Wrestling Thread Apr 6-12 | 4/6 RAW - WrestleMania Is Over, Now What? Saxton Back for Week 2

I think the problem is that we all post in kayfabe. Therefore we say things that come off as real to the normal person
Cena's turning heel as soon as they find the new company baby face. I could see him losing to reigns at mania going for the handshake to pass the tourch and then going berserk and and whooping reigns to end mania lone star.
Kids gotta look up to reigns and parents gotta be buying his merch for cena to even turn heel. Someone needs to come up organic like when cena was coming up. Oh wait that happened with Daniel Bryan. :smh:
Aye man I haven't opened mlb the show yet. We doin a tourny? Gameplay better than last year?

Gameplay is much smoother, I would practice a little first. I'm playing on hall of fame difficulty and getting beat not crushed but still losing. Tourny depends we need 2 more people.
Kids gotta look up to reigns and parents gotta be buying his merch for cena to even turn heel. Someone needs to come up organic like when cena was coming up. Oh wait that happened with Daniel Bryan.
Does DBry merch sell as well as Cena's?

Cena is getting old. He can still go in the ring, but he's smart to not mess up his own cash flow.
Who we got so far?

Just you and me and I think JRS said he's gonna get it this week. I'm finna just ask NTWT outsider and we could start it this weekend or next week after raw. Maybe jd got it too. He was asking about it. GHIMS and tonie as well
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