Wrestling Thread Apr 22-28 | 4/28 BREAKING NEWS - John Cena Injures Achilles Tendon on European Tour


FCW TV 18.09.2011 - Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose

Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose vs Leakee (Roman Reigns)

Thanks for this post. I remember you posting them before, but I couldn't find them on here nor anywhere else :lol:

*waits on tumblr to upload angles*
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I feel like I'm in the minority with how the new belt looks. The spinner belt got old quick because I thought it was a gimmick belt ala the smoking skull belt and cena's USA spinner belt. This new one just looks so fake and it lacks something from the diamond they got and placement of those said diamonds too the lack of gold on the centerpiece . It just looks unfinished

Isn't Layla dating some tbagger that's Diddy's DJ or something?  Or he works for Beats by Dre?  I've seen him in her instagram pics.  He looks like a douche.
I know most of yall don't really care for NXT, but they had their Champions show recently and the US Title match between Antonio Cesaro(this was before he lost it to Kofi) and Adrian Neville(aka PAC) was fantastic.

Also I'm kinda digging AJ as a submission wrestler. I wanna see her face Paige. Could get some actual decent 2 minute diva matches

Also...no wonder Jimmy was lurking in that pic at the HOF :lol:

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Caesaro vs. Pac?

Oh yea.,.,,,,,,

This the one on NXT? They must've taped this one several weeks ago as Cesaro still has the belt. Good match though :smokin

And Punk really making the most of his vacation. Dude is everywhere. Red carpet treatment :smokin
Isn't Layla dating some tbagger that's Diddy's DJ or something?  Or he works for Beats by Dre?  I've seen him in her instagram pics.  He looks like a douche.
Yeah, she is and he does look like one. He works for Beats.

Naomi has cakes and breasts, but I don't think she's pretty. She alright.

Lita's a ring rat. Who in the industry hasn't she been with?

Anyway, it was good going to Wrestlemania with 4w and Biff. Wish the weather was better, but hey what can do? You'll never know what you'll get during early April. The show was ok, but I felt it was worth every penny because as a wrestling fan, its something that you should attend. There were some good matches and there were duds, but it was far from the worst Mania. It was hard to tell if the crowd was into it because it was largely partisan and in a stadium so that had an effect on the overall acoustics of the event. There were instances in which you could tell they were rushing it on the TV side with the most obvious being the cancellation of the 8 man tag match. With it being the most profitable event ever for WWE, my hopes of it returning to MSG will never happen.

The Shield is the best thing going right now for the company. For once, booking has done them right in giving them a dominant push. That's how these guys are going to get over so that in the event they are broken up, they have the chance to succeed in the upper and middle card. They don't need a fourth member at all.

I don't know what they are doing with Cesaro or who he pissed off backstage. Ideally, he should be feuding with Swagger for the US Title. Regarding Swagger, I like his gimmick and if he didn't get in trouble with the weed, I'd have had no problem with him winning at Mania if those were the plans. Zeb Colter does what he was bring in to do. You don't have to know how to speak if you have a manager that can do it for you.
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Anybody got the matches on the "in your house" DVD/blu ray?
Bret Hart vs. Hakushi
In Your House • May 14, 1995

Intercontinental Championship Match
Jeff Jarrett vs. Shawn Michaels
In Your House • July 23, 1995

Hey Yo

Intercontinental Championship Match
Razor Ramon vs. Dean Douglas
In Your House • October 22, 1995

Arkansas Hog Pen Match
Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Henry O. Godwinn
In Your House • December 17, 1995

A Sloppy Masterpiece?

WWE Championship Match
Bret Hart vs. British Bulldog
In Your House • December 17, 1995

No Holds Barred Match for the WWE Championship
Shawn Michaels vs. Diesel
In Your House: Good Friends, Better Enemies • April 28, 1996

WWE Championship Match
Shawn Michaels vs. Mankind
In Your House: Mind Games • September 22, 1996

That’s Why They Play The Game

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
In Your House: Buried Alive • October 20, 1996

Buried Alive Match
The Undertaker vs. Mankind
In Your House: Buried Alive • October 20, 1996

Crowning a New Champion

Four Corners Match for the Vacant WWE Championship
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart vs. Vader vs. The Undertaker
In Your House: Final Four • February 16, 1997

10-Man Tag Team Match
The Hart Foundation vs. Steve Austin, Ken Shamrock, Goldust & The Legion of Doom
In Your House: Canadian Stampede • July 6, 1997

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker
Ground Zero: In Your House • September 7, 1997

A Slobberknocker

Non-Sanctioned 8-Man Tag Team Match
Stone Cold Steven Austin, Owen Hart, Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie vs. HHH, The New Age Outlaws & Savio Vega
No Way Out of Texas: In Your House • February 15, 1998

WWE Tag Team Championship Match
Stone Cold Steve Austin & The Undertaker vs. Mankind & Kane
Fully Loaded: In Your House • July 26, 1998

Intercontinental Championship Match
Ken Shamrock vs. Mankind
Judgment Day: In Your House • October 18, 1998

Victory at All Costs

Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship
The Rock vs. Mankind
St. Valentine’s Day Massacre • February 14, 1999
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