Wrestling Thread April 14-May 4 | 5/3 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Now Open!

Staying on the topic somewhat of Daniel Bryan and Japan. A match from 10 years ago of whom a lot of people would consider the two best from this era.
Sad they will probably never meet again. That's why you had to love WCW they would always show love for the international stars and do a lot of cross promotion.

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When I saw Scott Hall without the stubble, I was kinda surprised how non-Latino he looked. The beard and slick hair had me fooled as a kid.
Officials already second guessing Adam Rose's debut because it may be too similar to 3MB.

Mind you that he's very over with the fans.
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WWE will try one more time to sign Punk before his contract expires in july. Vince is giving him space for now. Steph and HHH want to move on and let his contract expire. Vince wants him back long term. Vince also wants to book AJ strong to keep him happy.
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Man you know it is WILD that you really could compile a "Best of the Shield" DVD that would probably include close to 15-20 matches in the short time they since they have been called up. The day they break up will really bother me. But I know they have plans for Roman Reigns, just hope it isn't anytime soon man. And I hope when the breakup happens, I hope it isn't a nasty breakup. I hope it is a mutual split so they can occasionally see each other in trouble and they can leave the door open to a reunion. I never want to see these dudes beefing.

And the other crazy thing is how at different points of the Shield-era, there was someone that was viewed as "the man."
When they first came in, since Ambrose had the best mouthpiece, he was the man.
Roman Reigns's push put him out there as being the man.
But as of late, since they let Seth be himself more and more, he has been out there in the front of the line.

We are witnessing history man. Enjoy it while it is here.

Agreed, especially the part about the breakup. I've always felt like it was lazy to just split a team and have them immediately feud. It should always be a gradual split where they could still team up every once and awhile due to familiarity. Slow burn splits can work, but the WWE rarely does that.
Not sure if 1995, or Smackdown 2006. Palmer Cannon didn't die for this.

Bartender I work with is friends with Palmer.. He's doing MMA in Portland now... He said Palmer told him Benoit and JBL made him want to kill himself...

:x :smh: I did read way back they were the main reasons he left. Possibly Hardcore Holly too.

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Jojo got a lil phatty. :smokin

:pimp: :pimp:
WWE will try one more time to sign Punk before his contract expires in july. Vince is giving him space for now. Steph and HHH want to move on and let his contract expires. Vince wants him back long term. Vince also wants to book AJ strong to keep him happy.

Steph and Triple H might be right on this one. I'm a big fan of Punk but I think dude will always have something to cry about. It's getting old.
Finally finished up Warrior week and I can't help to think of CM Punk and his current situation with the WWE...or maybe I'm bugging. Going to watch the Ultimate Collection tomorrow.
Im watching Warrior week as well...dude had so much energy

I dont know if it irks anyone else but it irks me when wrestlers get into position so blatantly for a set up. For example, Im watching SS '88 and after UW gave Honky Tonk Man a close line. HTM was out of position..then got into position for the big splash.

maybe im trippin...
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Im watching Warrior week as well...dude had so much energy

I dont know if it irks anyone else but it irks me when wrestlers get into position so blatantly for a set up. For example, Im watching SS '88 and after UW gave Honky Tonk Man a close line. HTM was out of position..then got into position for the big splash.

maybe im trippin...

It's better than this

am watching "warrior's greatest matches" with commentary by warrior......it is 1 hour long....

.......is there any more to warrior?
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The ring ropes turn red when Orton gets pissed :wow:

Just kidding...I know it's Kofi's fault :lol:
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