Wrestling Thread April 18-24 | 4/23 The 2011 WWE Draft This Monday Night on Raw

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Backstage Heat On Mister916
Mister916 latest actions have rubbed some of the NTWTers the wrong way. Many feel he's taking his gimmick too far, actually thinking he's above anyone else. Just before his IC win, he was known to hang out with half the roster in the usual rafter, but now he insists on having a personal locker room to try and get his new gimmick over. Many in the back feel it's too early to treat 916 as a main eventer, but officials are high on him at this point. Despite the fact that he doesn't sell any merchandise, 916 has not garnered any heat from long time friend JNSQ. JNSQ is known for actually taking the steaks and lobsters from the locker room after a promo shoot.

Spoiler [+]
*breaks kayfabe*

*re-enters kayfabe*

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Backstage Heat On Mister916
Mister916 latest actions have rubbed some of the NTWTers the wrong way. Many feel he's taking his gimmick too far, actually thinking he's above anyone else. Just before his IC win, he was known to hang out with half the roster in the usual rafter, but now he insists on having a personal locker room to try and get his new gimmick over. Many in the back feel it's too early to treat 916 as a main eventer, but officials are high on him at this point. Despite the fact that he doesn't sell any merchandise, 916 has not garnered any heat from long time friend JNSQ. JNSQ is known for actually taking the steaks and lobsters from the locker room after a promo shoot.

Spoiler [+]
*breaks kayfabe*

*re-enters kayfabe*

And I haven't forgot you Deek. I'm fully aware that you still have you're number one contendership to either the NTWT US Championship or my NTWT Intercontinental Championship. I'll let you know that if you choose to challenge me for my title that you'll regret and will be wasting your great opportunity.

We are fighting a much deeper war back home in the name of the Sacramento Kings. I shall not let a piece of gold get in between our sports brotherhood.
And I haven't forgot you Deek. I'm fully aware that you still have you're number one contendership to either the NTWT US Championship or my NTWT Intercontinental Championship. I'll let you know that if you choose to challenge me for my title that you'll regret and will be wasting your great opportunity.

We are fighting a much deeper war back home in the name of the Sacramento Kings. I shall not let a piece of gold get in between our sports brotherhood.

Plenty of good news after today's meeting.

To celebrate we can share a Steak and Lobster dinner.

Plenty of good news after today's meeting.

To celebrate we can share a Steak and Lobster dinner.
Sorry 916, I've already took the steaks and lobsters.
[h1]Jay Lethal Addresses TNA Release[/h1]
Jay Lethal, who was released Wednesday by TNA Wrestling, commented on his departure from the organization on Twitter.
"While I am sad that my time with TNA has ended, I am looking forward to this next chapter of my career. Oooooh yeahh! Now taking booking."

[h1]TNA Stars Upset With Jay Lethal's Release[/h1]
A number of TNA stars are apparently upset with Jay Lethal's sudden departure from TNA. The following remarks were written on Twitter.
Max Buck: "Ridiculous. Just ridiculous."

Amazing Red: "...... ;( %&*$"

"Morale has just took a nose dive (SMFH)."

Jeremy Buck: "worst possible thing to happen to r locker room.

Tara wrote to Lethal: "Oh I hope this is just a rumor. Because I will miss you terribly."

[h1]Ziggler Not Happy With New Look[/h1]
Vickie Guerrero introduced the "new and improved" Dolph Ziggler on Monday's episode of RAW as he unveiled a freshly trimmed head of brown hair just before facing Evan Bourne. The former WWE World Heavyweight Champion is not thrilled with his new 'do as he wrote the following on his personal Facebook account the morning after the show: "I feel like 'bender' from Futurama, when they chopped off his antenna...."
[h1]R-Truth Gets Heat For Smoking From Anti-Smoking Activist, WWE Responds[/h1]
According to TMZ.com, anti-smoking activist Patrick Reynolds, Executive Director of TobaccoFree.org, is asking R-Truth to publicly apologize for smoking after his attack on John Morrison last night.
"For him to smoke in front of [children] is irresponsible," said Reynold. "At best, it's thoughtless, and at worst, if he calculated appealing to kids by posing as a bad-boy outlaw, it's evil."

The TMZ article also has a statement from WWE, which reads, "The negative effect smoking has on one's health and physical performance was a part of a storyline on last night's Monday Night Raw. Negative depictions of tobacco use on television are not unusual and can be seen on other TV-PG shows."

[h1]R-Truth Cigarette Segment Edited From RAW[/h1]
After R-Truth mercilessly attacked John Morrison Monday night on RAW, the WWE Superstar grabbed cigarettes from an "audience" member and blew smoke in Morrison's face. Earlier, The Shaman of Sexy derided his former tag team partner for his smoking habit and challenged him for his position in the title match at Extreme Rules, which he won. R-Truth's bit with the cigarettes did not air during the RAW broadcast in the UK.
Back in 2006, England decided to make smoking in a public area illegal. That's the reason for why people began chanting "That's Illegal". If people wish to smoke, they must leave the area and stand outside. This law has been in effect since 2006.

[h1]Paul Burchill Talks Time With WWE, Incest Angle Being Scrapped, TNA[/h1]
Former WWE superstar Paul Burchill was recently interviewed by "Final Bell Radio," here are some highlights:On his WWE debut almost being a disaster: I went out there and there's a freakin' rope hanging from the ceiling. So I swung down, went to the ring, climbed up to the top rope and stood on the top rope. As I stepped off I landed on the knee and it felt like it imploded. It was right in front of Vince and the first thing he said was 'are you ok?'. I said I think I blew my knee out. He said you might want to get that checked. All that day I got injections, it was just about getting through the match......I was told "you can go get your knee fixed but I can't guarantee there's going to be a spot for you when you come back. Yea, they look after their talent.

On why the Katie Lea incest angle was scrapped: They debuted us with huge plans for us, but they went PG two weeks later... and then you're just there especially on Raw with no real direction.

On an idea he had that was stolen and given to another diva/superstar: Katie was kinda feuding with Mickie James for the women's title. I'd pitched the idea to do the first ever combined titles ladder match. Me and Katie against Mickie and Kofi in a free for all ladder match. Whoever wins the belt, their [team] wins the belt. They kinda went with that idea, but with someone else. That was another example of those writers doing their jobs really well. They did a combined titles match and Santino and Beth won the belts. I actually thought a ladder match between the four of us would have been awesome.

On asking for his release: I went home and said to my wife, I don't want to go back and be like, I'm the guy that so and so needs to beat that week. I hadn't felt like a priority in a long time. The boss will love your work but you're not a priority so you kind of get left by the wayside. I was like, I don't think I want to go there and do that. I made a decision and I went to them and said I'd like to finish up and two weeks later they called me. I knew a year before what I'd do after. I made sure I was smart about it and I had a plan.

On if he'd like to work for TNA: I'd definitely be interested because that schedule is perfect. I enjoy a lot of stuff I see on TNA. I like TNA, I like the product, I like the people there, I have a lot of friends there. Where they get it right is they put people on the show and let them be themselves. It comes across a lot more real.
NTWT Pushing New Talent
Officials are pushing for new talent, for example bkmac, to enhance the mid-card division. There seems to be long term plans for a future feud with Club29. After NTKotR, officials are hoping for Club to give a good rub on bkmac. Plans are underway for a possible Club29 vs bkmac vs casekicks for the next PPV if Club is not victorious at NTKotR.
Cubano's Divas Championship Becoming Stagnant
There has been concern over the lack of competitors vying for Cubano's Divas Championship. Earlier plans had JNSQ challenging Cubano for the belt, but was scrapped to focus on Hombre Sais Quoi's match with DeekHouse for the Tag Team gold. Rumors are circling that officials are planning to scrap the Divas Championship into the NTWT Hardcore Championship; we'll have more information once we receive it from our trusted sources.
Sorry 916, I've already took the steaks and lobsters.
[h1]Jay Lethal Addresses TNA Release[/h1]
Jay Lethal, who was released Wednesday by TNA Wrestling, commented on his departure from the organization on Twitter.
"While I am sad that my time with TNA has ended, I am looking forward to this next chapter of my career. Oooooh yeahh! Now taking booking."

[h1]TNA Stars Upset With Jay Lethal's Release[/h1]
A number of TNA stars are apparently upset with Jay Lethal's sudden departure from TNA. The following remarks were written on Twitter.
Max Buck: "Ridiculous. Just ridiculous."

Amazing Red: "...... ;( %&*$"

"Morale has just took a nose dive (SMFH)."

Jeremy Buck: "worst possible thing to happen to r locker room.

Tara wrote to Lethal: "Oh I hope this is just a rumor. Because I will miss you terribly."

[h1]Ziggler Not Happy With New Look[/h1]
Vickie Guerrero introduced the "new and improved" Dolph Ziggler on Monday's episode of RAW as he unveiled a freshly trimmed head of brown hair just before facing Evan Bourne. The former WWE World Heavyweight Champion is not thrilled with his new 'do as he wrote the following on his personal Facebook account the morning after the show: "I feel like 'bender' from Futurama, when they chopped off his antenna...."
[h1]R-Truth Gets Heat For Smoking From Anti-Smoking Activist, WWE Responds[/h1]
According to TMZ.com, anti-smoking activist Patrick Reynolds, Executive Director of TobaccoFree.org, is asking R-Truth to publicly apologize for smoking after his attack on John Morrison last night.
"For him to smoke in front of [children] is irresponsible," said Reynold. "At best, it's thoughtless, and at worst, if he calculated appealing to kids by posing as a bad-boy outlaw, it's evil."

The TMZ article also has a statement from WWE, which reads, "The negative effect smoking has on one's health and physical performance was a part of a storyline on last night's Monday Night Raw. Negative depictions of tobacco use on television are not unusual and can be seen on other TV-PG shows."

[h1]R-Truth Cigarette Segment Edited From RAW[/h1]
After R-Truth mercilessly attacked John Morrison Monday night on RAW, the WWE Superstar grabbed cigarettes from an "audience" member and blew smoke in Morrison's face. Earlier, The Shaman of Sexy derided his former tag team partner for his smoking habit and challenged him for his position in the title match at Extreme Rules, which he won. R-Truth's bit with the cigarettes did not air during the RAW broadcast in the UK.
Back in 2006, England decided to make smoking in a public area illegal. That's the reason for why people began chanting "That's Illegal". If people wish to smoke, they must leave the area and stand outside. This law has been in effect since 2006.

[h1]Paul Burchill Talks Time With WWE, Incest Angle Being Scrapped, TNA[/h1]
Former WWE superstar Paul Burchill was recently interviewed by "Final Bell Radio," here are some highlights:On his WWE debut almost being a disaster: I went out there and there's a freakin' rope hanging from the ceiling. So I swung down, went to the ring, climbed up to the top rope and stood on the top rope. As I stepped off I landed on the knee and it felt like it imploded. It was right in front of Vince and the first thing he said was 'are you ok?'. I said I think I blew my knee out. He said you might want to get that checked. All that day I got injections, it was just about getting through the match......I was told "you can go get your knee fixed but I can't guarantee there's going to be a spot for you when you come back. Yea, they look after their talent.

On why the Katie Lea incest angle was scrapped: They debuted us with huge plans for us, but they went PG two weeks later... and then you're just there especially on Raw with no real direction.

On an idea he had that was stolen and given to another diva/superstar: Katie was kinda feuding with Mickie James for the women's title. I'd pitched the idea to do the first ever combined titles ladder match. Me and Katie against Mickie and Kofi in a free for all ladder match. Whoever wins the belt, their [team] wins the belt. They kinda went with that idea, but with someone else. That was another example of those writers doing their jobs really well. They did a combined titles match and Santino and Beth won the belts. I actually thought a ladder match between the four of us would have been awesome.

On asking for his release: I went home and said to my wife, I don't want to go back and be like, I'm the guy that so and so needs to beat that week. I hadn't felt like a priority in a long time. The boss will love your work but you're not a priority so you kind of get left by the wayside. I was like, I don't think I want to go there and do that. I made a decision and I went to them and said I'd like to finish up and two weeks later they called me. I knew a year before what I'd do after. I made sure I was smart about it and I had a plan.

On if he'd like to work for TNA: I'd definitely be interested because that schedule is perfect. I enjoy a lot of stuff I see on TNA. I like TNA, I like the product, I like the people there, I have a lot of friends there. Where they get it right is they put people on the show and let them be themselves. It comes across a lot more real.
NTWT Pushing New Talent
Officials are pushing for new talent, for example bkmac, to enhance the mid-card division. There seems to be long term plans for a future feud with Club29. After NTKotR, officials are hoping for Club to give a good rub on bkmac. Plans are underway for a possible Club29 vs bkmac vs casekicks for the next PPV if Club is not victorious at NTKotR.
Cubano's Divas Championship Becoming Stagnant
There has been concern over the lack of competitors vying for Cubano's Divas Championship. Earlier plans had JNSQ challenging Cubano for the belt, but was scrapped to focus on Hombre Sais Quoi's match with DeekHouse for the Tag Team gold. Rumors are circling that officials are planning to scrap the Divas Championship into the NTWT Hardcore Championship; we'll have more information once we receive it from our trusted sources.
NTWT Reports Untrue

Despite initial reports of a possible triple threat featuring Club29 vs BkMac vs Casekicks, those plans have seemingly been dropped after Club29 flat out refused to to the angle.
"Unless the match was a 30-second squash in which I stacked one on the top of the other like pancakes and pinned them Chris Jericho style, it would never happen." Club would go on to mention "You dont go from main eventing the biggest show of the year to working a program with someone who JUST made the roster like, yesterday."
NTWT Reports Untrue

Despite initial reports of a possible triple threat featuring Club29 vs BkMac vs Casekicks, those plans have seemingly been dropped after Club29 flat out refused to to the angle.
"Unless the match was a 30-second squash in which I stacked one on the top of the other like pancakes and pinned them Chris Jericho style, it would never happen." Club would go on to mention "You dont go from main eventing the biggest show of the year to working a program with someone who JUST made the roster like, yesterday."
Originally Posted by Club29

NTWT Reports Untrue

Despite initial reports of a possible triple threat featuring Club29 vs BkMac vs Casekicks, those plans have seemingly been dropped after Club29 flat out refused to to the angle.
"Unless the match was a 30-second squash in which I stacked one on the top of the other like pancakes and pinned them Chris Jericho style, it would never happen." Club would go on to mention "You dont go from main eventing the biggest show of the year to working a program with someone who JUST made the roster like, yesterday."

Originally Posted by Club29

NTWT Reports Untrue

Despite initial reports of a possible triple threat featuring Club29 vs BkMac vs Casekicks, those plans have seemingly been dropped after Club29 flat out refused to to the angle.
"Unless the match was a 30-second squash in which I stacked one on the top of the other like pancakes and pinned them Chris Jericho style, it would never happen." Club would go on to mention "You dont go from main eventing the biggest show of the year to working a program with someone who JUST made the roster like, yesterday."

Originally Posted by mauriciogarcia

Originally Posted by 3dgarfly23

Spoiler [+]
muy pronto............................................................................



Spoiler [+]
bienvenido a los cuatro horsemen
Spoiler [+]
Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by mauriciogarcia

Originally Posted by 3dgarfly23

Spoiler [+]
muy pronto............................................................................



Spoiler [+]
bienvenido a los cuatro horsemen
Spoiler [+]
Spoiler [+]
Damn, all you gotta do is post a picture to be in the cuatro horsemen?

*breaks kayfabe

Due numerous PM's NTWT's SNME will be moved to the 29th due to Easter and passover. To all the atheists in the NTWT thread, I apologize.
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