Wrestling Thread 6/25-7/1 | 6/28 TNA Impact LIVE 8pm et- Angle/AJ v Daniels/Kaz, Dixie/AJ Followup?

She could be LadyDust
I really do hope they add more people to the match cause MITB is all about the high spots and Big Show, Kane, and Cena can't do that so I see Mysterio coming in to fill that role.

Now that I think of it, did Mysterio ever get his rematch when he lost it to Cena last year? Even though it seems like you have to cash in your rematch clause 30 days(?) will WWE bend that rule and give him a spot in the MITB rather than a rematch?

Either way I wanna see more than a fatal fourway for the contract.
Originally Posted by Mcflyy

I really do hope they add more people to the match cause MITB is all about the high spots and Big Show, Kane, and Cena can't do that so I see Mysterio coming in to fill that role.

Now that I think of it, did Mysterio ever get his rematch when he lost it to Cena last year? Even though it seems like you have to cash in your rematch clause 30 days(?) will WWE bend that rule and give him a spot in the MITB rather than a rematch?

Either way I wanna see more than a fatal fourway for the contract.

They wont add anyone else to the WWE title MITB. There will be 9 contestants for the WHC MITB.
WWE has reached out to Bruno to be the headliner of this year's HOF class. Not surprising they would do this with the show being in NY, but Bruno has always been steadfastly against it, so I don't know what would change his mind this time. He doesn't need money and doesn't follow the current WWE product.
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