Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

Glad I'm not alone in thinking Konnan stinks on podcasts. I listen to LAW before anything, and a handful of Jericho's. Need to catch some of Austin's. The Rosenberg ones are always good just cause you know how much of a legit fan he is
Yep. I love Rosenberg because he's just a straight fan. A lot of these other guys have worked in the business but Rosenberg just loves wrestling.

Yeah, Cheap Heat is definitely my most favorite one with SCSA coming in at second. I just keep an eye out in this thread for JR and Jericho's guests as they're just not as engaging to me.
Konnan is tolerable in doses. There's a good dynamic between the 3.

I agree with the consensus on Rosenberg, like his knowledge on wrestling and hip hop.

Anyone go to the tna tapings?

What did people think of ROH'S ppv this past Sunday?
The "not-Rosenberg" guy is the guy who wrote "The Squared Circle". i haven't read it in a week, got addicted to dexter smh.

Konnan just acts like he's a legend when really he's the equivalent of a C list actor.

I didn't know they were the same guy, but he definitely writes like he talks..It's obvious he's knowledgeable, but for the love of gawd you don't have to shove it down people's throats..

Yeah Konnan mos def has an inflated opinion of himself..If the wrestling world was a Hollywood Red Carpet event, then Konnan would be Kathy Griffin or Omarrosa..
I'm on my 2nd episode of Cheap Heat and I'm liking it so far..The guy that's not Rosenberg is kinda annoying..He has that "I'm so smart and I love listening to myself talk" kind of attitude about him..

SCSA, to me, has the best podcast out there..Followed by JR, although he tends to get a little preachy about how things should be done (i.e., the whole heels/rules to break thing)..Jericho's is good to listen to cause I like rock 'n roll and he's a big music guy..

I don't know the name of it but the podcast with Konnan in it is the worst piece of **** I've had the misfortune of listening to..And it sounds so bad..Konnan sounds like he's calling in from a phone booth in a subway station and speaking through a megaphone into the receiver..Plus he thinks he's way smarter than what he really is..
I'll check of Cheap Heat based on this review... I have the same sentiments about Rosenberg too.

Konnan's podcast is one of the worst podcasts I've ever heard... I'm convinced DCAllAmerican is sponsored by them to peddle their crap here.

Edit: Not taking shots at DCAllAmerican personally
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I didn't know they were the same guy, but he definitely writes like he talks..It's obvious he's knowledgeable, but for the love of gawd you don't have to shove it down people's throats..

Yeah Konnan mos def has an inflated opinion of himself..If the wrestling world was a Hollywood Red Carpet event, then Konnan would be Kathy Griffin or Omarrosa..
yea idk how anyone can listen to that dude talk,i didnt even wanna see him on my tv,how could u listen to him on a podcast.no shots at dc man,i guess your just more devoted 
1. :smh: Yall dudes wouldn't even know you could listen to things other than music on your portable devices if it weren't for me and this is how yall treat me?

2. I am SICK of those PodCastOne dudes recycling guests. Sickning forreal man.

3. Yall sleep on Colt Cabana's podcast. Great podcast. Great guests that nobody else uses.

4. I think Lance Storm has been on every podcast at some point.

5. There are too many podcasts man.

Was Shoe Maker taking a shot at DC at the end of the podcast??

Don't Be That Guy :lol:
What did he say?
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What did he say?

With the NBA Draft around the corner, they proposed doing a 3 person draft as if they were starting an Indy so who from the WWE would they take since they are having Sam Roberts as a guest next week

Shoe Maker suggested 10 each from WWE and they could even use those released last week. Rosenberg countered that they should just be able to pick anyone from the world then. Which led to this exchange

Shoe Maker: The problem with picking from everybody is that the only responses we'd get would be from people crapping us for not knowing Japanese wrestlers.
Rosenberg: I'm going to be okay with that
Shoe Maker: I'm going to only pick Japanese wrestlers and laugh at you guys when you don't know who they are
Rosenberg: That's what you should do
Shoe Maker: Even though I'm not going to really know who they are. I'm just going to be the jerk....
Rosenberg: .....BE THAT DUDE
1. :smh: Yall dudes wouldn't even know you could listen to things other than music on your portable devices if it weren't for me and this is how yall treat me?

2. I am SICK of those PodCastOne dudes recycling guests. Sickning forreal man.

1. You give yourself way too much credit over the podcast issue..You really are "living the gimmick".. :tongue:

2. You're sick of recycled guests, but yet you'll continue to listen to a ******ed Konnan on a weekly basis?!?!..Makes zero sense.. :wink:
View media item 1048187
[This Day in WCW History] The Great American Bash PPV Took Place in Baltimore, Maryland [June 16th, 1996]

- The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott) vs Fire and Ice (Scott Norton and Ice Train) in a number-one contenders match for the WCW World Tag Team Championship
- WCW United States Champion Konnan vs El Gato
- Marcus Bagwell vs Diamond Dallas Page
- WCW Cruiserweight Champion Dean Malenko vs Rey Mysterio, Jr.
- Big Bubba Rogers (with Jimmy Hart) vs John Tenta
- Kevin Sullivan (with Jimmy Hart) vs Chris Benoit in a Falls Count Anywhere match
- Lord Steven Regal (with Jeeves) vs Sting
- Ric Flair and Arn Anderson (with Woman, Miss Elizabeth and Bobby Heenan) vs Kevin Greene and Steve McMichael (with Randy Savage, Debra McMichael and Tara Greene)
- WCW World Heavyweight Champion The Giant (with Jimmy Hart) vs Lex Luger

View media item 1048188View media item 1048189View media item 1048190
They cant just book a Raw in this building?

View media item 1047944

Where's the best place to purchase tickets for this - Stubhub?

1. :smh: Yall dudes wouldn't even know you could listen to things other than music on your portable devices if it weren't for me and this is how yall treat me?

2. I am SICK of those PodCastOne dudes recycling guests. Sickning forreal man.

1. You give yourself way too much credit over the podcast issue..You really are "living the gimmick".. :tongue:

2. You're sick of recycled guests, but yet you'll continue to listen to a ******ed Konnan on a weekly basis?!?!..Makes zero sense.. :wink:

But Konnan being stoned as **** makes it entertaining... Maybe it's cause I'm constantly stoned as ****...
@ that gif sequence with Stephanie.

Rock sold that People's Elbow from Booker T like a sledgehammer to his chest.
But Konnan being stoned as **** makes it entertaining... Maybe it's cause I'm constantly stoned as ****...
Konnan being high and mispronouncing everybody's name is entertaining.

Konnan knows what he is talking about fellas. He just isn't always in the right mindset to articulate it in a clear and concise way. Dude knows his stuff though.

Show a little respect. If it weren't for him, yall wouldn't even know who Ron Mysterio and Quazi Juice Guerrera were.
Konnan being high and mispronouncing everybody's name is entertaining.

Konnan knows what he is talking about fellas. He just isn't always in the right mindset to articulate it in a clear and concise way. Dude knows his stuff though.

Show a little respect. If it weren't for him, yall wouldn't even know who Ron Mysterio and Quazi Juice Guerrera were.
I wouldn't care if I didn't know Ron Mysterio. 

Shots fired. 
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