Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

House show was fun... Never really lagged except for the main event... Kane/Roman in a LMS... Ambrose/Rollins was fun, ended in a dq after Ambrose got stomped on the balls... No pictures, I got a crappy camera... But Layla's boots was on point...
House show was fun... Never really lagged except for the main event... Kane/Roman in a LMS... Ambrose/Rollins was fun, ended in a dq after Ambrose got stomped on the balls... No pictures, I got a crappy camera... But Layla's boots was on point...

You lookin' at the wrong thangs man.
So is Yoshi a Japanese street cat?

Dude seems like a bawse.
I'm still laughing over the street cat stuff, NT is something else
I have to disagree..The only time Kerry was every a big deal outside of Dallas was when he won the NWA Title..And even then he only held it for 3-4 weeks..Kevin was the best one of the whole Von Erich family..He was a better wrestler than Kerry and way better on the mic..He was actually next in line to be the NWA champion and was scheduled to beat Flair for the title, but he died and then Kerry got the belt on the memorial show for Kevin..

And Kerry's run in WWF was pretty uneventful..He held the IC title for a couple months and that's about it..The funny thing is, his 2 major title reigns are a result of filling in for the person who was supposed to win/compete for those titles..

Case. I think you mean David died. Kevin is still alive and yes he was the best Von Erich.
So happy this crew went to Bangor and not Portland...

WWE Live EventBangor, MaineReport by Dot Net reader Frank RappThe WWE was back in Bangor for the first time since 2012. This was their first time at the new Cross Insurance Center. It was about half full I would say. Pretty disappointing since in 2012 they had a complete sellout and that was at their old building, which is now completely gone. The main event that night was CM Punk vs Dolph Ziggler. I guess Punk can sell tickets. They really need him back, but that's just my two cents.

1. R-Truth beat Titus O'Neil. The Wyatt Family attacked R-Truth after the match.
2. Sheamus beat Alberto Del Rio and Cesaro in a Triple Threat to retain the United States Title.
3. Nikki Bella and Diva's Champ Paige beat Alicia Fox and Rosa Mendes.
4. The Uso's beat Luke Harper and Erick Rowan to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship. The Wyatt's attacked the Uso's during there entrance.
5. The Great Khali beat Damien Sandow in a Fan's choice match. It could either be a dance off or a match. It was a match. God, Khali is one ugly man. Sandow must have pissed off Triple H to lose to Khali.
6. Rusev beat Big E by submission.
7. John Cena best Bray Wyatt in a Bangor Street Fight. Bray really took it to Cena by hitting him with chairs, stairs, and the microphone. Harper and Rowan interfered, but the Uso's made the save and ran them off to the back.The best part of the night for me was when my step daughter caught John Cena's armband when he threw it into the crowd after the show. Overall, it was a good show.
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That feeling of stupidity every time I google the matchcard to see how many matches are on the card only to notice the answer is in the next question :lol: Every damn time!
another prediction contest in the books

does anyone else just wing random answers and get lucky? I know I sure do :D
Pretty excited for tonight since it's the first time in a while that I have no idea what's going to happen. Lot's of different potential scenarios. I think 3 different people can win the MITB match, and possibly 4 for the title.
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