his push after WM as well. Let him have legit feuds with a couple main eventers like Orton, Cena, or dare I say it....Sheamus. .Cesaro honestly would have been the perfect choice to win MITB imo

It's all about the payoff with these new guys. Slow and steady, no need to strap them to a rocket and push them to the moon because they are going to crash and burn when they come back to earth.

In my honest opinion, Bray is the only guy ready for the title out of this new breed. His mic work is stupendous. And he's slowly gaining that following. HIs in ring work is also very good. And most importantly, he's on the tail end of a lengthy feud with the top guy in the company. He's the only one that has even sniffed that main event level.

Bray GAWD FTW Sunday.
I'm on my 2nd episode of Cheap Heat and I'm liking it so far..The guy that's not Rosenberg is kinda annoying..He has that "I'm so smart and I love listening to myself talk" kind of attitude about him..

SCSA, to me, has the best podcast out there..Followed by JR, although he tends to get a little preachy about how things should be done (i.e., the whole heels/rules to break thing)..Jericho's is good to listen to cause I like rock 'n roll and he's a big music guy..

I don't know the name of it but the podcast with Konnan in it is the worst piece of **** I've had the misfortune of listening to..And it sounds so bad..Konnan sounds like he's calling in from a phone booth in a subway station and speaking through a megaphone into the receiver..Plus he thinks he's way smarter than what he really is..
The "not-Rosenberg" guy is the guy who wrote "The Squared Circle". i haven't read it in a week, got addicted to dexter smh.

Konnan just acts like he's a legend when really he's the equivalent of a C list actor.
Glad I'm not alone in thinking Konnan stinks on podcasts. I listen to LAW before anything, and a handful of Jericho's. Need to catch some of Austin's. The Rosenberg ones are always good just cause you know how much of a legit fan he is
Yep. I love Rosenberg because he's just a straight fan. A lot of these other guys have worked in the business but Rosenberg just loves wrestling.
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