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Just finished up the UW doc. on the network. I really enjoyed it and it amazes me how they continue to do these quick turnarounds on these things and how good they are. I noticed Warrior looked a lot different during his trip to Titan Towers in March and the interview that was filmed for his dvd (no goatee) compared to how he looked in the interview during WM weekend and at WM. He looked like he was in bad shape.

It looked like they woke Dean up from a nap to get a few second interview out of him for the doc. :lol: :smh:

Also, Trips office was the same one that Brock destroyed on Raw last year. :rofl:
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Just finished up the UW doc. on the network. I really enjoyed it and it amazes me how they continue to do these quick turnarounds on these things and how good they are. I noticed Warrior looked a lot different during his trip to Titan Towers in March and the interview that was filmed for his dvd (no goatee) compared to how he looked in the interview during WM weekend and at WM. He looked like he was in bad shape.

It looked like they woke Dean up from a nap to get a few second interview out of him for the doc. :lol: :smh:

Also, Trips office was the same one that Brock destroyed on Raw last year. :rofl:

Did you notice that part about Hogan that I was referring to earlier?..When he was talking about how he got papers to testify in the Warrior vs. WWE lawsuit..He basically admitted to being a little shady in the whole situation..I was really glad when they showed Hogan and Warrior talking in the hallway..They shook hands and Hogan said I love you..Actually caught a bit of feels from that..And Trips seemed to be legit shook when he found out about UW death..And that part when Warrior gave Vince that book with the message written in it!..:nthat:
Just finished up the UW doc. on the network. I really enjoyed it and it amazes me how they continue to do these quick turnarounds on these things and how good they are. I noticed Warrior looked a lot different during his trip to Titan Towers in March and the interview that was filmed for his dvd (no goatee) compared to how he looked in the interview during WM weekend and at WM. He looked like he was in bad shape.

It looked like they woke Dean up from a nap to get a few second interview out of him for the doc. :lol: :smh:

Also, Trips office was the same one that Brock destroyed on Raw last year. :rofl:

I just finished it as well and have the same sentiments. The last 15 minutes almost made me tear, I wasn't a big fan of his but as a kid, there was no one who brought as much energy as that man did. Vince being a father figure to him and Warrior letting go of all the bad blood he carried for so long hit me man. It really was a great documentary, all I could feel for are his girls and wife.. just a crazy few days for them, I can't even imagine. You can tell Vince and him really did care for each other after the dust had settled.

This and the Bryan doc were perfect to me, both were done so well. The Warrior one especially because of the backstory behind it.
Hogan definitely was a douche for what he said/did. But I also am glad they buried the hatched.. they sort of said that since the cameras were rolling they sort of knew they had to act that way. But I think towards WM week ending, he really did find closure in all of this... it really is hard to believe that a day after his last appearance he died just like that.

It's just insane that like he said every time he came back after his first hiatus, he left soon after due to suspensions.. and his last come back ends just a few hour after his last appearance.
SMH. They could have let these dudes work forreal man. I don't if yall remember Max Mini and Nova from the late 90s. But WWF had the mini wrestlers from Mexico and they were putting on shows. People enjoyed the work. Not this comedy garbage man. But what do you expect.
They were great, Max Mini won most of the time and was over with the crowd but those bigger mini wrestlers he used to face would try to end him 

SMH. They could have let these dudes work forreal man. I don't if yall remember Max Mini and Nova from the late 90s. But WWF had the mini wrestlers from Mexico and they were putting on shows. People enjoyed the work. Not this comedy garbage man. But what do you expect.
They were great, Max Mini won most of the time and was over with the crowd but those bigger mini wrestlers he used to face would try to end him :rofl:  

it was dope when they brought mini octagon :pimp:

*edit* 4 you DC

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Just watched the Warrior doc. I am so damn glad that he got to celebrate his achievements with his kids before he passed. He really seemed to be genuinely happy in NO.

But DAMN if he didn't look rough at 'Mania. From those first interviews where he was at HHH's office to that last weekend, he looked like a completely different guy. Sweating, limping, etc. Rough. :smh:

Still, dude's prime run was a little before my time, but that doc definitely demonstrated his significance. Good stuff WWE.
I have some Coliseum video with the mini's in a 6 man tag. Lawler was in rare form with all the jokes :lol: whichever one was mini Vader used to wash everybody
The funny thing is there was already an "El Torito" mini wrestler back in the late 1990s in WWF. During the time of the Super Astros show.

@3dgarfly23 ,

I didn't like that they turned Octogoncito into Mini Nova and Mascarita Sagrada Jr. into Max Mini. Just keep folks names Vince. Got damn.

I wish #WWENetwork puts up those Super Astros shows. I am about to email them
Been on a little The Shield fest getting ready for these playoffs.

I am currently watching: Reigns vs. Ambrose vs. Rollins. Not sure how far in advanced things are planned but Regal was talking about Roman being a World Champ back then. And this was years ago man. I guess you can just look at dude and tell he HAS it.

Rollins vs. Ambrose

This was a cool moment. CM Punk giving back to the D-League.

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SMH. They could have let these dudes work forreal man. I don't if yall remember Max Mini and Nova from the late 90s. But WWF had the mini wrestlers from Mexico and they were putting on shows. People enjoyed the work. Not this comedy garbage man. But what do you expect.

I think they had a match at wm14. Didn't like it
Man you know it is WILD that you really could compile a "Best of the Shield" DVD that would probably include close to 15-20 matches in the short time they since they have been called up. The day they break up will really bother me. But I know they have plans for Roman Reigns, just hope it isn't anytime soon man. And I hope when the breakup happens, I hope it isn't a nasty breakup. I hope it is a mutual split so they can occasionally see each other in trouble and they can leave the door open to a reunion. I never want to see these dudes beefing.

And the other crazy thing is how at different points of the Shield-era, there was someone that was viewed as "the man."
When they first came in, since Ambrose had the best mouthpiece, he was the man.
Roman Reigns's push put him out there as being the man.
But as of late, since they let Seth be himself more and more, he has been out there in the front of the line.

We are witnessing history man. Enjoy it while it is here.
Man you know it is WILD that you really could compile a "Best of the Shield" DVD that would probably include close to 15-20 matches in the short time they since they have been called up. The day they break up will really bother me. But I know they have plans for Roman Reigns, just hope it isn't anytime soon man. And I hope when the breakup happens, I hope it isn't a nasty breakup. I hope it is a mutual split so they can occasionally see each other in trouble and they can leave the door open to a reunion. I never want to see these dudes beefing.

And the other crazy thing is how at different points of the Shield-era, there was someone that was viewed as "the man."
When they first came in, since Ambrose had the best mouthpiece, he was the man.
Roman Reigns's push put him out there as being the man.
But as of late, since they let Seth be himself more and more, he has been out there in the front of the line.

We are witnessing history man. Enjoy it while it is here.

Yeah I'm gonna be sad when they break up. I truly think they can last in any era that the WWE went through.
@DangerousG ,

Some good discussion on how the HHH/Bryan match had a classic All Japan feel to it.


The thing with Bryan-HHH is the All Japan-ness of it runs deeper than the incidental use of the Tiger Suplex and Bryan falling to his knees in Pedigree/Tiger Driver position. It's impossible to know who and want went into the preparation for the match but it's hard to envisage that they weren't intentionally trying to build an ace vs ace pass the torch match in the style of Misawa-Kobashi in 2003 in some way.

I'm not going to make any comparison of the historical worth of this compared to King's Road classics but I would say that I've soured a lot on the constant head dropping of that style over time and that this match told the story within much less brutal, life shortening confines.

The way it hybridised with American style so that H was simultaneously working over as the heel and the bigger of the two, and under in the sense that Bryan's offence counted for more and he needed less to mount comebacks, created a dynamic I can't really see in quite the same way in any other match. H was simultaneously the to-be-overthrown ace and the gaijin monster. It was truly innovative and I would love to see this become a Big Match template for WWE.

A criticism that came up in March Madness was that Bryan gets too much offense for his size and I don't think that was a problem here - it was pretty expertly balanced between him being dominated but getting his shots in and always believably having a shot at winning

That pretty much went out of the window in the main event and I did lose suspension of disbelief a bit there, but that was a different match telling a different story.
@DangerousG ,

Some good discussion on how the HHH/Bryan match had a classic All Japan feel to it.


I think I actually saw this post :lol:

I feel like Cena vs. Bryan from Summerslam had a little more of a King's Road vibe to it than this match. You should check it out again.

But yeah i was really digging the arm/shoulder work in the match by HHH. He brought out some truly vicious stuff. The only way I would have marked out more is if HHH transitioned one of those double underhooks or crossface chickenwing into a CATTLE MUTILATION, Matt Striker would have definitely lost it.

I'm also glad they didn't do the whole finisher trading and kicking out sequence that big matches usually use now. DBry got to kick out of a Pedigree CLEAN, something that John Cena hasn't even done, and crushed him with the Knee Plus :pimp:
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does the shield have to break up?

like you guys said why cant they split amicably, or even better stay a stable but as individuals doing different things (say, roman in the WWEworld title scene, ambrose/US, rollins/IC) but still have each others backs and occasionally do promos together. something like DX back in the day.

or is this one of those things where in order to really be viewed as legit reigns needs to be solo and the others will just hold him back...?
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