Wrestling Thread 6/25-7/1 | 6/28 TNA Impact LIVE 8pm et- Angle/AJ v Daniels/Kaz, Dixie/AJ Followup?

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

4w, u wanna say Sid aint HOF worthy, fine, but u dont have to be an all time great to be in it. Guys like Ko Ko B. Ware & Jerry Lawler wouldn't be in it if that was the case.

Your WWE fanboyism irks me.

Saying Sting isnt an all time great is hilarious.

Just change your SN to 4WWE or 4McMahon. 4wrestling would mean youalso like watch other companies besides Vince's universe.

LOL I don't consider the WWE HOF to be legitimate.  Koko B Ware doesn't deserve to be in.  Neither does James Dudley (Vince's limo driver).
Lawler is 100% a Hall of Famer, in ANY Hall of Fame.  Do you have any idea the type of draw he was in Memphis and other parts of the south?  Maybe you should do some research before comparing Lawler to Sid.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

4w, u wanna say Sid aint HOF worthy, fine, but u dont have to be an all time great to be in it. Guys like Ko Ko B. Ware & Jerry Lawler wouldn't be in it if that was the case.

Your WWE fanboyism irks me.

Saying Sting isnt an all time great is hilarious.

Just change your SN to 4WWE or 4McMahon. 4wrestling would mean youalso like watch other companies besides Vince's universe.

LOL I don't consider the WWE HOF to be legitimate.  Koko B Ware doesn't deserve to be in.  Neither does James Dudley (Vince's limo driver).
Lawler is 100% a Hall of Famer, in ANY Hall of Fame.  Do you have any idea the type of draw he was in Memphis and other parts of the south?  Maybe you should do some research before comparing Lawler to Sid.

Didn't compare him to Sid. About Lawler, he might be popular in Memphis but u know Vince doesn't care. Lawler is in it becase he's in the #*$ Kissing wing of the HOF.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Go troll somewhere else.

So let me get this straight.... You bash Lawler all the time yet u defend him?!

Tell me something 4McMahon, were u watching Savio Vega main eventing while the rest of us were watching WCW?!
Here are the details from Wrestling Observer Newsletter (via WrestlingInc.com) on the continued trouble the company has been experiencing with getting the WWE Network into the homes of the fans this year.

Word is that DirecTV has no interest in carrying the WWE Network, which would knock about 30% of its potential revenue off. There's been talk that very few cable carriers are committing to paying a per subscriber rate for WWE's Network, which is what the company was counting on for profitability. The alternative is to be like HBO or Showtime and charge a subscription fee directly to consumers.

There's still no official word on when the Network will launch but they cut a new commercial for it this past week that should begin airing soon.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

You bash Lawler all the time yet u defend him?!
Lawler the commentator =/= Lawler back in the territory days when he was a wrestling god. You're swinging and missing too much bruh. Just let it go...
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Here are the details from Wrestling Observer Newsletter (via WrestlingInc.com) on the continued trouble the company has been experiencing with getting the WWE Network into the homes of the fans this year.

Word is that DirecTV has no interest in carrying the WWE Network, which would knock about 30% of its potential revenue off. There's been talk that very few cable carriers are committing to paying a per subscriber rate for WWE's Network, which is what the company was counting on for profitability. The alternative is to be like HBO or Showtime and charge a subscription fee directly to consumers.

There's still no official word on when the Network will launch but they cut a new commercial for it this past week that should begin airing soon.
This has all the makings of the XFL but no one can tell Vince otherwise.
He wants it to be the final piece of the legacy he's leaving behind but is too emotionally attached to think logically on this one.
- Zeus arrived in WWE in 1989, targeting his No Holds Barred co-star Hulk Hogan, and quickly formed a partnership with Hogan nemeses Randy Savage and Sensational Sherri. Promoting the DVD release of No Holds Barred on July 3, WWE has released a video titled “Moments of Serenity with Macho Man and Zeus.
Originally Posted by Mcflyy

Solid Smackdown tonight imo.

From what people said about the show after having reading the spoilers I thought this was gonna be a dreadful SD but any SD without Khali is always welcomed.

But Cesaro and Khali next week
. The only way I would enjoy that is if Cesaro did his alley oop uppercut on Khali
I never read the spoilers, but usually when ppl read them and saw how awful they are, that usually means it's a pretty good show, and actually better
than Raw a lot of the time.

Glad they gave Tyson Kidd/Swagger some time. Besides the Cena/Lesnar match, that was the first match in a very long time that I wasn't sure who

was gonna win, which made the match even better. I did facepalm when Swagger put the Ankle Lock on Kidd, but thankfully the result was different.

You could tell Kidd knew this was a huge opportunity for him, and you could also tell the Swagger was gonna make him look good know matter what.

***EDIT: And I LOST it when Otunga started posing with the spotlight on him
Originally Posted by Agthekid

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

am i the only one sporting a chubb everytime AJ screams "YES!"?
Nope a couple 10 year olds in the audience are too.

you thought Uncle Jesse's catchphrase was 'Ham Mercy' until I had to publicly correct you.
Nothing you say will ever be relevant because of this. just know that.
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by Agthekid

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

am i the only one sporting a chubb everytime AJ screams "YES!"?
Nope a couple 10 year olds in the audience are too.

you thought Uncle Jesse's catchphrase was 'Ham Mercy' until I had to publicly correct you.
Nothing you say will ever be relevant because of this. just know that.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Jerry Lawler wouldn't be in it if that was the case.
Son you serious bro. That statement renders anything that you say from this point on irrelevant .
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

 WWE.com has also added Zeus to their Alumni section, who parted ways with the organization in December 1989 after losing a SummerSlam rematch. He resumed his feud with Hogan in World Championship Wrestling in 1996 as a member of The Alliance To End Hulkamania. His band of misfits came up short in a Doomsday Cage Match versus Hogan and Savage at Uncensored—the match is currently airing on WWE Classics On Demand as a great WCW moment.

 Hogan X Savage def. like 9 guys including Flair, AA, Meng & Luger 

Originally Posted by gunnascott

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by Agthekid

Nope a couple 10 year olds in the audience are too.

you thought Uncle Jesse's catchphrase was 'Ham Mercy' until I had to publicly correct you.
Nothing you say will ever be relevant because of this. just know that.
I'll always hear ham mercy from now on.
Originally Posted by MoodMuzik75

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Jerry Lawler wouldn't be in it if that was the case.
Son you serious bro. That statement renders anything that you say from this point on irrelevant .

Oh, so opinions dont count on here. Have to say i was unaware of this.
- Heath Slater has gained a lot of fans online over the past few weeks after his segments with various WWE Legends. There is an online petition started to get Slater in Money in the Bank. He wrote:

“Everybody want’s to see me in Money In The Bank so @WWE make it happen.. Or you will be SORRY!!!!!!
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

 - WWE officials have reportedly been impressed with Ryback’s crowd reactions at live events. Besides the Goldberg chants, the feeling is that the fans are starting to like Ryback and chant his “feed me more
Slater should come out with a Yoga mat.
Now that I think about Cena winning the MITB match, it kind of makes sense to me. 

You can have Cena win the briefcase and take his much needed vacation but still keep him relevant with the fact that you never know when he can come back to cash it in. 

And if they want Rock vs Cena II you can have Rock win the RR match and have Cena cash it in on whoever wins at the EC to set up your title match between the 2 at WM.

But seeing as how that would mean John Cena takes a 7 month break (god forbid 
) I doubt it would happen.
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