Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

Wrestling Society X was kinda eek tho :lol: Evan Bourne, X-pac, Seth Rollins, Teddy hart etc :smokin

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But Konnan being stoned as **** makes it entertaining... Maybe it's cause I'm constantly stoned as ****...

I'm usually in Iran listening to Konnan and am laughing at his mispronounced words and who are good drivers on the road. Alice on Jim Cornette's show is annoying.

Havent listened to Cabanas podcast in a minute. There's a Piper and Goldberg podcast. So many to listen to.
I'm probably just being a mark but the cause villains are my new favorite tag team.

this isn't the early 2000s anymore. wwe should be tryin to capitalize on their NXT taping a.
I really think wwe should be showing vignettes of the the reactions that these talents were getting on NXT. so that the fans on raw and smack down know what it is the character that they are suppose to be cheering for.
dudes like Dallas, Paige, Emma, Rose ect. a lot of their pop was from the crowd reactions and interaction. I think if they showed more of tha when they called them up it would help.
Wrestling Society X was kinda eek tho :lol: Evan Bourne, X-pac, Seth Rollins, Teddy hart etc :smokin

Loved this... It was amazing... Such a different presentation of Wrestling, but still pure...

Ditto, though I wasn't a fan of certain camera angles they used when something would explode :lol:. Also the first time I actually saw Evan Bourne instead of just hearing about him
Wrestling Society X was kinda eek tho :lol: Evan Bourne, X-pac, Seth Rollins, Teddy hart etc :smokin

Loved this... It was amazing... Such a different presentation of Wrestling, but still pure...

Ditto, though I wasn't a fan of certain camera angles they used when something would explode :lol:. Also the first time I actually saw Evan Bourne instead of just hearing about him

First time seeing Teddy.. I'm still a mark for that psycho bastard...
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Konnan being high and mispronouncing everybody's name is entertaining.

Konnan knows what he is talking about fellas. He just isn't always in the right mindset to articulate it in a clear and concise way. Dude knows his stuff though.

Show a little respect. If it weren't for him, yall wouldn't even know who Ron Mysterio and Quazi Juice Guerrera were.

Man, F! Konnan and his overrated ***..Who cares if he "brought" Ron Ron to ECW?..Calibri would've made it no matter what..

Dude doesn't know his stuff..All he knows is a bunch of bitter stories about how he got screwed over by WCW/Bischoff/Hogan/Nash/Hall/Sting/Luger/Jericho/Steiner/Flair/Anderson/Every other employee who he can blame his not being the Main Event Man on..

I hate Konnan as much as Slo Dallas
And I'm starting to hate you too DC
j/k please don't be mad at me..
That attitude you display is the reason why Sting has never been and will never be worth a damn

No, sir, my attitude has nothing to do with Sting never being worth a damn..He sucks because he has no moveset, can't cut a promo, has no ability to draw money, and can't connect with the fans..I would think someone with the amount of wrestling knowledge that you have would know these things..I'm starting to question if you're even a pro wrestling fan..:smh:
At best, Sting was "kinda" the top "star" in a weak organization

I think what you meant to say there was "at best, Sting was a "maybe top 20" hand in a low-rent organization that never had more than 2k fans for an event in their history"..




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