Wrestling Thread April 18-24 | 4/23 The 2011 WWE Draft This Monday Night on Raw

It just dawned on me with the upcoming draft Monday and SD! losing its top face it would make sense to send Cena or Orton to SD! But we know this probably won't happen.
It just dawned on me with the upcoming draft Monday and SD! losing its top face it would make sense to send Cena or Orton to SD! But we know this probably won't happen.
Backstage Heat On Mister916
Mister916 latest actions have rubbed some of the NTWTers the wrong way. Many feel he's taking his gimmick too far, actually thinking he's above anyone else. Just before his IC win, he was known to hang out with half the roster in the usual rafter, but now he insists on having a personal locker room to try and get his new gimmick over. Many in the back feel it's too early to treat 916 as a main eventer, but officials are high on him at this point. Despite the fact that he doesn't sell any merchandise, 916 has not garnered any heat from long time friend JNSQ. JNSQ is known for actually taking the steaks and lobsters from the locker room after a promo shoot.
Backstage Heat On Mister916
Mister916 latest actions have rubbed some of the NTWTers the wrong way. Many feel he's taking his gimmick too far, actually thinking he's above anyone else. Just before his IC win, he was known to hang out with half the roster in the usual rafter, but now he insists on having a personal locker room to try and get his new gimmick over. Many in the back feel it's too early to treat 916 as a main eventer, but officials are high on him at this point. Despite the fact that he doesn't sell any merchandise, 916 has not garnered any heat from long time friend JNSQ. JNSQ is known for actually taking the steaks and lobsters from the locker room after a promo shoot.
JNSQ post = auto-win.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Bravo, Bkmac. Bravo.
So is this a sign of approval

   The fact that you're seeking approval like an obedient dog shows that you're not really cut out for this

Or probably wont make it further than a couple of wins over some of the no-name guys around here
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Bravo, Bkmac. Bravo.
So is this a sign of approval

   The fact that you're seeking approval like an obedient dog shows that you're not really cut out for this

Or probably wont make it further than a couple of wins over some of the no-name guys around here
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Bravo, Bkmac. Bravo.
So is this a sign of approval

   The fact that you're seeking approval like an obedient dog shows that you're not really cut out for this

Or probably wont make it further than a couple of wins over some of the no-name guys around here
Rookie mistake. Never seek approval. Especially with Club lurking. He's always looking for fresh meat to club.
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Bravo, Bkmac. Bravo.
So is this a sign of approval

   The fact that you're seeking approval like an obedient dog shows that you're not really cut out for this

Or probably wont make it further than a couple of wins over some of the no-name guys around here
Rookie mistake. Never seek approval. Especially with Club lurking. He's always looking for fresh meat to club.
Originally Posted by Club29

   The fact that you're seeking approval like an obedient dog shows that you're not really cut out for this

Or probably wont make it further than a couple of wins over some of the no-name guys around here
*picks up mic*


Club, Club, Club. The un-official NTWT bully. "Hey everyone, let's pick on the rookie!" That's your first mistake, because you see, I am no rookie. I am not "fresh meat.". In fact, I've been marinating for years now, lurking, waiting for the right moment to enter the NTWT, and I've finally realized my time is now.

Don't let my t-shirt deceive you. I am no jobber. I'll admit, I am something I much rather not be, but I have to face everyday. In fact, I'm not alone. Do you want to know what I am?


I'm tired of your weekly (hell, more like daily), rant of "It's shaping up to be Club v.s. 4Wrestling in the main event at the next NTWT PPV...the match the people want to see." I'm willing to speak on behalf of the rest of the company that we do not want to see this. I'll give you this though: entering a match with you does ensure a clubbing. What you don't realize, is that you club us to death with boredom. The people want bkmac! The people want HEAD!

When the time is right, I will see you in the ring. Is that what the people want to see? Maybe, maybe not. I'm not sure yet. But I can damn well ensure you that that is what I want to see. Because you see, when I get my hands on you, you will become a J.O.B. ... Just Another Body.


Originally Posted by Club29

   The fact that you're seeking approval like an obedient dog shows that you're not really cut out for this

Or probably wont make it further than a couple of wins over some of the no-name guys around here
*picks up mic*


Club, Club, Club. The un-official NTWT bully. "Hey everyone, let's pick on the rookie!" That's your first mistake, because you see, I am no rookie. I am not "fresh meat.". In fact, I've been marinating for years now, lurking, waiting for the right moment to enter the NTWT, and I've finally realized my time is now.

Don't let my t-shirt deceive you. I am no jobber. I'll admit, I am something I much rather not be, but I have to face everyday. In fact, I'm not alone. Do you want to know what I am?


I'm tired of your weekly (hell, more like daily), rant of "It's shaping up to be Club v.s. 4Wrestling in the main event at the next NTWT PPV...the match the people want to see." I'm willing to speak on behalf of the rest of the company that we do not want to see this. I'll give you this though: entering a match with you does ensure a clubbing. What you don't realize, is that you club us to death with boredom. The people want bkmac! The people want HEAD!

When the time is right, I will see you in the ring. Is that what the people want to see? Maybe, maybe not. I'm not sure yet. But I can damn well ensure you that that is what I want to see. Because you see, when I get my hands on you, you will become a J.O.B. ... Just Another Body.


Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Backstage Heat On Mister916
Mister916 latest actions have rubbed some of the NTWTers the wrong way. Many feel he's taking his gimmick too far, actually thinking he's above anyone else. Just before his IC win, he was known to hang out with half the roster in the usual rafter, but now he insists on having a personal locker room to try and get his new gimmick over. Many in the back feel it's too early to treat 916 as a main eventer, but officials are high on him at this point. Despite the fact that he doesn't sell any merchandise, 916 has not garnered any heat from long time friend JNSQ. JNSQ is known for actually taking the steaks and lobsters from the locker room after a promo shoot.


Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Backstage Heat On Mister916
Mister916 latest actions have rubbed some of the NTWTers the wrong way. Many feel he's taking his gimmick too far, actually thinking he's above anyone else. Just before his IC win, he was known to hang out with half the roster in the usual rafter, but now he insists on having a personal locker room to try and get his new gimmick over. Many in the back feel it's too early to treat 916 as a main eventer, but officials are high on him at this point. Despite the fact that he doesn't sell any merchandise, 916 has not garnered any heat from long time friend JNSQ. JNSQ is known for actually taking the steaks and lobsters from the locker room after a promo shoot.


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