Wrestling Thread Apr 22-28 | 4/28 BREAKING NEWS - John Cena Injures Achilles Tendon on European Tour

Just realized that they all won last night, I'm seeing a stable full of champions by summer with Big E taking the U.S title from Kofi since I remember they were supposed to be starting a feud a little while back.
Now it makes sense to me why they put the belt on Kofi.
The Shield (and Fandango... not shown) actually did arrive at last night's Raw via helicopter as they were working the Smackdown house show in Wales.  This is why guys like Orton, Sheamus, Del Rio, and Big Show were not on last night's show.
AJ looks like she would be adorable trying to violently escape my kung-fu like grip as I pinned her down like rambunctious canine and forcefully....uhhh what?
As usual, yall ignore me when I talk PODCASTS.

Stone Cold's podcast with Chael Sonnen is vicious.

Also, the one before it. He talks about getting a manicure and facial. Funniest non Tariq Nasheed podcast I have ever heard.

Let some female friends listen to it and they HATE wrestling but they were entertained

But yall don't listen to me......
- Monday’s edition of WWE RAW drew 4,400,000 viewers, up over 200,000 from last week. Hourly viewership was:

Hour 1: 4,190,000
Hour 2: 4,650,000
Hour 3: 4,360,000

- In a dark match that took place after Tuesday’s WWE SmackDown tapings from London, England, The Undertaker defeated Dean Ambrose via submission with Hell’s Gate.

After the match, The Shield attacked The Undertaker. Triple H and the New Age Outlaws then ran down to make the save and helped The Undertaker fight off The Shield.
Smackdown Spoilers - The Undertaker vs Dean Ambrose
For Main Event

They announce Mark Henry will do a gaunlet match.

Henry b Jimmy Uso

Henry b Jey Uso

Henry b Santino Marella

Great Khali b Henry via count out when Khali used the chop and Henry walked away and gave up the loss.

The whole show consisted of this and a Matt Striker inteview with Zeb Colter & Jack Swagger.

Saturday Morning Slam

Santino Marella b Jinder Mahal with the cobra

Randy Orton & Sheamus b Prime Time Players with Orton using theRKO to win


Jack Swagger b Alberto Del Rio in a wild no DQ match.  Crowd was hot for the match with Swagger winning with the doctor bomb.

Layla b Aksana

The Shield did an interview talking about winning on Raw and Dean Ambrose said he was going to beat Undertaker.

Fandango b Justin Gabriel.  Fandango was very over here.  Legdrop off the top finisher

Big Show b Sheamus via knockout punch after distraction from Mark Henry.  The crowd turned on the match with boring chants

Wade Barrett b William Regal

Mark Henry b Randy Orton via DQ when Sheamus ran in and gave Henry a Brogue kick.  Orton laid out Henry after the match with an RKO.   

Undertaker b Dean Ambrose with a choke slam and gogoplata submission.  Very good match.  After the match The Shield beat down Undertaker three-on-one, including Roman Reigns spearing him through the barricade and then leaving him laying after the triple team power bomb.
Damn, I bet if the RKO came before the Diamond Cutter, I bet ya'll would be agreeing with me. The RKO is a thing of beauty. It's so fluid and Orton gets so much hangtime on it
Just realized that they all won last night, I'm seeing a stable full of champions by summer with Big E taking the U.S title from Kofi since I remember they were supposed to be starting a feud a little while back.
Now it makes sense to me why they put the belt on Kofi.

I don't see Big E being paired with Dolph/aj much longer.

yea the little "Big E stop creepin" line from last night seemed to be the first ***** Big E - soon to be exile and turn on Dolph and AJ
It hurts my heart to say it, but the RKO is probably better than the Diamond Cutter.

There's just too many classic instances.
the last thing that happens with Taker and Shield and Ambrose is the only thing I want to see on Smackdown
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