Wrestling Thread Apr 22-28 | 4/28 BREAKING NEWS - John Cena Injures Achilles Tendon on European Tour

That's what I thought as soon as a saw Foley, son looked like one of those brown dogs with the huge furry ears :lol:
No 3MB on Raw? What A Waste
3MB = Ratings

Cena ending Raw hitting the Attitude Adjustment to end Raw. What a new idea there.
Foley has that He-Man / adult Peter Pan type of haircut :smh:.
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Steve regal? Wcw? The mans man? What the hell? Jbl and king are high
 Caught this too.
Watch his FCW 15 title match with Dean Ambrose. Great, great match.
If you can find it online, check out his ROH Title match with Kevin Steen from a Chicago ROH ppv from 2010. It's on a Steen dvd I have but have yet to be able to find the match online. It's one of the best matches I've ever seen.
Thanks fellas

1. When was the last time AJ actually wrestled?

2. This Kevin Steen dude, when will he get called up from the D-League? I have seen his name floating around for a while.
Steen is awesome but he's not WWE material.  Plus with the abuse he takes, he's destined to have a short shelf life.
The 6 man tag match was cool but that was not saving the night for me. The rest of those remaining 2 hours 40-45 minutes were just bad, well maybe besides Ryback & Foley weren't. If I was actually paying attention to Jerichos & Dolphs match I prolly woulda cared for it but I wasnt...
Dont even remember what else happened & I wanna keep it that way :lol:
what happen to mason ryan ? havent seen his name in a while. Also i for one hope big e gets the 5 count gimmick 
what happen to mason ryan ? havent seen his name in a while. Also i for one hope big e gets the 5 count gimmick 
Dude is down in NXT. I was at Axxess this year and he wrestled some dude in a squash match. Still jacked as hell. 
Cagesideseats.com is having a bracket style tournament to determine the greatest finisher of all-time.  They recently released the seedings and first round match ups:
1. Tombstone (Undertaker) vs 16. Corkscrew Shooting Star Press (Pac)

1. Sweet Chin Music (Shawn Michaels) vs 16. God's Last Gift (Tyler Black)
1. Stone Cold Stunner (Stone Cold Steve Austin) vs 16. Muscle Buster (Samoa Joe)
1. Flying Elbow Drop (Macho Man Randy Savage) vs 16. Stratusfaction (Trish Stratus)

2. Diamond Cutter (Diamond Dallas Page) vs 15. Alabama Slam (Hardcore Holly)
2. Canadian Destroyer (Petey Williams) vs 15. Tiger Driver 91 (Mitsuharu Misawa)
2. DDT (Jake Roberts) vs 15. Package Piledriver (Kevin Steen)
2. F-5 (Brock Lesnar) vs 15. Shooting Star Press (Jushin Liger)

3. Razor's Edge (Razor Ramon) vs 14. Widow's Peak (Victoria)
3. Sharpshooter (Bret Hart) vs 14. Rock Bottom (The Rock)
3. 3D (Dudley Boyz) vs 14. Vadersault (Vader)
3. Perfectplex (Mr. Perfect) vs 14. Swanton Bomb (Jeff Hardy)

4. Doomsday Device (Road Warriors) vs 13. Pepsi Plunge (CM Punk)
4. Go To Sleep (CM Punk) vs 13. Last Ride (Undertaker)
4. Lion Tamer (Chris Jericho) vs 13. Texas Cloverleaf (Dean Malenko)
4. Figure Four (Ric Flair) vs 13. Frog Splash (Eddie Guerrero)

5. Gore (Rhyno) vs 12. RKO (Randy Orton)
5. No Lock (Daniel Bryan) vs 12. O-Face (Athena)
5. Angle Slam (Kurt Angle) vs 12. Steiner Screwdriver (Scott Steiner)
5. Crippler Crossface (Chris Benoit) vs 12. Hart Attack (Hart Foundation)

6. Cattle Mutilation (Daniel Bryan) vs 11. Codebreaker (Chris Jericho)
6. Clothesline From Hell (JBL) vs 11. Burning Hammer (Kenta Kobashi)
6. Pedigree (Triple H) vs 11. Shining Wizard (Great Muta)
6. Implant Buster (Awesome Kong) vs 11. Piledriver (Jerry Lawler)

7. Frankensteiner (Scott Steiner) vs 10. Coast to Coast (Shane McMahon)
7. Rude Awakening (Rick Rude) vs 10. Spinebuster (Arn Anderson)
7. Top Turnbuckle Brainbuster (El Generico) vs 10. Buzzsaw Kick (Tajiri)
7. Jackhammer (Goldberg) vs 10. Triple Powerbomb (The Shield)

8. Orange Crush (Kenta Kobashi) vs 9. Swiss Death (Antonio Cesaro)
8. Finger Poke (Hulk Hogan) vs 9. Leg Drop (Hulk Hogan)
8. Jackknife Powerbomb (Kevin Nash) vs 9. Gotch Neutralizer (Antonio Cesaro)
8. Ankle Lock (Kurt Angle) vs 9. Million Dollar Dream (Ted DiBiase)

Depending on the brackets, I definitely see Sweet Chin Music and the Stone Cold Stunner in the finals.

Upsets I see:

13 Pepsi Plunge over 4 Doomsday Device

All the 12s except the Hart Attack

11 Burning Hammer over 6 Clothesline from Hell

9 Swiss Death over 8 Orange Crush

9 Million Dollar Dream over 8 Ankle Lock
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