Wrestling Thread Apr 22-28 | 4/28 BREAKING NEWS - John Cena Injures Achilles Tendon on European Tour

For a guy who had major hip surgery, that's really impressive to see Taker hit the big boot and followed by the legdrop (legdrop probably not the smartest idea).
Cole saying "See how it feels Ryback" like he hasn't been getting his back side handed to him by The Shield almost every week :smh:

And with this ending to Raw I am done watching for a while. :x
That was an awesome 6 man tag match.  Amazing to see Taker still go like that, especially just a few weeks after his Mania match.  Bryan was of course great, and all of The Shield looked really, really good.  Like they belonged with these main eventers.
Regal telling Fandango's chick to call him 
this promo between Mick and Ryback is awesome.

Love Ryback like this, angry, feels like he's really letting venom out on Cena and co.

Give this man the belt over Cena...if he can keep up this heelish attitude...this is gold
^Nice look on that vid DC. Being trying to rewatch that for awhile.

I'm also sitting here during the Hawks/Pacers trying to figure out what happened to Rob Conway. Haven't figured that out yet, but I did realize that around this time was probably the most over Viscera has ever been as far as crowd response. Near the end....:x :rofl:

eff all your opinions... Rob Conway's theme = GOAT :rofl:

Conman Rob Conway was my guy in '06 :lol:

:pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

I thought him and Rene Dupree were gonna be stars, *charlie murphy* WRONG :lol:
And they even mentioned how The Rock wasn't able to perform for his rematch even though is he entitled to one.
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